ND555 now in place

Is that a dating app Stu? Is that why you are loving life? :rofl:

@Dunc has been brave and bold in his decisions and says exactly what he hears. He has caused outrage from some because of it. But he has sought after the sound he wants.

The dCS route is what he has taken and many other changes. And I think that is great.

For me I always wanted what I have and now I am very happy with it. Job done.

You either go one way or another. What Dunc has done is go further and delve deeper as he wasn’t happy with the 500 series. Good on him.

We are all different, but in some ways the same. He still cares enough to be on this forum.

He is a good guy and so are you all!


Tracker is excellent
My favorite MK album is Golden Heart


If you really believe your off brand power supply is as good as a 555DR, then why isn’t the 555DR being sold? That would put a few grand back in your pocket after buying another off brand power supply. Actions do speak louder than words, no?

Hi @Dan_M
After 7 years of using a single 555DR with my NDS, with both outputs used, last April, I introduced a separate non-Naim supply for socket 2, with just the 24v rails for the Analogue output stage. I kept the 555DR on Socket 1 as multiple rails are needed for the Digital circuits.
However, in my book, this was better than a 2nd 555DR for socket 2 where most of the 2nd 555DR is not being used, and allows for optimization of supplies being used for Analogue circuits.
This change had a big effect on the SQ coming from the NDS. I also introduced silver mains cables on this supply and Purple fuses in the plug and the supply itself. I have also change most of the fuses used to Purple ones, and internal fuses too.
Please reread my past posts with this context, as I look to optimize the overall power supplies used in my system and look to improve those used with Analogue circuits.


This is very interesting. Like you, I don’t think 2 555PS is the best use of the components. Im thinking though whether to upgrade cabling on a single 555PS before adding any other second PS to get the best out of the 555PS first.

Is Jeff’s guitar neck fitted in non standard way?
Sorry way off topic

I mentioned above that a DCS front end left me cold and at a recent show.

I have also had in my system at home a DCS network bridge, a DCS dac, an Auralic Vega, Chord TT, Chord Qutest, and BS Node.

The node was the worst of all.

But all of the above made my system sound worse than the Naim streamers and dacs that I had at the time.

I have had all-Naim systems including Naim speakers for 20 years.


Jeff’s signature Strat guitar with left-handed neck - tuners are in reverse order which reverses the tension of the strings, making the high E and B strings much easier to bend and the low E and A strings more percussive and bright - think Hendrix.

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Ss said at that show the guy used a dCS Rossini dac, and the innuos statement.
This was used to feed 4 different systems, using 4 different Amp’s and speakers, one using naim.
This gave 4 very different sounds, and that is why it was done.
But if you think the current range off dCS dac’s are cold, then really you need to hear them in a correct system, as they are among the top few at making great dacs, as you will easily find out if you want to, and why so many top end systems use them.

It’s all systems matching to your taste :yum:

I was also a bit hesitated when adding second PS.
When you plug in only one Burndy - in the PS there are rails unused.
Do they suffer from being unused?
Do they alter differently?
I took the second 555ps, which was used in double ps setup from the beginning, the same way as the original owner had done. Exchanging them (even both 555psdr with nearly identical age) will also have an effect. But I stopped there … :smiling_face:
Better PS on analog circuit sounds reasonable for me


Maybe you are already aware, but if not, you can buy the legs and bolts separately, which is obviously way cheaper than buying a complete level. Then you can swap around and not end up with spare wood, glass, and the various metal bits.


The thinking is, is that the 1st 555DR Power supply, just for Socket 1 where the 24v rails are not used, gets better, as there is less load on the transformer.

If you are using a 555DR as the 2nd supply for Socket 2, where just the 24v rails are used and the other 4 voltage rails are unsed. Of course, if you have a supply that only provides the 24v rails, it can be optimized to provide this supply.

Yes, there are further improvements in smoothing & voltage regulation to reduce noise etc.


Thanks HH. I was aware, but good for everyone to know that you can just buy the legs and bolts. It’s also alot cheaper as the wood and glass are expensive.

I have also bought used Fraim with silver legs and managed to part exchange just the legs for black ones.

Hopefully with the taller shelf above the 500DR it will allow some more air flow as it gets warm.

Mine 500 also gets warm - especially the warm days under the roof.
I do have 3x sets of long Fraim legs but stacking plus cables won’t allow more that medium.
But - checked for fin the system pics and most of the people here with 500 have it in medium Fraim - except blackbird :joy:, who put in on throne.
During real warm days I put a small silent fan in the vinyl shelf blow8ng from side :smiling_face:. But I don’t think that getting warm is problematic - but streamer above also gets warm at hot days … also no problem :wink:

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Top surface on my 500 non DR head unit is 29C with room temperature at 21C. Playing soft. 500PS is 25C.

DR means more heat or?

My 500HU wants to be on a throne and I shall obey :crown:. I have many months back bought tall legs to move it down but haven’t found energy to mess with the whole setup. And I always become happy looking at the 500 top shelf so it seems like it will sit there for some more time :slight_smile:

My warmest box is the NDS.

(I have a laser thermometer cause I have an Ooni Koda 16 pizza oven :sunglasses:)

I believe it’s made to be looked at, not hidden in a shelf.


Mine also sits on top shelf - pride of place visually and, as the fans generally activate before very long - the best for ventilation.


Not to mention … no need to purchase new legs … :slight_smile:


There are fans inside 500?
