ND555 now in place



I’m with you Dan. Not too worried about what others think of my exquisite musical taste!

I also acknowledge that people will have different tastes to me & good luck to them, perhaps I can discover new music through them.

What I dislike is the somewhat snobbish attitude (‘if you think that’s good you can’t be a real music lover’ kind of thing) that comes through re. certain artists. Of my favourites, Genesis & The Eagles easily come to mind. Even Clapton on occasions, although most of the dislike seems to arrise due to some of his personal views, not his music.

I think that if they don’t like my favourites, it’s them that are missing out. I’m sure they are thinking the same about me. I happily except that tastes are different & never look down my nose at anyone differing from mine.

As already said, I hope that they can open my ears to new artists/music.


Glad to hear. In fact Im delighted. Keep having fun sir.

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Correct! :muscle: :+1:

Would love to hear your latest trick and brother in arms blasting out on the new system.

I take it you’ve done it already?


I was a drummer when I was younger, so I listen out for the drums.

Paul Motian, Jack DeJohnette, Mitch Mitchell, John Bonham, Jojo Mayer, Roni Kaspi, especially on this:

I recently bought a secondhand Syndrum kit for my son, so I’ve started drumming again on that.

Daniel Humair kicks ass too!

Check out the drum solo in this:


Yes Dire Straits are amazing!

They’re my “dirty little secret”. I listen to BIA when no one else is around.

I think we have similar tastes. e.g. I like The The: Infected, David Silvian, Deep Purple: Made in Japan, had my life changed by the original live broadcast of Paul Oakenfold’s Goa Mix, bought Goldie’s Timeless when it first came out, adore Porcupine Tree and have seen Opeth live three times.

Bets wishes on your recovery,

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I agree Simon, my previous set up ND5XS2 > DC1 cable > NDS 2 x PSUs, network: router > Netgear GS108 > EE8 > Farad Super 3 > Audioquest Vodka into ND5XS2 sounded brilliant.

So the ND555 is better, but not much in it. For me I got a great deal on the ND555 and selling some of my kit has gone a long way to fund it.

The network and 2 PSUs really made the NDS shine and the ND5XS2 made it fully compatible with latest streaming apps.

I am glad I have followed the route I have and also being able to share my experiences on the forum of the differences and what’s the best way to go.


I am just listening to The Best of Dire Straits now. Been out and about last few days. The production is superb. On my LP12 this is sounding so so good.



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On Qobuz, try Tracker (Deluxe) Mark Knopfler

24-Bit/192 kHz

This is an amazing album imo however the recording and mastering is phenomenal. Try it on the ND555 :grin:


It’s good to have top-flight Vinyl to compare to. For a long time, Digital playback was far behind the Analogue playback, in my system, but it has been crawling it’s way up, with each upgrade. Now, recent digitally recorded material locally played HiRes is very close to the LP.
For older AAA pressings, Vinyl still has it, even when there has been remastering undertaken. But modern ‘specialist’ AAA pressings are just that - special.

Where does one go now - improve the Vinyl, given the investment/value of the records collected over the last 40-years. Or further improvements to the Digital side given the 7,000+ Albums stored locally (nearly 70% HiRes) and the availability of streaming services?
Instead of going ND555, the next step is further power supply improvements for Socket 2.

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How are you going to improve the power supply on socket 2? I have the same as you I believe at present on socket 2 and don’t think the 555PSDR will necessarily yield any improvement.

The 555DR is now only on Socket 1 (Digital) with a 2nd power supply on Socket 2 (Analogue)

I have been improving some of the DC Power Supplies in my system for some time.
On the EtherREGEN switch I went with a Farad3, but I was looking at a Sean Jacobs DC3.
This supply can now be upgraded to a DC4 Lite level, with the same DC4 RECAP modules as the full-spec ‘reference’ DC4 supply. You can also get it wired with Mundorf’s excellent silver-gold hybrid wire. This seems to have a particular benefit on Analogue electronics.


It will be interesting to see how you get on with upgraded Sean Jacobs DC3 power supply.

Is Socket 2 the more important one for the ND555?

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I’m on Expresso Love

Loving it :sunglasses:

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Haven’t read all of this thread, it’s too long!

My takeaway

@Dunc is a big dCS fan. He’s been through an incredible journey which I’m in awe of. He’s found his happy place and despite moving on from the Naim love-in that this forum inevitably is, he remains a valued seeker of great sound.

Others say the dCS presentation leaves them cold, and I’ve never heard it, but I respect their opinion every but as much as Dunc’s.

I’m sat here listening to my (almost) 500 system and I’m loving life. And it sounds amazing.

But I’m also very curious to hear a dCS system…



I really appreciate your post but …

You haven’t actually answered the question. Are you changing power supply on socket 2?

I think socket 1 is where best PSU should be. But will be interested in others thoughts. I am happy with my PSUs but am considering 555PSDR on socket 2 as well. Maybe more for completing the Naim system and looks rather than SQ to be perfectly honest. Is it worth it though? Looking at £4250 minus maybe £1800 for selling existing PSU for no real sound quality difference. Maybe sound not as good!

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