NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

A touch aggressive post, but iI’ll let that pass.

We’ve seen pictures on various posts on a number of threads from @Dunc and he talks about his own system whereas, nothing from @Peder who talks of basically everyone else’s high end kit with no details.

It gets a bit wearing after a while, a bit like the boy who cries wolf.

It’s like you own shares in the company and are continuously trying to promote it.

I know you adore this cable as does @Peder. Shall we just leave at that, there are some that will promote and defend this cable relentlessly and, there are others who don’t.


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Good morning! :smile:

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I know that Dunc and I have been a little more vocal than others but please don’t forget the forum members that have tried Neet 1008 and moved on to other cables.

I don’t think there’s anyone else on the forum thats promoting this cable in their systems quite like you two, along with the tales of some bloke in Sweden that plays around with £2m+ systems and convinces their owners to swap out a fantastically good £3,000 cable like the Omega for a £250 Neet 1008. Oh, and let’s not forget you also have to have a £13,000 modified switch and power lead otherwise it won’t even work.

Is this some sort of strange hifi cult thing that we’ll read about one morning in the Sunday papers?


I can post a pic of the linn system, as i have a couple on my phone from year’s ago, when he first got it. But would need to ask him first as obviously it’s not mine, and he doesn’t do forum’s or facebook, etc.

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I think it’s only right that i have been slightly more vocal on my views of this cable, after all i am the thread starter and the guy with all these different ethernet cables here at the moment.


Hahaha. Yes the Neetcult. We all dress the same too😂

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I laughed a long time.

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No,.he didn’t according to your description…

For example,.all serious dealers know that if you want to evaluate any cable in a music-system, you have to give it “settle-time”.
If you don’t do that,.you can draw completely wrong conclusions when installing and optimizing music systems.

I’m surprised that the knowledge regarding this isn’t higher.
Everything matters in today’s high-quality music-systems.
If we lived closer to each other,.I would be more than happy to demonstrate this to you :smiley:.

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:large_blue_diamond: @DiggyGun

You wrote:
“At last, some detail and confirmation that these so called, high end systems may exist”.
:black_small_square:Oh My God,.are you for real…:thinking:.
So you think,.that I have nothing else to do,but sit and invent things on the Naim forum :joy:
Amazing statement :flushed:,.this is not even worth further comment.

You wrote:
“It may not all fiction after all”
:black_small_square:As I Said,.are you for real…:thinking:

You wrote:
“Still, it seems that they only work with this cable, if that is the case, how bad do they sound without this cable, irrespective of their cost?”
:black_small_square:This so-called conclusion only shows that,.You Are Not In The Game.
If you draw such conclusions from my writings,.I strongly question your experiences with top-notch music systems.
More is not worth commenting about your statements,.which can be perceived as really rude…
If they weren’t so ridiculous.

Have a great time,.I won’t reply to any more posts from you.

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Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
I’m from Sweden,.a little far
away :grin:

BUT,.I have been asked to install and optimize the system with Linn’s new top-notch speaker 360, and Linn’s best “streamer” DSM3 Hub.

A trust that I gladly accept,.as it gives me further experience.

Again, you’re making an assumptions that only you know how to evaluate kit.

You need to accept and respect that other Forum members have a different opinion to you.



I can’t believe a cable is causing so much of a ruckus! My copper version 3008 is easily better than other £100 cables, so in that context it’s a very good cable, yes it has a definite signature but is not shouty, just a bit more dynamic than similar priced chord offerings I have.


:large_blue_diamond: My absolute last comment to you.

What you are referring to in my comment is…
Accepted Facts,.that ALL dealers and knowledgeable installers of music-system knows (or should know).
This is also a well-known fact of hifi-designers etc.

The fact that you,.among other things, do not know this only shows a deficiency in your knowledge.
Now I leave you,.have a nice day.

That may so as in the UK.

However, you appear to assume that because someone has an alternate opinion to you, they are not as knowledgable, as you put it.


I bet there’s some sort of weird Swedish TV series where a Swedish ‘Greg Wallace’ type character runs around visiting hifi households with a film crew declaring that he can save you hundreds of pounds on your ethernet cables! I can hear the catch phrase now “it sounds the same but it’s cheaper”!


Imagine the viewing figures: 2

Peder and myself😂

“Celebrity master tweaker”

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:large_blue_diamond: This is going to be interesting…

I have been entrusted to participate in the installation and optimization of a friend’s newly purchased speakers…
:small_orange_diamond:Linn’s new top-spec 360.

This installation will include testing many ethernet-cables,.including all mentioned in this thread.
I’m especially looking forward to testing the Oephis top ethernet-cables that @Blackbird has mentioned in the thread.
AND,.of course Neotech NEET-1008 Silver :grin:.

My friend also has Linn’s top-notch DSM3 Hub,.so everything is the best that Linn can currently deliver.
Given the topic of this thread,.the ethernet-cable evaluation will be interesting.


:large_blue_diamond: Just to correct the above :grin:

I have NEVER heard any cable at all that sounds the same,.regardless of price range.
Even noname cables sound different,.even the direction for best soundquality is heard on noname cables.
IF,.the rest of the system is installed with knowledge.

• Just saying :wink:

Oephi immanence Ethernet cable? I have it here but haven’t had time to try it yet since I’m focusing on analogue cables right now. Många kablar blir det as we say in Sweden.

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Oh this is really served up for entertaining responses :scream::joy: