NEET-1008 Neotech Ethernet RJ45 Cable

As said will keep holding out it gets better.
But at the moment i would be removing it.

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I’m tempted to suggest that ‘Occam’s Razor’ might be the solution here. Saying that there’s an issue with everything else in the system is just plain illogical!

It’s also worth pointing out the primary flaw in your thinking. You suggest that the Neet 1008 is the absolute best ethernet cable you can buy but you have to ensure that it goes into a completely noiseless system. However, this also suggests that if we assume everything is relative, whilst the Neet is getting better, as noise is removed, every other ethernet cable will be getting worse because the noise is removed. Why’s that then? Wouldn’t one assume that if noise is removed all ethernet cables would get better at the same ‘relative’ rate? And if the Neet doesn’t sound that great now how does it suddenly become so good and surpass all the better ones?

The second flaw in your thinking regarding the ‘slew’ rates with Sigma and the two noise cancelling devices would suggest that the Alpha, with only one noise cancelling device, will actually sound better than Sigma and the cheaper Shunyata Venom, with no noise cancelling devices, will sound better than both the Alpha and the Sigma because the slew rate improves as the noise cancelling devices are removed? Again, slightly illogical and not what seems to happen in practice.

The real problem with the Neet 1008 is that it’s like chasing a rainbow. First you won’t hear how good it really sounds unless it has 160 hours burn in. When you get to 160 hours and it doesn’t sound any better you are told that it now 600 hours burn in. When you get to that it’s changed to at least 1,000 hours burn in before it comes good. When you get to that you really need to invest around £12k into ancillary equipment to get the best sound from it. I’m betting that if it gets to this level they’ll be something else that needed to help it sound better?

I keep half expecting you to suddenly declare that you’re somehow related to the Managing Director of Neotech and that this has all been some sort of weird advertising ploy!

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First of all I have no affiliation to Neotech. I’m good friends with the distributor in Sweden (he is my dealer) and don’t know if you consider that to be a conflict of interest on a global scale. I do not. Secondly I am not saying every other Ethernet cable becomes worse I’m saying you’ll hear more what the cable does when noise is removed. When noise is removed you’ll hear the limitations of the Omega compared to the Neet. Third, I don’t know anything about the other Shunyatas cables you mention and am only relaying information given to me. Regarding slew rate the Neet measures extremely well and is one of the fastest if not the fastest cable around. I guess the Shunyata cables in the lower prices are even worse than the more expensive ones. At least one would expect them to be that.

I don’t recall ever claiming anything less than 1000h although the cable will sound good before that it will not be fully stable. Also I said from the very beginning a caveat was you need to get rid of noise but that goes for all digital setups when it comes to digital and for the entire stereo when it comes to noise induced by the power grid or otherwise. Naim goes to great length to isolate their equipment from noise and so does other companies. However you really don’t need a Shunyata Omega power cord on the Innuos but it was suggested for the sake of getting the Innuos switch to sound better. It’s also not good enough on its own and is a bit slow. Perhaps the Ansuz switch is better still. We haven’t heard it.

All in all I don’t see flaws in my thinking. It’s all logically laid out as far as logic goes. I claim the Neet is very transparent and above all fast. This means it lets 1 and 0 come through at the right speed but also that it lets noise come through. The Shunyatas are not as fast and this is measurable but they don’t let noise through because of their filters. When the signal is noise free you’ll hear the speed and transparency of the Neet and you’ll hear the slower speed and lesser transparency of the Shunyatas. Hope this makes sense.

The problem with bass you are referring to is something no one in my group of hi-fi aficionados ever heard. When it doesn’t work it’s usually in the top register one notices problems. It becomes harsh and hard sounding.

The Neet is so much better than the Shunyata Omega it has replaced the Omega in 2 extreme hi end systems which also goes to show just how good it is. One of those systems I tried to, from memory, give some info about. The other system is even more extreme and has the MSB select dac for instance. He has the modified Innuos as switch and since Shunyata is very good he also have power distribution from them all in all costing the same or even a bit more than a full 500-system. The total cost of that system is just north of 2 million pounds. I’m trying to put this into perspective here but if the cable doesn’t work for you guys it doesn’t. I’m a bit surprised it doesn’t though since it now sounds very good even in my lowly system. After the Lindemann got modified it even works without the modified Innuos but not as good.

All this probably sounds even more ridiculous to you but it is what it is. This is the actual experience of some extreme hi-fi aficionados here in Sweden.

This is what I found in my trial with PN vs Ansuz D2 Powerswitch. PN had a beautiful bass but this bass also was slower than D2. The overhang in the bass notes was bit to much for my taste. D2 has much more PRaT and also better resolution with a more well defined bass. It also need long time being on to perform at its best like PN.

It sounds as if the Ansuz is an interesting switch.

Again, I will use Occam’s Razor as the guiding principle against your logic. You keep telling me that I will only hear how good the Neet is when there is no noise and that when there’s no noise the Shunyata Sigma will become worse or limited by this fact because of the little devices used to remove noise, even though the cable remains the same in the Venom, Alpha and Sigma.

Yesterday you were telling me that it was the front end of my system that was at fault and the reason the Neet wasn’t working so well. Then it was because my EE8 switch wasn’t really good enough. Oh, and my mates 500 system with Ovator S800’s must have problems with the bass in his room.

You then seem to completely ignore a number of people on here that have tried the Neet in a number of systems with different ancillary configurations who simply say that it’s “great value for money and sounds okay against the relative cheapish alternatives”.

Yet you yourself haven’t compared it directly against any other top end ethernet cables like the Chord’s, Shunyata’s or Audioquest. It is simply the best because your mate says it’s the best in a £2m system.

The guy I bought the Sigma from has close to a ÂŁ2m system and he says that Omega is the best by far but I guess he must have quite a noisy system!

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Ah I see. I don’t know how the cable would work if you took the boxes out but the boxes are said to slow the slew rate down. The cable without the boxes is probably not a very good cable. One thing that indicates this is it’s less expensive than the Neet when you ad length. Here in Sweden another meter costs 87£ as opposed to another meter of Neet that costs 182£ telling us the cable it self is cheaper than the Neet which might indicate it’s not as good. I do understand that price and quality doesn’t always go hand in hand.

You should try your Neet in his system. I’m not ignoring yours or anyone else opinion or at least I’m not intentionally doing so. I’m simply trying to give thoughts about what might be the thing in your system making the Neet sound the way it does. Didn’t mean to annoy. Sorry about that.

You are right I shouldn’t have written anything about this since it’s not my own experience. He should be the one writing. I just found it so fascinating and thought it interesting for the forum to hear about this cables virtues.

If i have got to wait 600 hours or 1000 hours, then for me that’s not great.
As where the cable is, between my melco and switch means it’s only getting burn time when i play stored / ripped files from it.
600 hour’s is 120 day’s
1000 hour’s is 200 day’s
This is with 5 hours a week, as i do stream, play vinyl, occasionally tape, and cd’s.
So i guess looking at that i will report back in October 2026 and let you all know how i am getting on after 600 hour’s burn in :laughing:

Seriously it can’t take that long.
I will certainly say it’s a lively sounding cable. It will certainly fit into some systems fantastically, essentially if you like that or your system is a bit flat sounding.
But as i said for me, my system, right now. It has upset the balance i have.

It can only be this cable as it sounded balanced before when streaming or playing vinyl, etc.
I did feel my melco was the least best sounding due to the cable i was using. But this has now gone from me thinking i have lost some top end sparkle, to now a much brighter, bloated bass, and it sounding like it cant get rid off the music fast enough. It’s detailed, but it’s just not enjoyable to listen too right now, especially for an hour or more. Whereas the system normally could be on all day and that thought wouldn’t even be in your mind.

I hope it settles down very soon as if not it will be out.
Then free for anyone else to try on here.

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Can’t you let the melco play 24/7 without letting the music pass through to your amp?

You are not annoying me I promise but we do seem to be building a complete (and very expensive) HiFi ecosystem around a £250 ethernet cable to get it to sound good. Rather than just changing the ethernet cable. This is what I mean by Occam’s Razor or, to put slightly differently, the simplest answer to the problem is often the correct answer to the problem!


I understand and it is of course absurd to put in thousands of pounds extra in the system to make it sing as one wish just to make one cable work. However, I’m still very surprised by the results most of you are getting here. It does not align with my results when I finally got the switch installed and the streamer modified so that noise from the streamer no longer leaked in to the sound. It would still be very interesting to hear how your friend with the 2m system would get on with it compared to his Omega.

I promise you’ll be the first to know next time I catch up with him. When we were talking ethernet cables he did mention that he’d tried over twenty different ones in his system and that the Shunyata’s were the ones he preferred because of their total neutrality, timing and realism. I suspect something more coloured is not going to be to his liking.

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Re speaker cable - do try and borrow some Vertere Redline first. I am led to believe that they are similar to SL but only ÂŁ750.

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Dunc makes another good point here, I think I said something along the same lines a while back.

When I go to the big hifi shows and hear the real mega-buck systems they always sound a bit bland and boring to me. It seems to be all about that ‘hifi’ sound rather than the music and the emotional impact it has. This is exactly the system I would plug Neet into as it definitely needs a wake up call!

By contrast Naim (who by the way never measure that well against the big boys with slew and stuff) seem to capture the essence of music, which is why I buy their stuff. I find with the Sigma in place it just lets more of the Naim sound through my system while the Neet just emphasises and exaggerates things.


There are 3 big flaws in your logic :
1). You have not compared yourself the Neetoch vs other top lan cables.
2). You rely on your distributor appreciation who sells this cable.
3). You make hypothesis on noise removal and efficiency of some cables vs others , hypothesis that are purely based on your subjective opinion.


That’s not really about logic though

  1. True
  2. False (it’s several people that think this and he is not one of them in this scenario. It’s another friend and those who own these hiend systems and their hi-fi friends
  3. All opinion on sound and cables are more or less subjective, wouldn’t you agree. I don’t think a hypothesis can be subjective since it’s a question aimed at something. Sure the actual question is subjective in that it chooses a target but how else would you ask a question?

In this case the question revolves around noise since noise is what has caused issues in these other systems and when mitigated properly with grounding systems, switches and power conditioning among other things it has been obvious the Neet-1008 is a better cable than the Shunyata Omega to all those who have listened and they are not one person. It’s a group of persons.

Also none of these systems involve Naim which of course might be a problem. As @Geko says Naim seem to have their own way of doing hi-fi and as such a very transparent cable might not suit. Perhaps Lavender, Naca, powerlines and superlumina all are tuned to Naims colored sound in that case. What do I know. According to @Dunc in previous post about him seing the 552 as a bottle neck thoughts like these came up. I don’t know if Naim tunes their gear differently than other hi-fi companies but the more I read about this here the more likely it seems.

Maybe your opinion about Neotech majoring his strengths in a full silent environment is true. But it’s only a speculation. As in your precedent posts I think to remember you didn’t wrote IMO or insisted that it’s your personal hypothesis, you gave the impression that you were saying facts.

Your own system is probably noisier vs those here who tried the Neotech, be it Geko or Dunc, as you have an Nds ( not Nd555) and a 252, not 552 or above. But in your system the Neotech works very positively.
So I see a contradiction.

As for the evaluation of your friends with mega bucks systems, it’s possible also that it’s a matter of balance. If the system is a full top Linn system , some injection of drama and dynamics may not be detrimental in that case.


Particularly true if you heard the mega-buck Linn system at the Bristol hifi show earlier in the year!

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