NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

This needs to be put into context. It’s the way that Neet presents itself in my system. Whilst BJC/Catsnake may not have all the bells and whistles of the Neotech they achieve a very good level of musical performance for the money. I’d much rather have Catsnake in my system than Vodka. And for the very same reason I’d have Catsnake over Neet 1008. In fact on balance I’d have Vodka over Neet if I was forced to choose between the two.

As many have said it’s the balance of your system that’s important. One change can often ruin the musical and emotional enjoyment.

There’s probably a hundred people on here running a Farad power supply to their switches but I’m struggling with mine as it’s not sounding as good as another supply I have. It’s just upset that very delicate balance I have achieved. There’s nothing wrong with the Farad it just has its strengths in other areas the don’t agree with my systems balance.


That may be so, but they are so damn fugly.


Couldn’t agree more @Geko. I have said so many times that the success of these network ‘peripherals’ is very system and ‘environment’ dependent.

A case in point is the Vodka. In my previous OC system in my previous lounge the Vodka was rather harsh and brittle on the last leg, with the remainder of the loom being CatSnake. Bizarrely, on my (lesser) NC200 system in my new lounge, the Vodka on the last leg (CatSnake elsewhere) is wonderful, bringing life and energy, but no harshness.

I am sure this variability holds true for other Ethernet cables, LPS’s and switches.

Bonkers, but true!


All our systems are unique, even if identical kit.

As you’ve said, what sounds great on one, may not sound so great on another.


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Thought of a thing. Have you tried the Audioquest from nas to PN and the Neotech from PN to streamer (at the same time of course). That would be interesting. I really thought you would get a different result. I have a feeling your system is cleaner with less noise because of the PN and the DCS.

Also try different power cables on the switch.

Let the fun start


Going to start a new thread i think as i have 4 ethernet cables to try against each other, and adding to this will only get messy.


problem with my neet3008, maybe being so stiff it drops out when moved or a puff of wind goes near it… one of the pins on one of the plugs is intermittent, so im being brave as i bought it used and ordered 2 new telegarten plugs and will have a go at re terminating - looks easy according to you tube!!

My testing with this cable is now closed.
I will probably keep it for now, but i won’t be using it on my system.


I look forward to hearing what you make of the Shunyata and Hemingway

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Would members please respect and abide by forum rules. Thank you.

That’s me presumably. What have I got wrong? Just to make sure I don’t go and do it again :wink:

Not just you…

No For Sale or Wanted ads! (includes free gifts, services, and loans of equipment) - this includes transparent or oblique references to equipment for sale or equipment being sought…

Sorry for that, carry on.

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What is the conclusion of that … do it! Try a sigma or omega …
But I think I know the conclusion of it already :rofl:

No … not again :rofl:

What is north of Sweden? Let me look… Taiwan … ok understood :rofl:

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Ah. Thanks.

Telegartners arrived so will have a go a re terminating my Neet 3008…


Good luck