Shunyata Research Sigma V2 Ethernet

A lot has been written about sigma. But this cable really had transformed my system as well as my mind in respect of „what a digital cable can have an effect“ I think it deserves a thread.
I will copy in some of my comments and hope it is ok, when I do it for some of @Geko comments as well.

This thread should help others for the future - so more focused and not embedded in other „blogs“


@Lucifer wonders if you have tried Neotech? He’s in the mountains now having a Swedish snaps so he have asked me to do the sales talk for a couple of weeks. Hope this is ok.

PS: Ansuz D2 is also very good.


What are you taking about :face_holding_back_tears: „sales talk“?

Tried my very best to be funny but it didn’t work :smile:


Currently again in such moment where the sound just seems not from this world - and the colour and finesse is definitely sigma based.

If I have to put in one word - it is „analog“ - yes it really sounds like vinyl with all its involving micro detail and texture

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So you are the first one to „speak it out loud“ that there is a slight touch of sales talk around some cable :rofl::rofl::rofl: - being funny … or am I ?
All fine …
My heart is for another „girl“ :joy:


100% agreed.

Paid my mate today. I’m now the proud owner of a Shunyata Sigma ethernet cable!


Have you evaluated Shunyata on other places? Their speaker cables and power cables are supposed to be very good.


I think you should decide wisely if you go through that door - there power blocks are also very good, and… and … :slight_smile:

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There’s one problem with that cable: you can’t write it using initials. Not allowed.

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I use their Venom power distributor and just added the Venom power cable to my Nagra amp.
Nice uplift instantly, so looking forward to what happens as I get hours on it. My dealer recommended this one because of its heavier gauge, to use specifically on power amps.
I use fibre for streaming, so no real place to try Ethernet, because wouldn’t it be a waste between my modem and switch if the last leg to streamer is fibre?