NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

It might behave differently in a different position. I don’t know. I’ve only ever had it as last leg.

I had it from Core to Switch for a while but ended up going back to BJC, which to my poor old ears was a much nicer experience. Like Dunc says, it all too much ‘in your face’ to be pleasant!

It might. But most likely be the same and then upset everything as everything has to go through it unlike when its just off the melco.
Anyway we will see as it will be back with me tomorrow.
Plus the other 2 on Wednesday.

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Yes. Good luck!

Did you get a chance to test it in your friends 2m £ system? You should test it from switch to streamer instead of the Shunyata Omega that he has there now. It would be very interesting.

I was due to go over to him on Thursday but he had to go out, so postponed it. I’ll ask him if he’d be willing to test the Neet but having had another listen to it the other day both Sigma, and I suspect Omega, are vastly more revealing, more nuanced and certainly a lot more natural than the Neet.

I had a call from my other mate, the one with the 500/Ovator S800 system, he’s trialing both Sigma and Omega after the session we had a couple of weeks ago with the Sigma and the Neet. Apparently I’m off the wife’s Christmas card list as I’ve made him spend a lot of money! At the moment I thinks he’s going for the Omega.

Did you take the Sigma out and put the Neet in its place?

It seems you are in fact not comparing the Neet to the Sigma or am I reading this wrong? To compare it to the Sigma you need to take the Sigma out and put the Neet in its place. Taking a BJC out and putting the Neet were that was is comparing the Neet to the BJC in that particular position in your system which of course is fine but it’s not comparing the Neet to the Sigma.

@Dunc seem to be doing something similar. Comparing the Neet to whatever cable he uses between his Melco and his switch and not in fact comparing it to whatever cable he is using between his switch and his streamer (where I suppose he uses his best cable).

Why are you evaluating the Neotech this way? It seems odd to me. You need to leave the system unchanged in all other ways but the change from the last leg cable you typically use to the Neotech. That’s the only way to do a proper comparison between the two cables.

I will do that tomorrow night once it’s back and see how it goes

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Yep, took the Sigma out and replaced it directly with the Neet as per my comments from an earlier post. I’m sorry but there is an instant and substantial change in the quality of sound that is easily noticeable by friends and family - I’m involving them to try and keep the comparison reasonably unbiased but none have preferred the Neet.

As I said previously, I’m not doubting the success of Neet in your system and many other non-Naim systems but in my system the Neet qualities just do not gel. In fact I will admit to preferring both BJC and Catsnake over the Neet’s rather strident high frequency and overblown bass.


Mine will be delivered between 9 and 10 this morning.
If all goes well i might have time for a quick listen this morning.

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must be the silver then as the 3008 copper version has none of those effects, highs are really nice and bass, if anything a bit light but fast and tuneful.

Silver coated cables can sound over bright, but they also let all them lovely details through.
Copper cables are much safer but they just can’t quite do the same.
It can be done i know, just maybe not at certain price points.
Will will see later for me if it works or not.

No it’s not the silver. It has none of those effects here and I use the silver.

If one has an Innuos switch one can experiment with different power cords. I had a warm cable and changed to a neutral or somewhat forward cable and the sound immediately shifted as per the cable characteristics.

So I’d repeat the Neotech is transparent and shows what your network is doing to your sound but as @geko and I have already been through, not everyone is willing to address those problems to make the Neotech work. I wouldn’t either if a solution to my problems was in one expensive cable even if it would be a less transparent solution than the “get rid of all noise” then use a Neotech :grin:

It’s not a silver coated cable. It’s a UP OCC solid silver cable.

It’s back and in.
This time i have gone straight for the last leg, so it’s going from PhoenixNet to dac.
It’s up against my audioquest diamond right now as the other 2 cables aren’t here till tomorrow.
Straight away i get the same sound as before.
The bass is still heavy and the highs still a bit over the top, compared to the audioquest.
It does sound exciting for a moment till you start to really listen to it, and pick out what it’s doing to it all.

It’s just making my system sound like it’s trying to hard, and everything has the old loudness button pressed.
I was really hoping that after this burn in, things would be much better, but i would say not much if anything has changed, maybe still early days, but if i am being honest with myself, then really it’s not going to change much more, i will just get used to the new sound.
As for this cable being natural, then i would certainly go against that.

I still stand by what i said before, if uou want a cable that going to inject a very lively sound to your system, then this will probably be what you are looking for.
Or if you are lacking some bass maybe.
But this cabin my system is just shouting at me and pushing everything far to much away from sounding right.
I know it’s the cable as it’s the only cable i have tried that has done this to my system, normally they just sound slightly dull in comparison to the audioquest diamond i use, and none have done anything like this is doing.

I have Dan popping up this Saturday, so he can also have a listen too it if he wants.

But for me it’s a no.
I have tried and it didn’t work out, but as said it might work for you


No, I’d say it was the other way around. A transparent system is just showing you what the Neotech is doing to the sound of the network!

As I’ve mentioned in earlier posts, and as Dunc points out, there is no finesse with the Neet it just chucks everything at you all at once. I find these kind of dynamics quite strange and very unnatural compared to a lot of other ethernet cables.

I’ve also said before, I don’t feel I need to address any further noise issues with my system. My remote location, my incoming power supply (directly from overhead HT lines) means I’ve got a very clean supply by comparison to most. I certainly don’t have any buzzing power supplies to worry about.

I think you’ll have to resign yourself to the fact that Neet 1008 seems to be a bit of an oddity in that it works in some systems and not in others.

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True of most ethernet:system interplay I think.


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:large_blue_diamond: Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
I have been reading this thread with some fascination…

But first,.ALL cables need a “settle-time” in the music-system before serious listening.
At least an hour after being installed in the system,.and preferably wait until the next day’s listening before making a final judgment.
There are usually big differences in musical presentation.

:small_orange_diamond:Having said that…
My experience with the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver ethernet-cable is exactly the opposite of what is described by some in the thread.

Me,.and all my many hifi-friends love this Neotech NEET-1008.
It may be that it does not fit in a pure Naim system,.because it has been tested against the Shunyata Sigma and Omega and came out victorious in those comparisons in many many heavy top-systems.

I have compared the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver against many other ethernet cables,.including some mentioned in the thread…
• Blue Jeans Cable cat6a
• Audioquest Diamond
…which I myself own/have owned.

Below I have previously written…
The Audioquest Diamond outperformed the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver for the first 161 hours of the Neo Silver’s burn-in period.
BUT,.after 161 hours of burn-in of Neotech Silver, it delivered better soundquality than AQ Diamond.
THEN,.AQ Diamond was put up for sale.

Regarding the Blue Jeans Cable cat6a,.it did not perform on the same musical level as the Neotech Silver, although it is a nice ethernet-cable.
AND,.all cables are tested in all places in my music-system, from incoming fiber-box and router via switch to the streamer.

I now have Neotech NEET-1008 Silver in my entire music-system,.from the incoming fiber-box and router, to the switch and on to the streamer.
It plays great,.and I absolutely do not recognize the negative reviews mentioned in the thread.
Some of my friends who had Shunyata Omega,.have, after comparisons in their system, replaced Omega with Neotech Silver.
SO,.maybe it is so…
That the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver does not fit in a pure Naim-system,.at least not in the two or three mentioned in the thread.

BUT,.since it is such an affordable cable, I advise everyone who is thinking about a better ethernet-cable to include this Neotech Silver in those to be evaluated in their own music- system.
Then just think about what I wrote at the beginning regarding “settle-time”.

PS: @Lucifer ,.excuse me…
I forgot to answer your question regarding the direction of the short link cable to Stack Audio’s SmoothLAN.

The black tape should be in the direction of your streamer.
Then you also have two blue dots on the ethernet connector on the same side that mark the direction :smiley:.


When fishing, I prefer copper😁


Hi Peder!

Have you tried the Neet copper?

I don’t think Dunc has any Naim gear any more: DPS and Vitus. So maybe something else is going on…

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