NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

With the absence of noise I took the passive filter, the smooth lan out of the chain and it (the smooth lan) actually sounds quite bad as it now is exposed. It makes the sound loose it’s dynamics in the low end and the sound becomes brighter so now I can fault it which I couldn’t before.

I’m not so sure that it will? I went over to a friends last night who has a similar system to mine but with Ovator 800’s and took both the Sigma and Neet to try. I’m afraid the Neet lasted about twenty minutes in his system. He actually thought it worse than the Chord cable he’s currently using. The bass was so intense it just dominated every track and lacked any sort of real bass shape - you couldn’t really tell what bass instruments were playing. He also commented on how forward everything sounded. His final words were; “that it was all too fierce for me”. The contrast, when the Sigma went in, could not have been more different. It was like a group of proper musicians had suddenly assembled in his front room and started to play. He was that impressed I had to give him all the Sigma details there and then.

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Which switch is he using? Install an Innuos with a good power cord such as the Shunyata Omega and see what the results are.

You are using the EE8 am I correct? It is not good enough for the Neet and will be exposed. Try with a better switch in your system such as the above and the table will turn. Then you’ll get to hear what the neet is able to do. What you are hearing in both your system and your friends system is problems from somewhere being exposed, possibly the front end.

For reference the Neet beats the Omega in 2 different hi end systems. One is with the Taiko extreme streamer and Taiko switch with the Taiko battery power supply with Shunyatas best power conditioner, all Shunyata Omega power cables and 5 Shunyata ground boxes with their best ground cable. Amplification is Gryphons mono blocks and speakers are some 100000£ planar ones which I don’t remember the name of. The point here is that this modest Ethernet cable is the better one if your system is in order.

The Sigma and Omega sound very good but they suffer from low slew rates it’s been explained to me. The filters gets rid of noise which is good but at the same time the slew rate becomes low and the neet is exemplary in slew rate due to superior geometry and materials chosen. However it lets noise through. What you chose in the end is of course your choice but the Neotech cable itself is not to blame. The Audioquest cables, the BJC and the catsnakes are not playing in this ballpark. However the Neotech is. It is a cable to be reckoned with in the most hi end systems around

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my copper NEET - 3008 has now about 100 hrs on it and its now much richer and the top end has softened but brilliantly detailed. sound stage is huge and bass is, if anything a bit light but tight, maybe more to come as time goes on. I recommend the copper version if people are finding the silver a bit much.


So you think it’s front end of the system (we are both using ND555’s with two power supplies) that is the problem? And if that’s not the problem it’s the rest of our system that’s too noisy. But it’s not the Neet that’s at fault. And the Sigma that actually sounds so good doesn’t really sound good because the slew rate is too slow. I think that’s more or less what you are saying?

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This description of the Neet is definitely not the Neet it has resolution in abundance and shows every nuance in the bass register. This only goes to show he has some real problems with bass in his listening room. Possibly some coupling of bass note to the room that is thoroughly exposed when a cable is letting everything come through. What kind of room treatment is he using to handle bass?

I am not saying the Sigma doesn’t sound good but I am saying you have issues in your system and if you want to reach the maximum level in said system you will come a longer way using the Neet than the Sigma but it takes some work with the system. In your case you have the EE8 which doesn’t sound particularly good. The Innuos is much better but too slow in its original form. With a good power cable such as the Shunyata Omega you can still get the Innuos to show how good the Neet really is.

So which switch is your friend using?

Why does he have bass problems in his room? His system sounds great using his current Chord cable and even better using the Sigma. He just didn’t like the sound produced using the Neet. Yet it still appears to have the same traits that several of us on the forum have pointed out?

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I really couldn’t tell but it sound as if he has issues with coupling of the bass to the room which shows up when the Sound becomes more transparent but of course it’s just a guess

But with the Neet the sound is less transparent not more transparent, and it’s substantially less transparent than the Sigma in every aspect of musical reproduction.

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That is not the results from the system I referenced above. It’s the other way around it is so to all those who have heard it. I still haven’t heard the Shunyata cables but hav to relay what is heard elsewhere and also what I am hearing now in my system. Your description of the Neet is not at all how we would describe it. It’s the opposite and in the hi end system I tried to describe it is more transparent than even the Shunyata Omega. Why do you think the results are so different? The fact you have nd555 with 2 ps doesn’t take away the possibility you and others might and possibly have with noise. Again, you have the EE8. It’s not a good enough switch and the Shunyata helps mitigate noise which makes the sound sound more transparent than a cable like the Neet that lets the noise through. The noise gets in to the sound and makes it less transparent if you understand what I mean.

And again if you have the opportunity try the Innuos switch with a good power cord such as the Shunyata Omega and see what happens. It might be worth it

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Ah…so the answer it to go and buy an Innuos Phoenix Net (at around £3,200) and then use the Omega power cable (at a tad over £9,000) and then I’ll really be able to see what a £250 ethernet cable can do! You’ll excuse me if I just carry on being blown away by what my cheap old Shunyata Sigma cable does now. I think I can manage to live without Neet in my life for the moment.


I have the PN with a thick gauge pure silver cable (created by Sean Jacobs) with top end Furutech plugs, with SR Purple fuse, on a dedicated and balanced radial circuit.
My experience with the Neet is on the “Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary”! thread (Ethernet cables - YOUR LISTENING Shooutout Summary - #1710 by sbilotta)

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You are excused😊

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Yes I read that. Obviously the Omega and the Sigma seems to fit better into your systems @Geko and @sbilotta and it might very well fit in better in my system too.

So you are saying that Geko, Dunc, and the Geko friend had all a problem with their front end and with the bass?
And that the EE8 switch exposes the Neotech ?

Dunc, for example, has a top DCS source and a PhoenixNet as switch.

It reminds me when some years ago some here were thinking that the Blue Jeans is the best Ethernet cable in the market. A big wagon followed, many have bought it.

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In short yes. If the Neotech Neet-1008 doesn’t work in your system it is exposing problems. It’s not perfect in my system but now with the modified Innuos switch and the modified Lindemann at least it sounds really good.

We’ll see what @Dunc says in a few weeks when his cable has been burnt in.

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Don’t forget to add to your list of Innuos switch and Omega power cord 1000 hours of burn in, so quite two months.
This Neotech is like a King, he has a big court ready to exhaust his single desires and expectations.

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When I first bought my first Audioquest Diamond, I had only a cheap Netgear switch. The cable however reacted very well on my Nds, despite being exposed.
The upgrades with a linear ps then different switches, to end with a PhoenixNet, improved each time the sound quality.

Maybe the Neotech is specially capricious.


No it’s not capricious it has very high resolution