NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

just checked mine for direction and noted the writing is the same on both ends ie the words flow towards the connector so how do i know if its the right way round…I’ve just flipped it and hear no difference.

Cable specs can change the character of cable like its capacitance. In general I understand that higher capacitance in cables bring more brightness. My Oephi cables are both low inductance and capacitance yet sound very detailed so there is a lot more to it of course which is outside my know how :blush:

Increasing the load capacitance brings the resonance peak down in the frequency range and if it lands in the upper echelons of the audible range, it results in brightness. So, if you’re suffering from brightness, reducing the capacitance is likely the right thing to do. The resonance peak is followed by a downwards tail and if the capacitance is extremely high, this tail will end up in the audible range - in this case, you will experience rolled-off highs (the tail) and a forward upper-midrange/lower-treble (the peak).

It sounds like what i am hearing with this cable is about right then.
I guess if that turns out to be correct, then u can’t see me keeping it in, as it’s just too much for my system.

Yep, I’m finding the same as you and it’s all a bit too much! I’ll keep playing with it from time to time but it’s now residing in my ‘box of bits’!

Wouldn’t surprise me. I’ve never got on with any of the silver cables I’ve tried… :scream:

Catsnake in between router and switch. Sounds dull. What’s up with all dull recommendations guys? I need full throttle!! :smile::+1:

Will go back to supra cat8 for now. Maybe Neotech 3008 is better match. I don’t afford Ansuz D2 there now. Must save up for Oephi Reference speaker cable I’m afraid.


I’m using it in the back-end part of my network to good effect; from another switch (where the NAS, Roon server, … are connected) to the first Sonore opticalModule Deluxe.
It provides a small but discernible uplift in clarity there i.e. not put upfront

You like it „in the face“
Try neotech :rofl:
What lenghth die you Need?

Nahh that’s hot midrange to me. I like balance and full bandwidth top to bottom. Need 4m. :slightly_smiling_face:

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4m - Diamond too expensive.
Really - try neotech

Hey :blush:
What about Omega vs neotech :blush:

AQ is not entering my system :slight_smile: But will consider Neo. But need to think about Oephi Reference first. It’s too good. Panic mode is on. Need to start selling vinyl records from the collection :smile: It’s worth 15 000EUR according to Discogs.


When I comes to hifi madness - be both are top of the pops. Only the mighty @Dan_M is „beating“ us. :rofl:
How much is the oephi reference?
AQ is not so bad, especially diamond is really good - I think it will be from sonic signature in the realm of ansuz. It is far more musical than vodka.
Thought your not into vinyl?

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4800 EUR for 2x2m. Chord Music is 7900 EUR for same length.

I’ve been deep into vinyl but sold it to go all in 500/552/NDS. No regrets. I’ve had many beautiful turntables and all included.


If 2m is enough for you - DO IT!
I need 2x 6m … :sob:

Might need 2.5m. That’s another 700 EUR :smile::see_no_evil:

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2x 6m will be 10k Euro!
The review in hifi+ describes the oephys sound signature as I heared it with sigma Ethernet … total natural !

Nope Neet-1008 is the way to go. Just had an Innuos switch (heavily modified) installed and the Lindemann modified. Now the Innuos wasn’t enough to stop the noise but combined with the modifications done to Lindemann it now sings like never before.

If someone has issues with the neet-1008 it isn’t the neet it is your surrounding electronics feeding noise in to your system. Get that right and you’ll have a fantastic Ethernet cable.

PS the catsnake isn’t even playing in the same ballpark.

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I have found that Ethernet cable performance is very system and environment dependent.

For example the AQ Vodka on the last leg of my full 500 system in my previous home was harsh and brittle, whereas on the last leg of my NC200 system in my current home, it shines.

The NEET-1008 Neotech simply may not work in every situation.


You are absolutely right about that. One needs to get control over the noise to make it work because it (Neet-1008) is very transparent.