NDX2 set-up help

Have you enabled system automation in the app?

Yes. It’s odd how the ap control just disappeared .

Yes you have enabled the system automation? This is what it does. It implicitly sets the NDX2 volume to fixed and then you need the RC5 cable to the 282. Without the cable, turn off system automation and set the volume in the app back to variable.

What do you mean the app control disappeared? No buttons either, for volume? Is “volume buttons in bottom bar” enabled in the Other Settings?

It has nothing to do with the 282 as ChrisSU already said

my 282 to ndx2 has a small led on the end of the wire that has the 3.5 mil. jack on it. That led is taped to the naim logo on the 282 which is where the receiver for the remote is. Now when I use the ndx2 app to change volume, it flashes and the 282 volume control turns. I don’t know why a jack on the 282 was not used.

Should look like this with System Automation enabled (my NDX2 with 252):

Above: Note buttons in bottom bar on the left. This is on Android where they are poorly placed in the way of the album title, I think on iOS they are on the right

Above: System Automation enabled

Above: Bottom Bar Volume control checked. This puts the buttons on the bar in the first pic of course. If not checked, the buttons are only in the play queue page after tapping the bottom bar.
Note: the control is set to Volume Control: Slider, but this has no effect. It is still buttons


The NDX2 sound quality is best when the screen writing is set to Green! :crazy_face:

Am I missing something? The 282 has an RC5 connector for system automation. You use a regular 3.5mm headphone jack to RCA cable

It’s a neat idea and I tried hard to like it (I do love the green lights on the remote), but it’s such an ugly green (on the screen). I did play with my LEDs though, it’s a better match in real life:

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Very early 282 and 252 pre-amps may need to be updated to be able to use “system automation” for the 3.3mm jack to work from the NDX2.
I had to have my own 252 updated when I bought my NDX2.
I had it serviced at the same time, so it wasn’t a waste of time :slight_smile:

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Ah! Thank you for the education!

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Thanks for the reminder. I’ve finally worked out how to get the screen to be green - you have to highlight green then press the button on the remote. I rather like it.

You can also go with the remote to the settings icon, bottom right on the screen, there is a color setting

Sounds better as well a HH, apparently the green uses less power than the white! :joy:

That’s how I did it, with the remote. I couldn’t find it in the app, maybe it’s not there.

Got you, I had misread. Indeed it is not in the app, yet another oddity
(not being able to show Qobuz on the screen and being stuck with the Spotify icon is slightly infuriating)

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I think this may already have been mentioned, but if you enable System Automation, it’s an entirely different control to the one in the NDX2, which therefore becomes irrelevant. That’s why the setting disappears from view in the app.


TBH, I have no idea why it was set up this way. My dealer came and set it up for me.At first it was a pain as the led kept coming off, so I finally resorted to a small piece of clear shipping tape, which I don’t think will leave any mark on the 282.

That’s a new trick I didn’t know it could perform!


Haha, it has crossed my mind a few times that I bet not many would know you can do that. Will be the same for the ND555 to no doubt. I would imagine ND5XS2 users may struggle however…


Great Suedkiez, my volume now works on app and NDX2 remote, thank you.
People talk of reduced sound quality turning system automation off and using the NDX2 to control the volume, I can’t say I notice this.

I have on order the 3.5 to RCA cable to connect to 282 and will have a play when it arrives.
