NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

Same here :grimacing:

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Yeh, I completely get it. I remember you said that the Diamond was ‘turbo charged’ and the Neotech is in a similar vein. Maybe it’s the silver? For me I find it all a bit relentless. I hear the odd sound that I think wow that was nice but with Sigma I marvel almost continuously about how good the sound is.

In fact I’m going to put my money where my mouth is and pay my mate for the Sigma as I know I can’t be without it!


Lucky you that you get it for a s/h price - mine was full price and brand new, but worth every penny.
By the way - opened an new thread as I think sigma deserves :blush:

Ah you two :point_down:




It’s strange how we all hear things differently. I would say the Neet is correct and neutral, sometimes borderline boring (but never boring) in that respect but also very transparent meaning it gets out of the way letting me hear small nuances and shifts in the music. The portrayal is very homogeneous and music is a whole as opposed to different frequencies being highlighted.

It might be a case of burn in but it might also be a case of preference.


I think if I’d not heard Sigma I’d be completely agreeing with you. For the money the Neotech is a remarkable lead and a big step up from the Catsnake I was using, so it’s boxing well above its weight for relatively little cost.

Unfortunately, Sigma on my system is simply on another level of musical communication, but then so it should be for the money! I’ve not tried Chord music but I’m imagining Sigma is showing similar qualities. That is judging by some of the reviews I’ve read about Chord Music.

Sigma is the first ethernet cable that, for me, seems to get rid of the dreaded (digital) high frequency hash or harshness that exists, especially when you play at high or realistic volumes. I’m not exaggerating when I say it imparts a true analogue sound quality to digital music and the closest I’ve come to replicating/bettering my turntable. You know the sound is right within the first ten minutes of plugging it in. No prolonged burn-in, it just gets a tad sweeter and more real the longer you leave it.

I can also imagine a situation where a guy is using Omega on a high-end laid-back system and someone comes along with the Neotech and sticks it in. It may be just the tonic the system needs and within minutes a myth is born!

I’m about to relegate the Neotech from my Core to switch, so it will still be getting burn-in but I’m afraid I’m really struggling living without the Sigma working it’s musical magic!


Fair enough. The Neet hasn’t been in one laid back high end system though but different horses, different courses.

Calling it a myth is kind of harsh don’t you think. You haven’t given it the 1000h burn in suggested and judge it after approximately 150h. Doesn’t seem fair even if you after 1000h still feel it’s not good enough.

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The problem with Neotech, if you really need to wait 1000 hours, is that you have to buy it then sell it on auction sites, because most sites offer 14 days trial and return. 14 days is 336 hours.


Yes. It would be good if one could borrow the dealers used cable to evaluate.


What if you play music in x4 speed?


Guys, I don’t have 1000 hours to wait for an ethernet cable to come on song. It’s now burning in on the Core. After a while I’ll switch back and see how it sounds. I’m quite happy to live with Sigma even though it’s cost me a stack of cash.

I’m not trying to offend with the ‘myth’ thing but we’ve already had other Neotech users says it’s a great cable but it’s no giant killer and move on to other cables.

Have any of you guys had a chance to listen to Sigma yourselves?


I haven’t I’m afraid. I need to do just that. Now I’m only going by what my friend has said. So the claim it’s better than Shunyata Sigma and Omega ain’t mine. I don’t even know if I’d agree. I do however trust his ears and we share a lot of thinking when it comes to judging what is good or not as good.

Another Lovely Post i totally agree with. Will copy it to the sigma thread :blush:

A cable which needs 1000h burn in. That is Not Maximum User friendly. And after 150h the Curve flattens i think

Trust our ears as well and try the sigma.
Maybe you will have a Life changing moment

I do. I trust your ears regarding the Sigma and will listen to it. The Neet I don’t know😅

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What’s it like for instrumental texture of classical and jazz? I find some quiet and smooth filtered cables kill that completely. Is the Sigma different? (assumion that is your kind of music…)

@Michaelb I am no classical or jazz listener.
But instruments of any kind are rendered in really special way - much detailed without any edges. Fast and layered - really good texture. There is nothing smooth - especially it will not be in your system.
Analog what it desired best!
With your really advanced system you should definitely give it a try!

I collected the impressions on sigma in a separate thread

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It is absolutely perfect for jazz - playing some right now. And had a nice classical evening the other night. As Drago said it really is a pretty neutral and characterless cable that can deal with just about everything! In fact I can’t think of anything I’ve fed it that’s been disappointing, which is something I find quite refreshing. With other cables you get to know what they favour or embellish and often jump through album tracks to find them. With Sigma I’m playing the first track and I get sucked into the whole album. Even albums I don’t particularly like have taken on a new life. I don’t think either of us can do justice describing the sound, you really have to hear it for yourself. There is something quite special about it.

Oh…love your speakers. Heard some a couple of weeks ago. If i didn’t have DBL’s they would be my go-to. Awesome!


With all cables tested before feet are moving with music.
With sigma feet and head are moving!