NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

The cable has started it’s extensive burn in this afternoon.
Haven’t a clue how the machine works, but i hope it does something.
Should hopefully have it back for Dans visit next month


Well a small update
The cable has now gone through stage 1.
Now it gets to rest for 12 hours before it goes again for 60 hours solid.
Apparently his bit off kit burns the cable both ways in stage 1, but now in stage 2 it’s just one way.
He tried it quickly on his system and said it was likely.
I haven’t spoken to him as yet, so not sure what his lively means, good or bad lively :thinking:

But it starts again tomorrow and i should have it back by the end off next week.
Just ready for Dan to take it home, lol.
Also i should have the other 2 cables hopefully by the end off this week, so Dan will also get to hear them all, and help me judge them, maybe.

Cheers dunc


Which switch do you have? Do you have any kind of power noise mitigation such as the Puritan PSM 156?

I’m getting NEET-1008 here for a second time since my first time around a year ago was a new unit that had top 100hours on it when I sent it back. This one is well used and have passed 1000h. I’m also getting Neotech speaker cables and digital coax for evaluation. In about 2-3 weeks time this testing starts. The retailer know my full system and I specifically said I want something that is an upgrade, not a sideway move. We’ll see what happens :slight_smile:

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Best off luck and hope it all works out for you.
My cable is nearing the end off it’s intensive burn in, so will soon know if it’s a keeper or not.

You are in testing mania … aren’t you :blush:
Will be pleased to hear your thoughts!
Especially with the stiffness of the cable and the speaker cables…

I am looking for an poweswitch now… you bad guy…
does the ansuz bring hf power without being harsh or sibilant. I found out that the more hf friendly components bring a bit harshness or sibilance. Only sigma was different… really interested in giving the powerswitch a try

Have in mind it’s just how I look at it and that both PN and Ansuz are great switches :slight_smile: I just try to explain how I find them and others might have it easier to match with their systems and to their taste etc :slight_smile: I’m not so sure you would prefer Ansuz based on how I read in about your preferences. Anyway, if you have a chance to try it out then go for it since they are a bit different.

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I think we are coming from a different kind of direction with our room influence.
You mentioned that there is a bass overload in some cases in your room. So the dynamic and less full coloured approach is pefect.
Opposite here:
Room acoustic is more analytical and on the less coloured brighter side - with less bass response.
So colour and „warmer“ components are a match…

Do not think our taste in listening experience is so much different :blush:


I just realised i wrote 60 hours in my post, well i don’t know what I did that for, as it’s 120 hours or 5 days of consistent, intensive burn in.
Anyway i should have it back very soon, as it finished this afternoon.

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Whatever time they have been in the burn machine it will be interesting to hear the result :blush:

Maybe I should get myself a cable burn in machine. Seems valid… 1000GBP.

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Yes it will.
Hopefully it will have done something to calm it down somewhat.
I will also have the other cables next week as well.
So a big ethernet cable text looming.
I will be able to go from the catsnake, neotech, audioquest diamond, shunyata omega, and hemingway.


Why all those cables when you only need Neotech?

/ Lucifer

Why all those cables when you only need Sigma?

/ Drago

Why all those cables when you only need Ansuz D2?

/ Blackbird


His machine is nothing like this, and was designed to burn in digital cables only.
It doesn’t have speaker, rca’s or xlr connections.
But i think he said it can burn in 20 cables at the same time.
I had better not post a pic up off it as it has the name off the company on it.

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I am hoping the neotech will now be good in my system, as i already own it and it’s massively cheaper than the 2 i have coming.
But i certainly know i need a better cable than the one i use now between melco and phoenixnet.
Maybe my audioquest diamond will end up here and a new cable doing the all important last leg from the phoenixnet 5o the dac.

The neotech certainly showed me i am losing detail from my melco with the cable i am using. It was just a shame that at the same time it made everything sound just wrong.
Hopefully now that over bloated bass, plus the in your face top end will have settled down, just leaving me with a detailed natural cable???
We will see if a cable can actually change this much with burn in.

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You should have the Neotech on the last leg but maybe you will try that?

My experience of the copper neet is similar - clear, realistic and balanced for recordings of concerts with acoustic instruments in my system.


I will try that once i get it back

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I didn’t try before as the cable wasn’t that nice in the position it was, let alone on the last leg.
If it’s much better once it back i will try it on the last leg, if it’s not any better than before l, then i don’t think i will try it as it will just be painful on my system and cause streaming as well as my stored music to sound horrible.