Naim Uniti Nova PE edition

The answer to which has been posted several times on various threads, including by RD!

Because it takes development time?

From the post above yours:

I very much doubt it. Why would you think that??

IIRC the HDX ran on an embedded version of Windows XP, which, while perfectly fine for the time, is now completely obsolete.

“If you want to be picky.” - is not a sentence.


Seems a perfectly acceptable sentence to me. It’s not incorrect, it’s just informal - whereas “it’s creation” is definitely (or “definately” for some) incorrect.
We are, however, straying from the subject.

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Back on topic indeed: does anybody came across a picuture of the internals of this new model?

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I see what you mean and in the sense that you use the word facts I completely agree with you, nobody knows what the future looks like and who knows maybe one day we will all be sitting listening to a system with a class D gain and enjoying Too full…

… is not a sentence either :slight_smile:


If looking for power, the Nova PE seem particularly expensive for what it offers. You can get an Atom HE + a 500w/c. McIntosh MI502 for much less if you don’t mind having two boxes.


Recently I had the same experience. Looking around for a set of new speakers, a local PMC dealer made me a setup of the whole 25 range driven by a NAD M33 and a LYNGDORF TDAI 3400. After an extended listening session I can only conclude both all in ones drove the PMC’s with ease. Mostly impressed by the LYNGDORF. So I certainly look forward to experience the NOVA PE and hope to be surprised in a positive way. Just a bit surprised by the NAIM price setting, compared to NAD and LYNGDORF.


Well I heard it and wasn’t impressed. I don’t know if it was the Nova or the speakers or a lack of synergy between the two but it sounded emotionless. No joy, no tapping foot. No desire to upgrade. Granted a show isn’t the best place to hear it but surely there should be some wow factor.

Phew, we are there at last!

Absolutely, everything is relative as a famous man once said :wink:

Calling out a typing error which misused an apostrophe was a purposeful attempt to distract from the subject matter. The grammar police always seem to appear when they themselves have trouble disputing the facts of the discussion. I’m sure that the person acting as the grammar police will make a typing error sooner than later and will be shown the same level of pettiness by another member.



I loved the sound coming from the Focal speakers with the Star and they are on my list, Aria EVO X

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The question is, was it a typo, or ignorant use by the typist…, I have no idea, but usually the response to challenge gives the answer. But it has nothing to do with the thread subject (unless a class D grammatical error!)

I’m not sure why you are replying to me… Grammar police, eh?

Any new listenings or feedbacks on the PE anyone?

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