Nait 3R - Incoming

My mate had a Nait 3 before moving on to 102/HC/180. Really enjoyed listening to that Nait, a gutsy little amp, not the last word in refinement but full of groove.


It looks like it’s had the Nait3 split kit fitted. Originally the pre and power sections would have been linked internally, but IIRC, there was a dealer fit kit available to add the extra DIN4 socket to the power amp board. It’s now linked externally by the Flexi link plug


@james_n - Thank you. That explains it…!!

Assume that is the left most Link Plug…?

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Yes, that’s the power amp in socket. This would allow flexibility like the later integrated amps. You could use it with a Flatcap connected via a SNAIC5 to the middle DIN5 and then return the signal to the power amp in socket (left) via a SNAIC4.

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The Nait 3 was my first Naim amp. Partnered with a CD3.5 and FC it was a pretty special setup. Congratulations. What components with they be using with the Nait3? None of the Naits I’ve heard since have the magic the little Nait 3 has.


She already has a pre-loved Rega Planar 3 (with a Goldring MM) and an ex-dem Naim CD5si. Speakers are Wharfedale Diamonds. Amp is a Rega Brio, at present.

A nice little system - which hopefully, will become a little nicer still… :slightly_smiling_face:


Will be interested to hear your thoughts on the Nait3 vs the Brio. I have a Brio that my daughter was using with a P1 and my IBLs. Didn’t sound great to be honest as the IBLs really need much better up front. The Nait3 might work better with them being from the same era.


The Nait 3R will need to arrive and may need a service… :thinking:

But I will report back, when I can.


Outstanding. What is your partner going to pair it with?

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The Nait 3R has been delivered, to my partner… :slightly_smiling_face:

Testing expected either today or tomorrow… or both… :crazy_face:


My now ex-wife had a Nait 3 and a Rega Planet when I met her 23 years ago. I was impressed. Great little kit.

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I am going the opposite way around…

My partner had a ‘music centre’ style unit, but with Wharfedale Diamond speakers. This was upgraded with a pre-loved Rega Planar 3 and an ex-dem Naim CD5si (both sourced from a well know Leicester shire dealer…).

The Nait 3R is the next step… :wink:


The Nait 3R has arrived. And… its dead… :thinking:

Checked both the rear panel fuse and the mains plug fuse - both were OK.
There were no lights on on the front panel. Tried signals into several inputs - nothing.

This Nait 3R has been 'split - so its sections can be used separately, if the Link plugs are all removed. So… I did that - and fed a HiCap into its 5 pin 270 degree. Bingo. Lights on, responded to switches.

Have just now ‘inserted’ it into my system with HiCap and 250 - and its working. Yay…!

My guess is that there is something amiss with the Power Amp/PS section, which has killed the supply to the Pre Amp section. Powering the Pre section results in full function.

So… I think it needs to go north, to see @Darran at Class A, as soon as possible.


The Ser No is 113xxx suggesting a 1995 build. Probably never been serviced…?

Have now emailed Darran to arrange for him to look at it… :slightly_smiling_face:

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That’s a shame, Ian. If you have a spare SNAIC4 then you could replace the flexi link plug to see if that’s the issue (DIN5 link plug re-inserted). Otherwise, good plan to get it serviced. A very nice amp that should give years of pleasure once serviced.

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As I said… I have put a HiCap into the 5 pin 270 deg input and all is fully functional - as a preamp…

I have buzzed out the Flexi Link and all seems good with that. Same with the 5 pin Link plug.

I just tested pretty much all the remote functions, with it running as a ‘92’ - and they are all good. As its it little remote.

Will try to hunt out a SNAIC 4… :snake:
(I do have several, somewhere safe…)

As you’ve buzzed out the flexi link and DIN5 link plug and they’ve checked out, then it does seem to point to an issue with the 24v rail from the power amp board so no need to try a SNAIC4.

It’ll be interesting to see what Darran finds.

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I agree… Probably a dead Cap.

Just fixed an Idiot Error. A set of 522N Phono Boards were ‘included’ - they were rattling, loose inside the case. I refitted them, but managed to miss align the Right hand channel board - which then didn’t work. Checked - found 1 pin not engaged. Fixed. Working in Stereo now… :thinking:

Its a very nice ‘NAC92’… :open_mouth:

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My partners Nait 3R, running as an NAC92 (powered by a Hicap, into my 250) - with the bonnet open -

NB. The 522 N Phono boards at top left, now look ‘right’. I couldn’t work out why one looked out of line before… :thinking:

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