Nait 50 speakers

I do see your point. Following the source first principle (based on budget) it does seem a bit mismatched. However, in practice it might work very well!

My guess is that based on what’s gone before it is likely that the ‘hype’ regarding the Nait 50 will calm down over time and it will find it’s way into people’s second systems or those who want a simple system in a smallish room (and like the retro looks plus not fussed about a remote control).

It seems to me that, just like the hifi magazines, from time to time, on the forum ‘the giant killer’ product comes along e.g Hugo Mk 1, Kudos Cardea C10 which supposedly obliterates all competition. The fuss doesn’t tend to last that long though. Personally I think that you would be better of just putting a well balanced system together with a reputable dealer and leaving it at that. But each to their own…

Have you heard a Nait 50 in a suitable system and environment?

All I can say is that in 44 years of Naim ownership the Nait 50 stands out as one of my best purchases :+1:


I suspect they hadn’t. These comments always pop up when something genuinely good appears… I remember when the Hugo 1 appeared . there were loads of such comments … all going on about hype and hope it would go away … but that DAC all these years later still holds its own and largely introduced software defined DACs and FIR taps into the world of hifi… but there were many that were upset by the disruption and denied the advancement it brought… because it was too cheap, small, not conventional enough… you name it……


Your right that I haven’t heard it but that’s not really my point. I am sure it’s an excellent product as is most of the Naim kit and in a suitable setup (Russell Red K50) will provide it’s owner with year’s of enjoyment! For those who wish to match it with some Magico or Apogee speakers feel free…

Anyway, didn’t you recently have a Chord/ATC system. Why did you get rid of that? I have always been impressed by the Chord gear! Apologies if I have got you mistaken with someone else.

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Hi, I posted it else where… I down sized from my 552 system… I got disillusioned and was listening less… I swapped away from Naim amp to Chord Étude… still listening less… I thought I was finished with hifi… especially as this occurred with my creating and producing music… where you formally learn the techniques to manipulate sound to make it enjoyable, like time well, give pace and rhythm, be emotional, give intensity, add distortion… you name it… and it appeared I had seen through the hifi façade, and the bubble bust. Wind the clock forward…

I then later heard the Nait50 at my dealer after having stumbling across it on this forum I think … my curiosity was piqued … this sounds fun, not only on processed produced music but also choral and orchestral. Yes it was not super technical, but it appeared to focus on enjoyment over technicalities… something for the reasons above resonated with me more… listened to various speakers at price points and sizes at the dealer

I brought home on a demo… but felt my ATCs were masking some of the goodness and wonderful immediacy and subtlety the Nait50 brought in the upper mids that I had heard… so back to the dealer about trading in the ATCs… and he smiled… and said I wondered how long it would take or words to that effect…
We tried various speakers at home demo… I wanted stand mount … had quite a few bum steers including various of the very capable Dynaudio speakers… but they were not for me… in the end he said try these, the Russell K… I had tried before with the 100s but didn’t gel with me… too bright. I had reservations of the 50s because of the diminutive size, kind of just a bit larger than LS3a/50 speakers… but I had learned to disregard pre conceptions… so I brought a pair back for a multi week home demo… they worked well… not perfect, but they gave the immediacy I wanted and lovely low level transient detail… voices and noises sound like they are now in your room on a wider range of tracks, I could hear more creative production techniques… it was uncanny, and they provide beautiful tonal insight to my ears… oh it was gorgeous… yes the bass could be a slightly loose compared to the ATCs but much of that was dealt with room treatment, but not totally … but they were more extended in the bass in my mid sized room and importantly tuneful, and I could better hear my music as I had created it in my studio… another true test of an amp and speaker system are duets… where you can listen clearly to each voice in the mix hearing the performers own separate intonation… they passed. So I bought a pair… at least for the time being… and waved good bye to my ATCs… they had served me well for many years, but I had moved on.

I still use Chord Electronics sources… the DAVE and Hugo mk1 …. But I am enjoying my new Naim amp too… and importantly I am listening most evenings again now and finding it rewarding… to use that cliche I am rediscovering my recordings… wonderful.



To be honest I think this happens quite often with hifi. It’s all to easy to get caught up in the upgrading cycle or latest fad (downsizing?) spending more and more money and listening to your gear less and less. Btw I have done this!

Although the technical aspects of hifi are important I feel that at the end of the day putting together an enjoyable system is a bit of an art, hence my comment about finding and using a reputable dealer to put together a well balanced system that works in your room, which it sounds like you have done.

I have also found that just swapping out various bits of kit for the latest ‘must have’ product rarely works. Although I could appreciate the qualities of the Hugo 1, and Kudos C10 they didn’t work well in my system in my room.

I guess my point is it seems to me that the Naim 50 is in danger of turning into another of those ‘must have’ products which is a shame as I am sure when matched well, as you have done, it is an excellent bit of kit.

Anyway will leave it at that and for those who have to purchase blind for whatever reason, as Public Enemy once said ‘Don’t believe the hype’! Although I am sure in sympathetic system it’s a great little amp!

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Indeed never believe hype - use it perhaps to make you curious - but always listen and decide for yourself …


No need to patronise the Nait 50 : )

I almost did the same before I heard it at home.


Yep go listen to the Nait 50

I’ll leave it at that !


I bought my Nait 59 blind, as I would have bet large amounts that a Nait 50 was not going to be a reboxed XS3 as some have suggested.

About ten seconds after being switched on there was a discernible difference to my Nova , and in a good way.


Oops…wrong thread. Moving…

Yeah I will try and listen to one at some point. I do like the simplicity of it and the styling and suspect it sounds v good.

To be honest though I am pretty much finished with upgrading and swapping components etc. Might have to upgrade streamer as tech moves on.

Saying that I have got an original Nait 1 (red light) and some Kans in storage. Quite fancy getting that out of storage and serviced. Will need to buy a mid 80s LP12 to go with it though as sold my last one…Darn I thought I had beaten my hifi addiction but apparently not :joy:

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You are probably right. I have always had the propensity to “over speaker”. But the little 50 drives them very nicely. At low volume there is plenty of bass which is a way I’ve judged to see if a speaker is not getting enough power from an amp. I love my mullet system, which I use in my bedroom. It is perfect for late night listening before bedtime. Oh, and yes and did purchase the matching stands for the K1’s from ProAc.

Have you ever tried any of the Tannoy speakers like the Stirling GR-OW?

I listened to some a couple of months ago when I was listening to a Master Clock in a system and thought they were very good.

Very transparent and clear and highly efficient with 91 dB/Watt sensitivity, or the Turnberry DR-OW which is 93 dB/Watt sensitivity.


No… way back when I was a student I had a pair of Tannoy Mercurys … but I am not sure that counts… I must admit I am not usually into super high efficiency speakers, it’s the low damping and minimum or no cross over I have discovered I appreciate that gives a highly transparent and nuanced sound… but those Tannoys certainly look the part…

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I’ve had Tannoy Turnberry GR but unfortunately to big for my room. I went back to my Tannoy Legacy Eaton. Tannoy have recently updated the Legacy series with the SGS series. I’m sure GR, Legacy and SGS are all a beautiful match with the Nait 50. One thing though. I remember I had an issue with the hiss level with Turnberry which I never have had with Eaton. 89 vs 93dB. Now the Nait 50 is likely more silent than my older 552/500 but might be worth having in mind.


Too bad Naim didn’t put in a remote control, even if it’s minimal, just volume and mute.

My DAC/Streamer has a Leedh volume control. I have it deactivated but if the volume control is a make or break it deal……

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I’m quite enjoying the Harbeth Super HL5 (first version), but it’s taking some getting used to after my Klipsch Cornwalls left. Partly the size difference!

The Booker Ervin LP I’m playing has some really deep acoustic bass from George Tucker which the Nait/Harbeth pairing are coping with comfortably.

And yes, I’m much more concerned with the stereo than finishing the decorating :face_with_hand_over_mouth: