NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

The Designacable Belden 6a (floating) does this 20x, I’ve found.


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Spot on😂

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I believe it’s 1000h burn in required. At 1001h it’s magic.


It would certainly be interesting to compare a cable that’s new to one that has 160 odd hours, and then the magic change 1000 hours, just to see if it has actually changed.
But like most things no one will do that. I am certainly not, as buying one was bad enough for me. Lol.
Just wish i had sent it back and got my money back, rather than try and put more hours through it, as that was a complete waste off time and electricity. Believing that it would change as that what was being said, well it didn’t.

If you have followed me,.and my writings over the years, then it shouldn’t be unfamiliar at what level I am.

Also,.I often post pictures of various components I have in the systems,one more thing that should give an indication of what level I am at.
ALSO,.my advice and tips should also give some signals…

Sweden is small,.about 10 million people…
Most people know who the more famous in this interest are in Sweden, that includes me who has been in the public eye a lot in this interest in Sweden.

@Richard.Dane advises for security reasons not to enter your email addresses on the forum.
He removes them immediately.

For the same reason,.and because of what I wrote earlier,I don’t make my systems public.
I can draw conclusions from what others write without knowing what kind of system they have,.I have never actually looked at anyone’s “history”.
You notice between the lines what kind of experience the writer has.

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:flushed:…Do you seriously mean that you don’t know all that @Lucifer writes about system optimization etc…
It’s advice that Naim themselves have been giving for decades.

And the last thing you write,.you couldn’t be more wrong…
I have come back to that many times in this thread now…“settle-time”.

Good clarification,.then his statement lacks relevance…
Nothing to draw conclusions from.

My NEET-1008 played worse than my AQ Diamond,.but after 161 hours on the playlist, the NEET-1008 passed the AQ Diamond in soundquality.
Then AQ Diamond was put up for sale.

I personally would never dream of waiting 1000 hours for some hifi product to “start singing”.

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Maybe i should contact neotech and ask for a 100% refund ???
Yes i know the answer to that one already.
Might cut the decent ends off and put them on my catsnake i use, at least that wouldn’t be a complete waste off money then ?

:large_blue_diamond: My Blue Jeans Cable cat6a…

not all my Neotech NEET-1008 Silver :grin:.

Its got about as much as your statements really.
This guy i know, knows a guy, etc, etc.
Hopefully i might be ok to post a pic up in about an hours time if he is happy for me to do so

Sorry but I have no clue who you and your friends are. Just want to add :sunglasses:

Public eye where? Member of ”Guldörat” documentury from 2007 maybe? :smile:

I believe some in this hobby might see themselves as specialists that everyone knows. Maybe that’s not the reality. Maybe there are mythomaniacs hidden here and there? :wink:

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Mine looks different, with a thicker matte black more rubbery sheath.


That’s Catsnake which is not the same as Blue Jeans Cable.

My mistake. Mine is from Designacable, not Bluejeans cable.



I don’t believe that a product or cable changes fundamentally after burn in and long settle in.
Progressively the sound open, become more natural, loose edginess, the bass becomes better integrated, less fat….but globally the sound signature characteristics remain the same.
If the cable is well burn in, after one hour working if I don’t like it, I won’t like it one month later.
My experience, my opinion.


It feels good :smiley:.
From the middle of the 80s, 90s and 2000s, I and several people around me were often involved in various contexts in public within Hifi.
Even in reports in our hifimagazines, now I appreciate a more anonymous existence.

Not sure what that means more than that I’ve seen you write in other forums like many of us do too. I’ve met random guys at Hifi Music and such when I was a product manager for a big HIFI company but they didn’t know more than I do. They are all same people as most of us in here even though they want others to look at them like the holy grail of knowledge. I don’t think your opinion in any way is more valid than others opinion. You are like me a random guy in Sweden that likes to fiddle and try to come up with results that you like to share which is good. The less good is the lack of acceptance that others might have come to a different conclusion and that both actually can be right.


I agree it should sound good even when not fully burnt in.

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Peder, forgive me, but all I know about you is upsetting some forum members some time ago with belligerent and persistent arguments about Ethernet cables and switches I think it was.

You then disappeared from the forum, but here you are again, unaccepting of others’ experiences, and boasting about how knowledgeable you are, and how ignorant some of us are based on the kit we own.