Nait 50 speakers


But not straight into the phono inputs of the N50?
Or am I missing someting?

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Don’t take things that personal but as advise, even people don’t want unsolicited guidance - they sometimes do and getting more happy after realising they become wiser.

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My native is not English as you might have guessed

Good point restock

Hadn’t thought of that one - much appreciated

Yes you’re correct Blackstar - still need the SUT I would think

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Using MC into the Nait 50 can only be done in two ways
1 SUT straight from the armlead into the MM input on its own.
2 MC phono stage into one of the line inputs
Only one of these at a time. :+1:t2:


I would add a third option…

Add the cost of a descent MC cartridge + the cost of a descent SUT + the cost of descent interconnects = $$$. Instead, get a superb MM cartridge! :wink:


Yes, I use a Rega P6 with Exact straight into the phono stage of N50 and it’s great.

I did try the LP12 into the aux socket with a Mayware adaptor and it sounded very good, but not as good as 52/135’s!


Yeah I know you’re correct cat345

Wishful thinking in my part :crazy_face:

Urika would have to be into one of the Line Inputs.

I tried many different step-ups (A23 regular and Hommage, Lundahl, Kondo, Cinemag) into tube phono stages (e.g. Shindo Giscours) which where they tend to work best - low noise, avoids solid state amplification. The step-up cartridge interface is critical - steps are not as universal and need to be carefully matched to beat something like a Superline.

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Let us know how you get on. Just remember, if it’s not meeting your expectation after a long evaluation there is a simple alternative: high end MM.

There are some very high end MM carts out there. Often the perception of the superiority of MC to MM is warped slightly by the fact that nearly everyone who does the comparison goes from something like a $400 MM to an entry level $800 MC and then never looks back. It’s not a meaningful comparison. There are MM carts out there brushing the $12k mark so it should be possible to find a simple no extra box solution for any high end turntable into a Nait50 (or similar).

I’m not for a second claiming MM is as good. But given any high end deck, it would be wrong to consider MM as not a valid option for serious replay.


Lot of people seem to like the Neat Petites. Any reviews of the Nait 50 with some Neat Motive SX2? My fear is it lacks the power the may want.

I believe the Nait 50 should drive some neat motive sx2 as easily as kudos x2 that I’m pairing with.

No worries driving the neat XS2 ‘s with the Nait 50 jpneat imo

I’ll ask my dealer who stocks both Naim and neat

I have the Nait 50 with Neat Petites - great combination, I know my dealer has used the Nait 50 with quite a number of Neats in their range

But would i be missing out on what a XS3 or Supernait 3 could offer?

The aesthetics would really make my household happy!

Opinions differ there, as you’d probably expect :slight_smile: There’s a What Hifi review linked somewhere where the NAIT50 and XS3 are compared.

Plus all the posts in here about the 50. I suspect if you want to change to the 50 for aesthetic reasons that you won’t be disappointed with the SQ. If you can listen to them side by side, great, give that a go. If you can’t then I wouldn’t worry too much about it. By all accounts the 50 is a blinder of an amp.

Yeah the Whathifi review was rather poorly written (in my opinion) and its descriptions didn’t seem to particularly resonate with quite a few on this forum including myself. I think there are better reviews that align better to the characteristics of the Nait50 out there.

I think with magazine reviews you do need to be careful, use them to whet your appetite, but for suitability you do need to listen and decide for yourself. Yes after a while across a range of magazines and blogs, you discover specific authors whom you learn to trust and they hear things in a similar to you, but until then I think you need to tread carefully with reviews… treat them like reading posts on this forum.

I think the biggest adaptation for the Nait50 which is its strength as well as its weakness, is no remote control. Ensure you can live with or work around it.


Great question jpneat

I have the Nait 50 and SN3 - since I purchased the Nait 50 I haven’t bothered to reconnect the SN3 back up, the Nait 50 is that good, very impressive

However I’ll be doing that over the next few weeks just to see how it compares

The SN3 has more shall I describe - weight and probably more depth but that’s not everything in the enjoyment of music

My view is the Nait 50 is perhaps one of the “best” Naim purchases I have made in almost 37 years of Naim gear, it’s a bargain and will go down in history :+1:


Has anyone compared atom he nap100 combo vs nait50?