NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

I don’t have a clue about them sorry.
I have never seen one or heard one, but the dealer said just try it as i asked after the sigma.

He knows my system and is actually sending me the omega to compare against it

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As this neotech cable is going away next week, I thought i had better do some intensive listening and make some notes to compare.
So tonight it was London Grammar, and if you wait (deluxe version)
This was played on Qobuz, going through the phoenixnet and then into my vivaldi upsampler using the audioquest diamond ethernet cable.
Also i played the same album, this had been downloaded from Qobuz, directly on to my melco. The melco had the neotech cable between itself and the phoenixnet, and the as per the streamed version as in audioquest diamond to the vivaldi upsampler.

Played each track in full and then replayed the same track again but from the other source.
I hope that everyone is still with me and knows how it was done, using what.

Well they all had the same differences and sound to start off with. I guess that’s a good start.
Obviously on some tracks it was easier to pick the difference out.
But as this album already has a fantastic deep bass, i thought it would be a good choice to start off with, and i wasn’t wrong.

I started with the melco.
It sounded good, her voice was nice and very prominent.
It sounded detailed as you could hear ever small detail coming though.
It didn’t really strike me as being over forward, but it did sound lively and grabbed you.
Overall it struck me as enjoyable and exciting.

Switching over to streaming the same track from Qobuz
It instantly sounded different.
Much more calm sounding.
Her voice still very nice was now sounding like she had took a step back into the music, rather than standing on the edge off the stage.
The details were still there, but now they had also taken a slight step back. This means they disappeared slightly into the rest, but they were still there.
Then the bass kicked in. Still lovely and deep, but now it was more controlled, you could hear it was better as in control, shape. You could hear the different tones in it much easier.
I soon found this presentation off the track much more life like and nicer to just listen too.
I also found as the track went on i began to stop actually trying to pull it apart. I didn’t realise this to start with, untill i switched back, and then analysed it till it finished.

So one album down and my conclusion so far is.
The neotech as it is now, which has no where near the 600 hours burn in. Certainly has a lively, up front sound, with strong bass.
This will sound exciting and grab you.
It could also be just what your system needs, now it could well settle down, i don’t know as yet. But i do now for certain have a few notes i can compare with when it comes back.

I also need to remember this is a cheap cable really, especially when you consider its a silver cable.
Plus i know silver cables can take a while to settle down, and this needs to be considered when reading this.
That’s it for now, i will try a different album before it goes, one with more instruments i think to see how they sound, as in separation and sound stage. Plus life like.

Cheers dunc



Neotech is based in Taiwan. This explains why it costs less.

I would also agree with your comments even though I have over 600 hours of use. I find the bass just too energetic for my tastes and lacking in shape compared to Sigma. The odd thing is that the Sigma bass goes even lower but is less intrusive. It somehow manages to add mass and weight to each note making it much more real and believable.

As Dunc says, if you have a system that needs dynamics Neet may be the answer but I don’t think it’s a particularly good match with Naim kit.

A system can get too much dynamic resources? Does that mean some prefer more compressed sound then I guess.

Personally I want all dynamics available.

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This a a testing setup as I could have done.
Try to change the cables:

  • neotech to quobuz and diamond to melco.

With telco it should be a bit more direct while keeping the diamond signature. :slight_smile:

lets go oephi / nana again …
no - its all balance and ears… and taste … and… whatever :slight_smile:

So some don’t like dynamics? You know what dynamics is? :blush:

When you ask my girlfriend while I am sitting on the sofa and listening to … the answer should be clear :blush:

It’s probably something British @Blackbird. We from the north wants all the dynamism we can get given it reflects our dynamic seasons and nature. I don’t know what @dragos excuse for not wanting more dynamics are😂

Subduing it all with Shunyta and Naim cables :joy:

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If you listen to heavy metal, I could agree. But generally you want dynamics but no aggressiveness . The why I didn’t kept the Vodka.

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But when you get Dynamics without sharpness - like shunyata - than it is really good. If oephi follows this path - it is worth a look.

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I have dynamics
But the neotech just sounded to much, like it was trying to hard and being pushed beyond what it could do.

As said it could well work in some systems but mine it just sounds wrong and forced, especially when you then swap the cable, that really shows you what it is doing.

Unfortunately for me, as i so wanted it to work.
It doesn’t look like much will change when i get it back after burn in.
That means i will probably have to look at more expensive cables

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There is no relation between aggressive or sharpness and dynamics. They are different things.

If you want less dynamics you end up with a car radio. Dynamics is all good. But if you listen you Spotify top50 there is not much dynamics left in music to reproduce. But then you are better off with a Boom box :wink:

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How does the diamond work? It is expensive imho

Fully correct - but naca5 is far from being not dynamic. Maybe oephi will do the sigma trick.

Not saying that about naca. This was about Neotech :blush: Opehi have loads of dynamics available in their cables since timing is core of their targets when developing cables and speakers. Start and stop, decay and ability to rapidly move between low amplitude and high amplitude sounds is amplitude. What makes music breath and sound natural. The opposite is compression.

Ok - Ethernet …
Sigma sigma sigma sigma sigma. …here is the perfect match between dynamic and non edgy harshness … love it
You should definitely try!

I’d like to think that when Dunc hears that first piano note, cymbal strike, guitar pluck or vocal he will know straight away why we are both nuts about Sigma’s analogue type sound.

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Hopefully next week i can hear what the omega can do