NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

I gave up on him some time ago……you are far more tolerant….imo😉


:diamonds:Okay,.I think you and I are done talking from now on.

:large_blue_diamond: @Blackbird
As I Said Earlier…
“now I appreciate a more anonymous existence.”

I have no idea who you are,.you probably belong to a younger generation, I myself am a bit over 60+.

@NigelB ,.You are probably talking about the “Ethernet and Cable Mania” thread I started,.which generated almost 8000 posts before it was closed.
After that,.I have been deeply interested in headphones and acquired knowledge.
Just checking in here from time to time.
End of story.

He’s still doing it.

Pure arrogance in my opinion, if he allows me to have one.

Reminds of the saying, " Talks the talk, but does not walk the walk".

One thing that I will give credit for, is his persistence.


Let’s hope so.


Nice cable to an Ethernet cable spec.

I’ve just changed all my streaming / Ethernet cables to these and they made a nice improvement in presenting the detail, making my Jazz more toe-tapping.

An additional bonus, I found that my TV picture became sharper in detail.

Although it is a relatively thick cable, I found it to be quite soft and easy to dress as required.

Finally it is better looking than some of the boutique cables that we’ve seen recently posted.


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Sums it up nicely @DiggyGun


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Back from bingo, we didn’t win, got close but that was about it.
Asked if i could post a picture of his system and basically got told no.
So take what i posted about him as bull s-it if you like, i don’t really mind whatever.

Hi @frenchrooster :slightly_smiling_face:

Generally I agree with you…
Already one hour after the installation of a cable that is “burn-in”,.it is a significant improvement.
BUT,.first the next day it has “settled” properly, more “settle-time” does not a cable need that is really “burn-in”.

:small_orange_diamond:An example:
I have two headphones,.Sennheiser HD 800S and Hifiman HE 1000SE.
The HE 1000SE is a better headphone in many ways,.but both add something special.
If I’ve played for a few days with the HD 800S and switch to the HE 1000SE, it plays no better than the HD 800S.
Only the next day,.the HE 1000SE is better than the HD 800S in terms of dynamics, details and energy.

Strange in many ways,.I can’t explain why, just state that it is so.
Talked to one of Sweden’s most well-respected heavy hifi-salesmen about this, he also had no explanation for the phenomenon “settle-time”.

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We have an expression here to say that something is suddenly right. We say “ bingo”.

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Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:
I will take and comment on this further.
The thread was called…
“Ethernet Switch and Cable Mania”

It was that thread,.that started all the threads that have since followed on this topic.

I had to fight alone against all the “technical experts” on the forum,.who were of the opinion that…
Ethernet-cables and Switches Have No Importance For The Soundquality :flushed:.
:large_blue_diamond: Today We Know,.how wrong the “technical experts” were…!!

I Was Called “Audiofool”,.and other rude things of your English peers…!!
SO,.you can’t just think that I accept it and keep quiet…No No…

I,.and many Swedes are not “English Polite” when we are attacked, we actually give answers to speeches, if you can’t take that, you shouldn’t attack us.

• NigelB,.you also wrote:
“and how ignorant some of us are based on the kit we own.”

You must be thinking of someone
I would NEVER criticize someone for the music-system that person owns,.it is completely unthinkable in my world.
On the contrary,.I help many beginners in Sweden who are on their way in to this interest.

Now,.Back To Topic :smiley:

We use the same meaning for „bingo“ :blush:

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And we :grin:

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Is that what happens after 161 hours?


So in Germany, Sweden, France. UK too?

So I moved the 555 to sit directly under the NDS in my isoblue and the burndies just plunked in almost the whole cable running over the floor, touching the digital cable and the power lead going to my vinyl player. I must say @Dunc that you are absolutely right. It sounds fantastic just like this. At least right now an hour in I can’t notice any degradation in sound. Maybe a bit hard but that could be other things. Generally a very good sound. I’ll move the psu away and get the burndies off the floor later to see if the sound improves.

So far a bit restricted imaging and still perhaps a bit hard. Things I don’t immediately notice when plugging something in. Will be interesting to hear tomorrow.

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I am sure tomorrow it will be sounding bad, as by then your OCD will have kicked in, and it will have to be sorted to get the sound back.
If not then just enjoy

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Yes, it did, as did all the other threads that came before that about ethernet cables and switches.

Neet 1008 arriving for evaluation tomorrow. And some other stuff too. Take cover :rescue_worker_helmet:


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
Well,.it always is…
But this thread gave a new starting point,.when it reached roughly 8000 posts.

Now that I’m still answering you,.I have to take the opportunity to ask…
Have you listened to Vertere’s better interconnect cables in a Naim-system.
Asking,.because an opportunity arose to buy their second best at a great price :smiley:.