ND555 now in place

Íve got another track recommendation for you Dan
Coming from left field this one.

Gino Soccio album Closer. Track 1. “Try It Out”. With our systems it boogies big time. Worth a listen.


Didn’t know one could. How much was it?

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About £60 including VAT. When I bought it it was well packaged but in non Naim box. I want.new owner to have the best.


I think that’s very reasonable tbf.


Reasonable cost :+1: And you get it with a sticker with your NDS details on it too I guess?

Will check it out. Just listening to my usual wind down music at moment!

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No. I think it will be just a new NDS box. I haven’t asked for stickers and dealer doesn’t have serial number. I am selling it and the NDS won’t go for high money. New remote, new screen, new fascia, new box should help sale though. Otherwise I have to faff buying insert packaging and it will never be quite right. Easier to just get a new box. Job done.

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Not checked in much on this forum tbh, but my goodness you’ve made some changes. Do hope your enjoying it all. Not seen your health stuff for a while, how you hanging in?

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Your credibility goes up with me Dan following the DS purchase.

Unfortunately for you, judging by many comments from those here with much better tastes than mine, it has just plummeted with many forum members!

Try asking Naim to play it on their Statement system & see what reaction you get!

Actually, it may well be illegal to play DS on a Statement…

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What do you mean by DS purchase?

Dire Straits :blush:


Yes Dire Straits are amazing!

I am fairly eclectic with my musical tastes. Electronic music, New Wave, Synth Pop, Progressive, Metal, Classic Rock, Dance, Techno, Drum n Bass.

My 19 year old daughter has to help me out with the different genres! For me I like what I like. I will listen to anything and have an open mind. But then I revert to type normally!

Some Blues rock. Not massive Jazz and Classical man, but I do appreciate it and listen to, on odd occasion.


Health wise finished chemo. 3 scans just done. Looking at liver resection to remove one lesion. One lesion on liver has disappeared. Lesion on lung looks stable. So fingers crossed just one lesion on liver to be removed and then I have clean slate.

Recovering from chemo. Hair growing back very slightly.

I am loving life and having fun! Living every day as it comes and enjoying it!


Not too worried as my tastes are mine. I can’t really help what I like and don’t like.

I like lots of music. If I loose cred with some, I gain with others.

I am the man that I am. Dan the 500 man! :muscle:


My taste is very similar eclectic :blush:

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You are such a role model :+1:


Thanks my friend. I have nothing to loose and everything to gain. If you look at life that way it makes things win win!


Do neighbours approve? :smile: :drum:


Perhaps on your Naim visit……as it is your special day…….ask to play “some” of your favourite music in advance. Naim demo music is an acquired taste……perhaps @Richard.Dane can help?

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OH YEAH! My neighbours adore me and my antics over the years :muscle:

Who wouldn’t want a Techno loving, loud music loving party animal? :rofl: