ND555 now in place

It’s a case of priorities if you have spare funds or budgeting if you want something.

So look I have spent alot. I have added it all up and I am happy with what I have for the money. Virtually everything is used or at demo price new. If I bought it all new it would cost more than double. I have got great deals in a buyers market.

It keeps me happy. Enjoy your system @Oxfordian. Other hobbies such as boating, cars are much more expensive.


I have a stack of three 500DR head units and the lowest one sits on a standard level off the lowest Fraim base which is empty - this is the coolest unit.
Then next-up is the 500DR sitting on a Medium level above - this is warmer.
Then next-up is the final 500DR sitting again on a medium shelf and it is not as warm as the one below, but not as cool as the lowest.

So like the three bears story, but probably the coolest is best! :bear:

The top 500DR then has a Tall Fraim level with the SNAXO box on it very top and that is as high as I want that Fraim stack to be going and only is OK because the SNAXO is very light.
I tried moving SNAXO to another stack to be lower, but it was then atop PS boxes and sounded awful.
I tried using a Medium level for the SNAXO to lower the height - even purtchased it and when my Dealer brought it around and we substituted it for the tall level - the Fraim looked better but sounded a lot worse we both agreed - so I got a refund! The Tall fraim allowed the presentation to open out with better bass detail - unexpected but there it was.

So a bit off-topic but it is good to try things and accept the configuration you enjoy the most, despite what others may think or even if it does not look the best aesthetically, but I got my system to listen to music and enjoy so that is critical to me.



Strange how my system sounds superb with my Snaxo above the 500 P/S’s.

If it does - then it does!

I found the very worst PS to be below the SNAXO was the Supercap powering it.
I spend many hours a few years ago pulling my system apart to make it all look neater and tried that - it was so awful I was concerned something was broken, in the harsh muddles glare it presented.
I spent many hours putting it all back to how I had it as now and was immensely relieved the quality returned. I learned that some configurations work very well or are acceptable whereas some just bomb the system; with the Supercap under the SNAXO it was not useable for me at all.

I also found the later design PS units like 555PS and 500PS do not cause the same effects, in my system.
Proximity of PS units does and with the 500PS, since I have three of these, do not work well all stacked on standard Fraim seperating them if you use an S1 Pre - as the Bass is bloated and over-powerful with lots of sub-sonic sound that made things difficult - but the same configuration with the 552 Pre was fine!

The S1 Pre resolves a lot more deep bass as anyone who tries it will confirm and that showed-up a problem elsewhere before hidden. Pulling the three 500PS apart with either Medium Fraim levels apart of using a spacer empty standard level drastically cleaned-up the bass and it is now superb and a joy to immerse with all the textures now there that were a bloated booming mess otherwise.

These thing are system-dependant and with smaller speakers not reproducing and injecting low bass into the room things may not have been an issue.
The 500PS I find needs some care to keep apart by more than a standard level from other supplies and boxes - if you have your SNAXO on a Medium or especially Tall fraim level above it the I’d expect things should work well, if just on a standard level then you may have more in your system to be revealed if you use a Medium or Tall fraim to get more of a gap from the 500PS.



Fair enough. My Supercap is at the bottom of the rack as it happens.

I will be reducing my box count by one shortly (when the Supercap and SNAXO are replaced with Kudos SIGAO) I could leave a blank Fraim level between P/S’s and Xover. You’ve given me food for thought again.

I learned a lot from your mains advise. My config is pretty close to yours with similar systems.

Pic from Signals event last year. I guess Alistair hasn’t been taking on board DB’s advise

I have put my PN next to my Core. That releases the level below my LP12. If my ND555 went there that would give me two standard levels to play with when I get the new xover. Would you put one below the 500 head units?


It is just information. I’m not claiming any particular status in this, but I do listen to the results of what I try and try to learn and think about what may be happening.
In the end it is for me getting the most out of the money spent and if arranging things some ways does that better and another waye a lot worse I use the better one.

I used to think this was a bit obvious, but observed many do not want to do this or not confidant so it is just informnation to consider more especially if one is dissatisfied and thinks it should be sounding better and does not want to begin with an immediate chasing upgrades or often ‘sidegrades’.

I’ve not the Kudos active filter - if optimised for their speaker it has a good chance of being superior, although the ‘Naim sound’ is very much in how the supply and regulator wiring solution is implemented so hopefully the Kudos will be neutral and open-sounding with their own configuration used.

I always carefully audition every change and only make a change once I am happy things are better and I amy enjoying my music more before being content to accept it and purchase.



As to the ND555 - it was way-better than the NDS I had on home demo for a while and had decided it was not good enough compared to my then CD555 which was my reference source.
The NDS was very good, but had some issues with presentation compared to the CD555 which made it for me not a clean replacement for my entry into streaming and away from CD replay.

The ND555 was a different experience. In my shop demo with the one 555PS it sounded like a better version of the NDS but I was a little disappointed - but then adding two 555PS onto it (as I had already at home and used for my NDS demo) and the performance took-off and it was for me miles better. Everything opened-out and was far clearer and the bass was more solid and better-resolved. It sounded as though it had been designed with using two PS as an upgrade in mind, whereas the NDS did not gain (for me) the same performance-lift with two PS as the ND555 did.

Then later finding that a better quality HiFi Ethernet switch further improved things was a further significant upgrade. I use the ER switch with a small Linear PS. I tried the PN switch on home demo for a week but could not get it to work well in my system as the ER switch did.



Always appreciate your posts, informative and helpful……without the “religion” that some people have👍


I found the 500 sounds better not on the Fraim base level and better on any level up from that - I use the standard level.
That also gets my Burndies off the floor and helps cable-dressing, as the 500 does lose a lot of performance when the Burndy touches the floor.

The experience of the 500 off the lowest Fraim base level was a cleaner faster sound. We tried this in a couple of other systems and the same result.
Some boxes, like the PS boxes, work well on the Fraim base level shelf but I find keeping it empty (with the glass on it) on the non-PS stacks gives a better result - it sounds clearer.



The NDS is very good, but doesn’t approach the capability of the ND555. For me, no question.


I don’t agree. I swapped a 52 for a 552 in (I think) 2001, and it is the best single improvement I’ve ever made in my system. It’s still singing , more than 20 years later.


AFAIK a ring circuit has been the standard advice of Russ Andrews for years.

But I’ve mainly just seen one (or more) radials favoured on the forum as a mainstream choice.

Have you compared your ring with a radial yet?

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Music is music.

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Good to hear that the EtherREGEN can compete with PN switch.
Is that bare or with external clocking?

I’ve also recently had PN at home for a week and cannot make it work. Bit to coloured for me. In a system/room tilting to the bright side I can understand it works very well. It has a beautiful multilayered bass but lacks micro details, air, space in the mids and upwards IMO. I decided to go with Ansuz D2 Powerswitch and D2 ethernet cable instead. It has transformed my system :pray: Amazing what a good switch can do with streaming.


Yes I have. In a straight dog fight between a 4mm ring and a 6mm radial the RING wins for better sound quality IMO.

Other than that the 500(s) defo likes it’s/ their own wall socket(s), SMPS’s and the Krad2 are best fed from a different supply to the amp and streamer supplies which are best in a block or hydra forming as DB referred to it as an “island” for them. The S1, surprising to some maybe, sounds better in the “island” than in its own wall socket.

As I decided to install one ring with two double sockets and two double socket radials I could try several permutations. The “island” in my case is in the form of a Chord M6 block.

The “island” on the ring with 500’s on the radials caused a constant modulating low volume hum through the speakers so I abandoned that quickly.

Both the “island” and 500’s on the ring and putting the 500’s on the ring and “island” on the first radial sound fab. Integration remains great with the latter and the sound appears to be more spacious. That’s how I have it now. If I had only one power amp I’d go with a double socket ring for everything bar those noisy SMPS’s.

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Having had both i would ssy in my system it certainly didn’t.
I had it on a separate power supply, which did inpove things slightly, but no clock.
Maybe with a much better power supply than the one i used ( mine was a £400 range) a clock with its own power supply. Then Maybe it could be better?
But then you will have a right mess, lot’s off cables between them, plus 5 boxes. Plus i guess much more money than a PhoenixNet anyway.

But you can only try yourself really and find what works for you.

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This is how the Manfucaturer Lejonklou recommends setting it up (European grid which I believe is different than UK grid). Technically I don’t get it since the wall socket is connected to the same wires and point going to left and right.

Lejonklou wrote
"I’d like to mention that Ubiquity AmpliFi HD mesh routers are now back in stock at many retailers in Sweden.

I highly recommend this unit, because not only is it the best sounding router we’ve tried so far (regardless of which streamer you are using, it just sounds very musical), but the WiFi it provides has also proven flawless. I’ve never had a router that was this simple to install and free of trouble. Never had to restart them, never upgraded the firmware, they just work."

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