NDS remote not working after new screen fitted by Naim

The front panel play button starts the test & stop stops it. You can’t use the Atom remote as it doesn’t use IR.
After you press the front panel play button, press some remote buttons. See if some numbers appear where it says None in you picture.


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Yes, that is what I did. Nothing appeared to change.


Ok - try the 552 remote. If that doesn’t produce any numbers, then it looks like the NDS has a fault. :frowning_face:


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Will do. Thanks for your input.

Now to retrieve the 552 remote from the loft!


There is a mod that may have been missed while it was with us. See here: Nds remote has stopped working

It will be covered under our repair warranty though, so you may as well return it.


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Continuing the discussion from Nds remote has stopped working:

Pity they didn’t modify it and test it on bench before sending out.
QC :-1:t2:


No crisis. I have emailed support. I have always had great customer service from Naim.



I had same problem. And the fascia was damaged! Back to your dealer. The remote sensor is behind the screen and can get dislodged when replacing the screen. It’s held in with glue or tape apparently.

Mine took about 4 months to sort out!


I had the same problem some years ago after NDS went in for a new screen. Reported on here and via support. Never got sorted. Have to use two remotes, one for the NDS and one for the pre. Apparantly this ‘never happens’ and is ‘unheard of’. Hey ho.

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Why didn’t you take it up with your dealer who organised the service for the new screen? That would have been the correct course of action for getting it fixed.


I would have gone back to the dealer, that’s where you paid your repair costs?..…they are the ones to sort it out …….

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I have informed my dealer and Naim support. Awaiting action. I am confident it will be dealt with.



I did, they had no idea and told me to contact Naim support…

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Naim support have given me a slightly different key sequence to try to reset things. Not had a chance to try this yet.

The forum is almost right. It’s the ‘almost’ part that has stopped the remote pairing.

To pair your remote, please follow these steps.

Start your NDS and allow it to boot up. You don’t need to do anything during start up.

When the NDS is on, press the Aux - i - Disp buttons on the remote simultaneously.

Then press - Aux - i - 1.

If ‘1’ doesn’t work, repeat the process with ‘2’ - i.e. Aux - i - 2

The Aux - i - Disp command puts the remote into program mode, but without the other part (Aux - i - 1), it will not know which set of IR codes to use.

After pairing, simply leave the remote, it will lock the codes automatically.


With my NDS, the screen failed. So I got a replacement one fixed by Naim. The NDS came back and remote didn’t work at all. I told dealer and informed them of the remote not working and an additional nick on fascia. There was one on top of unit already.

It took some time but Naim managed to source a replacement fascia and the unit returned with the remote working. So my NDS looks better than when I bought it used.

Minimal time was spent with the unit being away from me and was only sent off when Naim had a solution with the fascia.

Obviously there is going to be quite alot going on in the communication chain with problems like these. Ultimately I am very happy with how Naim and Audio T Brighton dealt with a difficult and at times frustrating situation.

It seems to me that there are quite a few problems with NDSs coming back after having screens replaced with remote not working. This is an issue for Naim servicing and needs to be addressed. Quality control to ensure that once screens are fitted that remotes work.

I am very happy with new fascia. They managed to get hold of a redundant unit where they could replace the front fascia panel. So overall well done Naim! It took about 4 months to get resolved.

These things are never straightforward!

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I did push this along, it has to be said. And the dealer pushed it as well. These things are very frustrating. I was using the NDS as DAC only so wasn’t so bad. And when away I had my ND5XS2 which made things bearable.

Ta for that. Will give it a go!

I was told this. It turns out that the remote sensor becomes dislodged from the screen normally and then it can’t read the remote. Held in with glue.

Anyway I had months of this and trying to explain it all over and over again.

A bad memory. All sorted in the end.

Thing to remember is this: what’s pertinent and important to you, noone else really gets. Push to get it fixed with your dealer. This was the flagship streamer. And it’s a special piece of kit. Looked after and with new screen will be good for quite a while until screen goes in 10 years!

Well, I tried it and it gave me control of the 252 - yay! Unfortunately, it now won’t control the NDS. So I now have two remotes for the 252 and none for the NDS - boo! Anyone know how to get the blasted thing to control both the 252 and the NDS? I know it can do it, as it did it before it went to Salisbury. Failing that, anyone know how to get it to control the NDS again, at least I will have a remote then!

Have just spotted this thread and am willing to put in my penny’s worth…

My hunch is that, whilst replacing the OLED display on the NDS, the small ribbon cable that links the combined logo/remote sensor to the front panel board has not been reconnected correctly and thus the sensor is not transferring the IR codes it receives across to the streamer.

Either that or the logo/remote sensor itself has failed and needs replacing.

Having undertaken “OC” logo replacements (NB there are three different versions btw) on various Naim products many times over the years, this is a simple enough job for any competent technician.

Just remember to fit the NDS’s suspension locking screws before turning the NDS upside down to access the outer sleeve’s Allen bolts!

Hope this helps.

Basically Sound