Nait 50 speakers

Arivas are an excellent match for many Naim integrated amplifiers.


Just bought a pair of Harbeth Super HL5 from a friend. Once the work in my living room is finished this week, Iā€™ll try them out with the NAIT 50. Iā€™ve seen quite a few people using Naim and Harbeth together.


What a great match, itā€™s a real delight. I hope youā€™ll like the combo!

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Iā€™d swap the onboard DAC for a decent MC phono stage, but I believe that this is difficult, as the small space available is too ā€˜noisyā€™ an environment for such a sensitive signal.

(Iā€™m all right, Jack, as I have the rather wonderful Japanese-built Ortofon ST-7 step-up transformer which I found on an Oriental website!)

Exactly like mine wereā€¦ Iā€™m almost nostalgic.

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Can you educate me here please Graham

So with the step up transformer into the Nait 50 phono input

One does not need say a stageline or Superline anymore ?


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Correct. A step-up transformer steps up the voltage (and matches the impedance) from the MC cartridge to MM level. I use one with my own Ortofon SPU MC cartridge.

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Bevo, itā€™s a tiny little passive box. I will post a photo to this site, once it has uploaded from my iPhone.

Iā€™m rather surprised that there hasnā€™t been more discussion on this Forum from Members wanting to add an MC facility to the great little Nait50. My small system has an LP12/ARO/Troika, to which I hope to add an FM tuner and CDPlayer, if I can.


So what the Step up transformer does , is the end result SQ wise equivalent to a stageline or Superline ?

Brave questionā€¦ā€¦.

Ha ha - at the moment Iā€™m using the AUX input on Nait 50 for Superline/SCDR with Linn Kandid MC

The other input is used with NDX2

So only 2 inputs available with phono idle - just seeing if any way to use phono which gets me kind of close to SL quality

Maybe not

Hereā€™s the step-up transformer.


Matching the sound quality of the Superline+SC with a step up will be a challenge. There are really high end step-ups out there (e.g. A23 Hommage, Slagle, Kondo) but the limiting factor would then be the Nait 50 phono.

If you need a compact setup with your LP12 why not the Urika which is a great match to Kandid and works straight into the Nait 50?

Chord Qutest + Naim Nait 50 + Usher SD 500 = beauty. I recommend.

Vandersteen Audio VLR CT
Compact Bookshelf with Carbon Tweeter



G,lad to see that you have now been able to post pictures.

Sometime Iā€™m surprised how expensive kit $$$ people buy, and end up stacking, three boxes worth a fortune, on each other.
Not only will this create marks on top cabinet, the performance is likely to be reduced.


Thank you for your unsolicited guidance, or chastisement - whatever it was meant as! You must invite me to your home soon, so that I can reciprocate.

I am expecting a tall glass half-moon shaped table to arrive soon.


I donā€™t think it was meant as a chastisement, though I might have worded it differentlyšŸ˜€
But seriously it really is best to put space around items, and metal cases donā€™t make great supports at all.

Which is precisely why I have ordered something more suitable!

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