ND555 now in place

Yes, I am just considering a Clock unit, but yes further boxes and leads. Plus then the overall cost spent is more than a PN, but I did get my EtherREGEN in 2019.

You can also then start to spend rather too much on all the cables you will also need.
But i do feel the etherregen was good, just a shame they run very hot

Yes, which is further reason for my consideration here. Plus a very technical minefield.

My EtherREGEN is tucked away at the back of the racks, but in free air, so I don’t get to see if it is too warm or not. But no issues in the the last nearly 5 years. Mine was from the first Production batch, so if there going to be issues it is normally the first run of anything.
If you are worried, there are 3rd party heatsink kits, see one from AfterDark.

There is a revised model in the works, mainly because some of the parts used became unobtainable and deprecated over Covid. This Mark II model may be in a bigger case with improved circuitry over the initial design. Though personally I won’t need Gigabit or STP cage for optical on the B port, as the NDS is only a 100Mbit electrical connection.

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That is essentially what I found as well - the PN lacked the details and dynamics portrayal abilities of the ER switch in my system. The signature the ER presents is strongly influenced by the PS used with it. I tried a few larger supplies but the best was a small old linear Coutant supply I had from my work days dating back to the 70s - very old-school look and I put it on initially as a bit of a joke, but it sounded so great it has stayed.

Not yet tried external clocking. The ER in my system is just plain better than the PN switch and it was a relief to put it back in after the demo. The ER gave far more micro-detail and does space and scale better. The complaint of the ER is that it can sound ‘ragged’ in HF but I think this is system and cables used dependant to a large extent.

As I have improved my source-end components I found that the high frequencies became far better portrayed and previous tendencies to any harsh effect went-away and instead revealed another layer of detail. The ER lets you hear that better and if your source and other components are not adding any edge then you just hear more detail and sense of dynamic scale as notes extend and finish fully.

Once I find a solution of a set of components that works well with my system I tend to settle with that and explore my music with that, rather than searching for improvements.
I’m always up for improvements but I find the are not always or even usually straightforward to aquire and need careful demo before I make any changes.



Strange how different and not different the results are.
As ever, it is not the switch alone - also the Ethernet cable. Completely agree that the PN is on the warmer colored side - and not on the „details first“ side.

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Was the PN already burned in ? Because it really needs 2, 3 weeks, 24/24, to open, gain air and Prat and a well balanced sound. Before it’s a bit congested with a too prominent bass.

Yes 1000 hours on it :+1: Great product, just a different flavour :slight_smile:

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It was a demo unit afai remember from @Blackbird
PN has different agenda as others - and there are some systems and rooms (like ours and cohens …) who have great profit of it :blush:
My room is under the roof witch very high sceling on top - lit of air over my head and tiled floor … a more bright and analytical one.
When I moved here more than 20 years ago my first impression was - ops , no bass and more details


Totally agree with you.
For me the one box solution, that already had a fantastic power supply built in was for me the winner.
I also know that with the lovely Mundorf capacitors that the power supply has, takes a long while to burn in, so does that clock.
So you have to be very patient with it if new, or hardly used.

But the details are certainly not held back in my system with it, nor are the dynamics.
I tried to remove it and sell it a few months back, but it went back in, as the difference wasn’t to my liking


Nearly all „official“ reviews tell the same. All very good, with a seriously good overall presentation with more focus on groove.

When I first heared it I felt it has a naimish sound - with which I meant the Olive one, with focus more on groove than on details!

Playing this now. Good title :smile:

Jawdrapping how real it sounds. I almost applaud when the song was finished :smile:

What I like is I can play really loud and the sound just get better. The dynamics and PRaT with Ansuz is crazy good :pray:

There is no doubt that the ansuz is perfect - the cable alone is near the price of an PN :smiling_face:
I am that I am not fiddling these days. As I really like this dynamic focus (like vodka or diamond) and the sheer speed it brings.
There was a peak of that with 552/135 and vodka. Edgy and fast.
With 500 it was even faster - as sigma told me too fast.
Sigma is somewhere in between - relaxed and not hasty speedy but far from slow and airy detailed but not without fine colour
You always have to find the best spot between fast dynamics and emotional connection… not easy :smiling_face:

The cable new is like 2000EUR. I got it for half that price. The PN here new is almost 4000 EUR today. I got Powerswitch and cable for much less than a new PN :blush: Mint condition.

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Tasty price for d2 :blush:
My PN was before last ridiculous price jump - 3k
For sigma I payed full price of 2k and it is still a good price for what it gives.

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Yes PN was not long ago below 3k here to. Crazy indeed.

I believe Sean Jacobs had a hand in the power supply used on the PN, and his Power Supplies, CHC DC3, DC4, CAP, XPS, 555 are just fantastic.


He indeed makes them, along with the new statement.
But his power supplies are really as good as it gets, and the ones i have used, have always been fantastic sounding as in very quiet.
I certainly wouldn’t swap out his power supply for anything else, if you know what i mean.

I did ask him years ago about making a one off power supply for me, basically 2 separate power supplies to power one bit off kit i had at the time. He was willing to do it, but never got round to it, but i did have his single box power supply to run it, and it was fantastic.


Yes, the one that provides 24v rails I have, which is a DC3 based design has really changed the presentation within my system. That’s why I am considering upgrading this to the DC4 Lite specification.


In PN there is (to a very huge amount) a dual rail dc3 inside - Sean wrote me.


When you say it’s changed the presentation in your system I’m assuming you mean for the better? Hence why you want the next model up? What is it you are powering?