NDS remote not working after new screen fitted by Naim

Bruce, this is all very odd. I’m 99% sure that the Uniti remote, which is what works the NDS, cannot control a separate preamp unless you have system automation set up. I’ve just scoured the manual and it says the same there. You are far more intelligent than me, but are you really really sure that you didn’t have a system automation cable in place? If you didn’t, I’m at a loss to understand how the NDS remote could operate your 552.

This is deja vu! I was told the same thing two years ago ‘can’t happen, you must of had system automation in place!’ Well, I didn’t and it did work both before it’s trip to HQ.
Nevermind. Thanks to @NeilS, I now have a remote for both. So that’s what I’ll do. Seems a shame that Naim these days can’t sort these things out, but hey ho. I agree with a previous poster, it is a special piece of kit and it’s got a new screen and had a service, so can’t really complain. Two remotes is very much a first world problem!

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Definitely no cable. I would notice that!

I dont think system automation was set up either. I couldn’t control the 552 volume from the app for example, only source etc.

It is all parcelled up now but here is a stock photo of the style of remote I had been using.

yep, same one here.

That is indeed a Uniti remote, as HH says.

I use an old green one (no idea what it’s technical name is) for the 252. Only issue is that the balance buttons are directly underneath the volume buttons. In the dark, listening to R3 over the NAT01, in trying to turn it up a bit, I find myself listening to one speaker only! Damn old age and sausage fingers!

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Every day is a school day!! You’ll note that I said I was 99% sure. The remote must have the necessary gubbins to allow it to work a separate preamp; it’s odd that the manual says you need system automation. Anyway, let’s hope Bruce’s gets sorted asap.

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The problem sometimes, it seems, is Naim getting it right first time…

Ok here is a theory. As @NeilS explained, you can set the Uniti/NDS remote to a wide range of codes. (This is to allow for there being a bank of Naim kit and for a remote to control only one unit.) in a shop for example, it could be important.

Maybe there is a code that allows the Uniti/NDS remote to control some 552 functions. It would be easy to set the remote to that code and then pair the NDS to that remote coding in the way Neil explained.

All would be well until the NDS is repaired and then set back to factory settings. Pairing the remote to the NDS default code would stop the remote working with the 552. In Bruce’s situation, it seems the NDS is faulty as well.

But what is that special code @NeilS that allows the Uniti remote to control the 552?


David, that is pretty much what I have concluded re the coding of my NDS remote, I was lucky that it worked across both units. I just need it to work with the NDS, then I either get lucky again, or I can use a SA cable to restore my previous functionality. Or use the Rcom.


PS found the 552 remote. It was where I left it :crazy_face:

Thank you for taking the time to think about this.

I also was able to control both my NDS and 552 with the same remote and no cable.
I also used the remote in the pics above.

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Hooray!! I did a thing! I now have it working as before, controlling the 252 and the NDS.
Here’s how, pressed aux-i-disp, then aux-i-2 and it controlled the 252, but NOT the NDS anymore.
Switched on NDS and pressed aux-i-disp BEFORE starting the NDS and all the way through NDS start up and it now does both again! Tried multiple times with the NDS splash screen up, no joy, has to be pressed before power comes on, must be very early in the start up cycle (or at least mine is). Happy bunny!


Hi @BruceW, out of interest, as my NDX is off to Naim for a screen replacment next week, how long was your NDS away ?


About 3 weeks. They also serviced my SNAXO at the same time but I don’t think that affected the turnaround time.


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Well Naim turned it around quickly. I have it back and it works perfectly now. The NDS remote also still adjusts the 552 volume!



:open_mouth: :grinning:

And the issue was due to…?

Interested to know for future reference.

No information from Naim, just under the repair warranty from the screen replacement. I presume the IR receiver was damaged in some way doing that, but don’t know for sure.


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The logo to display board ribbon connector was not fully home - whether that was in transit or due to our negligence, I’m not sure.
All’s well that ends well - glad you are now happy Bruce & apologies if it was an oversight on our part.
Enjoy the new screen (& the music).
