NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

Your system - your theory of the magic switch to be needed to get rid of pollution to make the neet go for it. :wink::blush:

Simple Fritz box. But I stream mostly local from innous server

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Come on - you can do … 4 routers for testing as next rum :rofl::wink:
Just kidding- love a lot to hear your cable results… you should start a new thread „blackbirds reviews“ :blush:


Will try to write a summary later on but right now I have so many different cables here and more will come so I will need time to listen and have some kind of structure on it. Also have that other switch from Reiki (Superswitch master + Reiki LPS) here now. In terms of Ethernet I have Oephi Immanence and Reiki rakustream+ Ethernet here now. And I estimate to get Neotech 1008 and maybe 3008 in a couple of weeks.

The Reiki switch is about EE8 in size and their LPS roughly like Sbooster in size.


As is your experience with Ethernet cables in your system. :blush::wink:

Have you thought that the Omega may be sounding ‘choked’ because it’s showing you the limitations of your NDS, 252 and 250 and not because of some fancy switch?

In my travels through hifi I’ve found that it’s not a good idea putting very expensive bits of kit into a relatively modest system. If you care to go back on some of my posts you will see that early in my days of streaming, before I had the ND555, I started with a Node and Ndac. However, I’d been using a CD555 and had Naim’s standard Lavender, Hiline and Superlumina interconnects. On the Node/Ndac combination Lavender always sounded the best as Hiline just revealed a rather muddled bass and messy high frequency. Trying Superlumina was even worse. When I later added a 555DR PS to the Ndac the Hiline suddenly became my favourite cable with the Lavender now sounding a bit too raw. When I acquired the ND555 it started to reveal the shortcomings of Hiline with the SL now sounding far more natural and real. In fact the Hiline just sounded a bit bloated and restricted (or maybe choked) on the ND555. Of course what’s really happening is that the better cable is just showing you the restrictions of the source. Using the cheaper interconnect is not as revealing and actually ends up sounds better. This is what I suspect you are hearing with your preference with the Neat vs Omega. Unfortunately, the Omega is just too revealing for your level of system and the Neat 1008 simply being a much better match.


Rather theory vs experience.

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What do you mean? Have you missed that I have tried all these cables my self?

Have you tried the Neet?

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Yes absolutely. And I have similar experiences. However with the Neet it is that cable that sounds more natural and real and the Shunyatas are choking the sound a bit and sounding a bit metallic. The Omega less so and Sigma more so. In my system. I don’t know what the perceived differences between these cables are in the other systems where the Neet is preferred over the Shunyata Omega.

Also I don’t have Naim any more. It’s a Lindemann streamer and an NDS/555PS DR as streamer DAC and Goldnote pre/ps/power as amplifier.

And I’m agreeing. In my Node/Ndac system Lavender was much better than Superlimina. That doesn’t mean that Lavender is the better cable though!

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Are you saying my system isn’t reveling enough to make the Shunyats sound good? So I essentially need a more expensive system to enjoy them?

What I’m saying is that the more revealing the system (source) then the more likely that the better cable will be revealed!

Just like I might need a special switch and ÂŁ10k worth of extras to help me reveal what the Neet can do.

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Yes such as the systems with the Taiko extreme and the MSB select DAC where the Neet is the preferred Ethernet cable or perhaps @Peders system fronted by the Innuos Statement.

I contest your theory, not your experience. And I am not alone to contest that theory about a noisy system.

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I know and you are all wrong😂

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Obviously the more revealing the system the more it will show up any problems or thing’s that don’t work. That goes for everything in life.
I know 100% i have an extremely revealing dac / digital front end. Much more than most very good dac’s. You throw a cable on it and it will show you exactly what its like straight away.

I get that noise in the ethernet stream is a problem that needs to be sorted as good as you can. But i also think its not going to massively change what a cable does. Plus it should also show up on all the cables.

I guess you can keep on saying how great it is and how much better it is in your system compared to the others, and if so that’s great for you. But i feel that it’s something else giving you these results and not because the other cables aren’t as good.
As for me the other cables are far superior in resolution, revealing, sound stage, and massively more natural.

I think that’s the point: to distinguish between differences in the characteristics of the sound and the presence or absence of details or textures in what is heard.

You’ve hit the nail on the head there.

:large_blue_diamond: @Lucifer has described many extreme high-end systems in the thread,.where they previously had Shunyata’s Omega but switched to Neotech NEET-1008 Silver.

I also know about those systems.
What this is due to,.vs you in the thread from England, who get a different result in your systems…
Yes,.I think none of us can answer that.

It’s just to accept that we in Sweden are lucky,.who don’t have to spend a lot of money on incredibly expensive ethernet-cables to get the best possible soundquality :wink::grin:.


What else could possibly give me these results?

I’m also not the only one getting good results with the Neet, preferring it to the Omega.

You are extremely lucky, and unfortunately i have not been able to enjoy such luck