Naim Uniti Nova PE edition

I know, I was essentially agreeing with you.



serviceability should not be a problem for Europe as a legal obligation to provide parts in a 10 years range after closing the production of an item is already. The new Green deal even previews a much longer period of availability of spare pieces. Already super to know and to read here Naim is more than a superb exemple of serviceablility.


Why, when it is sold as something better? We have no idea of the production costs of eother, but the marketing cost is likely to be based on anticipated marketability.


That is so true. My specialist field is an area of Entomology. Recently someone posted something online which rather surprised me so I asked for the source. He replied with quite a long piece which he said he got from ChatGPT. It was utter bollcks from beginning to end.

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I’m watching Steve Guttenberg review the ATC SCM50 actives on YT and he’s describing the three onboard amplifiers powering the speakers and has this to say:

“Those three amps are not, underline not, class D designs which you see in nearly every active speaker. These are A/B amplifiers.”

Seems like there’s a power hierarchy here regardless of SQ.

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Seems like there’s prejudice


I just report what I see. No judgements.

But you interpreted the comment as power hierarchy!

Intriguing!… From that angle and distance, it looks as though perhaps I could indeed swap my Nova for a Nova PE without my wife noticing. smirk


This is good for an AI laugh:

Looks like Naim thinks CE series is the new thing… Maybe it’s just me but I feel more and more disconnected to the brand I’ve come to love. Maybe it’s me or maybe it’s naim. Or both.

It’s CI Series. CI = Custom Install.

FWIW it’s nothing particularly new for Naim. There was originally the NAP6-50 CI amplifier back in days when Julian was still around. Not many were made… Then we made a big push to crack the CI market with Naimnet back when I was working there around 15 years ago, but sadly, while the concept seemed really excellent, it was too reliant upon the Netstreams Digilinx system and was not a success. There were some benefits that came out of it though, resulting in the HDX which then led to the Uniti series and the NDS/NDX etc… Network players.

Hopefully Naim learned some important lessons from that - the latest CI range certainly appears to be far more compatible with all the different CI systems available.

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Just a little further back in their Instagram feed it looks like this

Which seems to be appealing to a very different market than the custom install buyers

Is it the case that they can’t push everything all the time?

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I think one could question if social media like Instagram is the go to market channel for custom install devices. Seems more like a B2B product that should have a life in another corner of the world. There must be hundreds of more interesting posts to make with all new HIFI products than a boring CI box. The engagement level on CI posts is super low compared to their traditional portfolio. I don’t get my head around how their marketing work these days. Maybe I need to jump the boat :man_shrugging: . Or log out.

Yeah, I do get that, the CI range isn’t typical Instagram fodder

Do people who might be interested in CI automation in their homes not visit Instagram?

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I’m sure they do, it wasn’t meant as a criticism, just that I would associate the marketing of a system meant to be out of the way with less of a visual channel. But I am certainly no marketing expert, as my assumptions show!

My post a few above was trying to show that Naim have posted about lots of their new kit recently, the NAIT 50, the 200 & 300 range, and classic kit still in production in the 552, all of which I’m sure look and feel like they luxury products they are. I don’t know who buys the CI kit, and if it is integration companies then maybe more of a focus on trade channels and advertisements? Again though, I know nothing about marketing, just my assumptions being exposed

*I was also trying to put a metaphorical arm around @Blackbird to say, “It’s ok, Naim still make their other stuff too, don’t feel too disengaged” - which seems to have backfired X) Back to the Nova PE, sorry!!

Naim sell their HiFi to dealers and distributors and CI kit to specialist CI installers. Some HiFi dealers are also specialist CI installers. The end users/customers in both cases are mostly the public, but with CI also sometimes businesses.


From this week’s New Yorker.

Note - hope I didn’t violate forum policy.

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Why do people think they know better than Naim? Don’t sell this. Don’t make that. Don’t advertise here. Why would anyone jump ship because Naim make CI stuff? I don’t want a lot of stuff that Naim make, but I’m not so conceited that I feel entitled to tell them what to do. But then there is a lot of entitlement around these days it seems. People need to get over themselves and realise that Naim is a company out to make great products and make money too.