NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

Not that it’s anything new but I thought I couldn’t get along with my system. There was something wrong in the upper midrange. The sound was to hard and something was disturbing. It almost felt like it hurt the ears with some not too good recordings. I admit this was music I never heard before but I was adamant. It should sound good no matter what I was playing and sound amazing if it was well recorded. The sound was quite disappointing really and I was looking for explanations everywhere. I even changed to the speaker cables with the gold plugs. I have a pair with gold and a borrowed pair with Rhodium. I thought maybe it was the Rhodium. It wasn’t. It got less resolved with gold but the problem was still there. The sound was too hard. It still is too hard but, and this is the point, it now no longer has the disturbing upper midrange (noise).

The solution was, as I wrote in the beginning, nothing new. All I had to do was to move the Neet-1008 away from the Puritan Ultimate power cord. They were laying right next to each other, almost touching along perhaps 50 cm. Now they do not touch and are far apart. I’m really happy it was such a simple solution since I felt the sound was really problematic. Now it is very good albeit still a bit too hard, firm, resolute. But the resolution, air, breath and musicality is amazing. I think I would like just a little bit more warmth. As long as the warmth doesn’t take away from resolution it’s all good.

When I can turn it up to 10:22 :sweat_smile: and don’t want to immediately turn it down I know something has become better. :blush:

I also think, however, I have to get the signal even cleaner to the get the most out of this system. I see a switch in the future.


The Ansuz D2 Powerswitch and D2 ethernet cable contributed a lot to this in my system. I can increase volume so much that I’m worried my speakers might break and still it sounds so together and clear without any harshness or fatigue. It’s like my ears and brain has to work much less filtering out the bad stuff from the music. Good stuff! :slight_smile:


I’ve had the copper version of this cable for 2 days, the neet 3008, as the last leg from EE8 to Lumin D2. It was new so has some hrs to go on it, but so far its well balanced and musical and a deffo uplift form chord stream line for a very similar price, but boy is it stiff.


I asked the Taiwanese manufacturer “Can it be bent”. Here’s their reply.

“Actually, our signal wire is bigger than other brand, so we suggest you don’t strong bend it to use.”


How are you getting along with it now, Dunc? Any changes in the last week?

Definitely getting better.
I haven’t swapped anything over as yet, so i can’t say if it’s inpovement is real or just in my head.
But i can certainly listen to it ok now.

Plus i also found out my burn in wasn’t happening, i thought i had it playing for hour’s and hour’s at night, and when i was at work.
Well i was wrong as after a few minutes if i had the dac off the melco would automatically stop.

So i haven’t put anywhere near as much burn in on it as i finish thought :upside_down_face:
O well, i will keep on going.
Cheers dunc

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I have to admit to swapping back to BJC from Core to switch as I wasn’t getting the same level of enjoyment using the Neet. I’m not sure what it is I’m missing with the Neet? I think it still sounds a bit edgy for some reason despite over 600 hours of burn-in. I gave it a quick blast in place of the Sigma to see if anything had fundamentally changed with the way it presents music but it’s still a very long way off the performance of the Sigma.

Hi :slightly_smiling_face:
I read with amazement.
In my system,.and that of my friends, the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver ethernet cables are incomparably good.

I had Audioquest Diamond between switch and streamer,.I performed burn-in on NEET-1008 elsewhere and compared from time to time during NEETS burn-in period.

Audioquest Diamond was better up to 161 hours burn-in of NEET-1008,.after that I put up a sell ad on AQ Diamond.

I have Neotech NEET-1008 Silver ethernet cables in the whole chain, from incoming fiber box to streamer, and I am very satisfied.
Important to remember that you have the right direction for NEET-1008,.as I showed in the picture earlier.
:black_small_square:AND,.give all cables, especially NEET-1008 “settle-time” before you compare.
When changing,.give it AT LEAST an hour in the system before listening, preferably more.

Just out of curiosity,.I’ll try a Shunyata Sigma ethernet cable between my switch and streamer…
BUT,.it is ridiculously more expensive than the Neotech NEET-1008 Silver ethernet cable :flushed:.


Hi again :slightly_smiling_face:
For me it was just the opposite,.Neotech
NEET-1008 Silver was significantly better
than my Blue Jeans Cable cat6a.

My BJC is 4 m long,.so I tried it at all places
in the chain from the incoming fiber box and
router up to the streamer.
NEET-1008 was significantly better at all
places in the chain.


Which speakers? It’s so difficult to understand feedback when not knowing full system IMO :blush:

I will keep on going with the neotech as its over the 30days now anyway to send it back.
But i do still get the feeling that it might be a bit too forward and bright, plus the bottom end is also enlarged in my system to remain.
But let’s see as time goes on as like i said it hasn’t had the hour’s i first thought it had on it yet.

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Hi Peder, I have the direction correct and I do give it plenty of time to settle after I mess with it. It’s been between the Core and switch for a couple of weeks now but I’m not getting the ‘magic’ I normally get. There’s been a few of my ripped albums that seem to have lost something that I can’t quite put my finger on. Even volume setting change slightly, like I can’t play as loud with the Neet as it gets a little bit uncomfortable. I swapped back to BJC and instantly thing got a bit more relaxed, I could play louder and the ‘delicacy’ of the musicians playing together was back. It’s like the Neet is almost too dynamic and applies these dynamics to everything, which initially sounds impressive but becomes very tiring after a while. I’m going to play with it for a few more weeks but if it doesn’t significantly improve it’s going to end up residing in my ‘box of bits’!


I find myself agreeing with Dunc for once, I find the Neets traits exactly as he’s described!


I can relate to this but don’t have a bjc to compare to. I only have a catsnake and that cable is softer sounding which relaxes the sound from the start but one very soon notices it really doesn’t, it just lowers resolution and detail. After a while one hears the artefacts that the neet lets come through more clearly. I don’t know what in my system is giving me the result I have right now but a lot of the times I am listening it’s just too cold. Last night it was very good though so we will see. In my system I think it’s the upper midrange that has problems.

And I like the bass. It’s much more nuanced than with the catsnake. It is also more prominent in the bass, perhaps in the lower registers and my system wants more bass😁

You should give the PN a go. I’m guessing it would fit your system and needs very good :blush:


I agree with you regarding Catsnake. Ultimate resolution is a bit limited, which is why I was finding it hard to hear the benefit of the LPS over the SMPS when I compared them using Catsnake. However, the trick Catsnake has up its sleeve is that it has a very good midrange and smooth top end that covers well for the slightly overblown bass. This kind of takes the digital edge of everything and makes it sound more sophisticated than it really is. Installing Sigma and it was like a musical ‘explosion’ by comparison. Unfortunately, the Neotech is proving to be a difficult sound to come to terms with. I don’t find it particularly revealing when compared to Sigma just very exaggerated and coloured.

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I haven’t yet heard the Sigma but can understand the comments about the Neet. I have the same full on feeling here but since I have nothing else to compare to it is of course a lot more detailed than the Catsnake. I’ll see if I can tweak around it to tame it. I don’t yet have a switch but I filter the incoming power with a Puritan 156 which got some nasties in the noise department lowered

I wouldn’t call the neet colored and exaggerated though. I’d say it lets everything through. I don’t understand how it could exaggerate things.

As I understand it a cable can’t add anything just subtract.

maybe the copper version i have is the best of both, the dynamics without the reported forwardness.

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Could very well suit @Geko system better. Who knows. I think I have some work to do around the 1008 to make the most of it since I think it’s just letting everything through. I find it neutral and open and not colored.

Could suit my system better too of course

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By coloured I mean that I can tell instantly when Neet is in the system as it tends to give everything the same characteristics that Dunc describes, that forwardness, edginess and rather full bass is constant in almost all the tracks I play. This is what I particularly dislike. By contrast Sigma just allows every track to sound different. In fact I can tell when musician record in a different studio on the same album with Sigma in the loop, it’s that revealing.

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