Naim Uniti Nova PE edition

Very impressive. And have to say that Google Translate is impressive too!

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As one of the only Nova PE reviews out there at the moment I’ll allow the link.


Good read, thanks for posting it. And thanks Richard for allowing it to remain

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Pleased it is useful. Yes, allowing for Google Translate (which in itself is very impressive to me) I find the reviews from this source to be particularly fair and useful with (for me) the right balance of objectivity and descriptive language being used. Of course others may have a different opinion.

Thank you Richard for allowing the link.

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the Dutch website gave 5 stars to the Nova PE followingtheir review on may 12th.

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Review from Stereonet.

Will you allow that link Richard?


Yes, I’ll allow it.

What a dreadful review.

How can the reviewer say it sounds good when most of us here, thanks to the class D amplification, haven’t even had to hear it to know just how poor it really is?

Two good reviews so far, plus @BertBird 's positive Munich comments (in amongst many systems making the Naim cost little more than pocket money) but not a word from anyone here as far as I can see.

Very odd that there are no British reviews & seemingly little to no interest from the UK media & consumers. The same can also be said for Naim themselves. Again, seems very odd to me three months after the launch.

Of particular interest to me was the reviews mention of a new streaming board compared to the original Nova. Why are Naim making no big song & dance about this?

An upgraded pre-amp & headphone amp would have been welcomed.

I was slightly put off by the reviewers comment that, whilst better than the standard Nova, the improvements in the PE were perhaps not sufficient for existing owners to consider changing.

However, the review was certainly enough to make me want to hear one before dismissing it due to the type of amplification.

I hope more forum members will be rather more open minded about the PE. At least until they have actually heard one!


Yes, excellent review. I’m also a bit surprised by the lack of reviews in the UK press. Maybe we need to wait a bit more.

What I would love is a side by side comparison of, say, the Nova PE vs. 222/300/250NC. Would the former be an acceptable alternative to the latter for someone wishing to downsize?


It’s just too expensive for that design. Before even touching sq that should be a different chassis to hope for a commercial success. A niche of sub-10k all-in-one seems to be attractive though, but it should be a different product ultimately.

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The exact same thing was said when SuperNait3 was compared to SuperNait2 so nothing strange about that.

Especially since it is not an overall redesigned Nova 2.0 - as I understood from earlier discussions, “just” the power-amp part (and power-supply) is replaced.
So the summary “unless your speakers really benefit from the added power, don’t spend twice as much; especially, of you already have a Nova” seems rather… ‘expected’ or even intended to me.


What is wrong with current “chassis”?
And what do you mean by different product?

A mean design. You cannot just double the price for the same looking product. It has nothing to do with a sq, people will not buy that approach.

A way to solve that may be to discontinue original Nova, but who knows, maybe it’s a valuable entry point to the Naim world…

My dealer was skeptical so got the Naim rep to give them a demo. They felt the original Nova sounded better, and costs a lot less. Got the impression they were not going to stock it, unless a request by a customer.


Hmm, it happens with other products, e.g. cars

Yes, and there’re always minimum volumes of powerful sold vs basic. It may be an important selling factor within a strategy like BMW M3 (negligible volumes vs 3-series in general but supports sporty image) or Tesla long-range (in EV it’s all about the range overall). But Nova PE is not close to those examples :slight_smile:

That sounds like valid marketing thinking. But what about the users who have requested a moere powerfull Uniti box?

Not very Naimy thinking, 282/252, 82/52, XPS2/555PS in the classic livery), I have to look closely to distinguish the NDX2/ND555 where it is just the anodising. The NC doesn’t share this because there aren’t models with the same functionality except the stereo/mono power amps.