NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

You can buy and test here the Neotech cables . They even offer you a Demon beer.

I am happy for you. This modification has been developed over several years and in a lot of different systems. But I only have the modified version here. System sounds totally out of this world right now. I use Goldnote 1175 as power amp and it works much better then Nap250DR. It’s very interesting. I never thought most of my issues would be due to the power amp even though many on here suggested Nap 300.

Oh my den. Lovely!

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: sorry - where is the reference? :blush:

That is the reference

It is hard to read here and I am even not near to the end now.
What’s the point? Gecko has a reference as well … so be it.
When the neet is not performing it’s always the fault of other components… ok…??? :nerd_face:

In Germany we have a phrase (is it a phrase?)
„Warum? - darum!“ :rofl:

That’s the point I was making yes.

That is what I have been thinking for some time - but like to add that it is done with very bad marketing skills …
(Drago typing while listening to the bold sigma cable Nan’s being stunned)

Why? Because! :joy:

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My marketing skills really needs some work

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Now you found it - sorry for being a bit rude (hope I am not). But all your measurements and tests and comparisons seems to be given by chat from someone who knows someone … :smirk::wink:

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Yes it is information from other users of the cable but I do have the Neet-1008 myself and it is very good. As I wrote I was just trying to steer the people that was testing it in the direction of what is the real problem if one wants to go to the bottom with it and that is noise. I myself have the modified Innuos and a modified Lindemann streamer that proves this point. Before them I had really big problems with hard and cold sound and after them not so much. I also have a grounding cable and a Puritan power filter. But the sound was still bright however not disturbing as before. Now I am trying a Goldnote 1175 power amp instead of the 250 and it’s much better.

Of course I might have other issues that affects the sound and I most likely do but that is what this hobby is all about😁


But he is a smart guy - that’s for sure …


Oh look me

Maybe, as you wrote above, the difference vs others is due to your Goldnote amp. From what I have read many times about Goldnote, it sounds very nice and refined, but a bit soft and calm. Very different from Naim. So the Neotech forwardness compensates.
But only speculation of course.

Who is he? Lucifer in the serial tv is black, not?

No - this is Lucy - excellent :blush:

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No it’s his brother that is black. I mean my brother of course

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