Yes it is amusing indeed. I’ve once thanked a guy next to me at the gas station for paying so much taxes for his BMW x5.
In the end, we all need to spend a bit of our savings every now and then to give a little present to ourselves and if one wants to do that: certainly fine. I’ve my own guilty pleasures. Hifi anyone?
A Linn Bedrok video
I have watched it about 3 times and was shocked to hear record surface noise
You would think the record would be in pristine condition and was thoroughly cleaned
I also picked up on the left hand side of the plinth the inconsistencies of the grain.
Good video…your money and your choice though if your a LP12 user
They are a hifi manufacturer though. If it’s commercial and not authorised by Naim then it’s not wanted on here. That keeps things clean and prevents shills from taking advantage of the Naim forum to promote their commercial interests.
Yes apologies again …no more posts outside Forum rules from me in future
Members can watch it on YouTube if they put Linn Bedrok plinth and get the Linn one
Thanks mate.
I mean no harm but obviously some think it should be a black and white area “ boring”
A funny picture puts a bit of thought into a joke and makes it better when the penny drops.
Never mind the only moderator I respect or take notice of is @Richard.Dane anyone else will just have to step over.
I’m easy to ignore.
Why should they benefit from all my other info tips and advice then choose to moan about a joke can’t have your cake and eat it so they can put up or shut up.
My reputation badges etc is huge and I’m very grateful to those who contribute and appreciate.
Oops rant alert
Cheers Jim.
Was in my dealers yesterday and had a look at the Bedrok just in passing. Anyone who’s decided they don’t like the deck from on line pictures won’t change their mind in the flesh I’d suggest. I like it. My dealer, perhaps unsurprisingly, was enthusing about the sound quality of the deck. I’d love to hear it, hopefully he’ll run an event at some point. I’m never spending £9k on a plinth but all power to Linn. I’d happily sit a Bedrok plinth on my rack.
I believe most people would say so, I am indeed, actually its been ages since I owned LP12.
There is however a market it seems.
Somebody purchased their LP12-50 and those with a heavy wallet might wish to join the madness with this “affordable” plinth
We are all allowed to dream.
Must say should I blow a budget on truly expensive kit, I’d choose a Vertere turntable if not the Rega Naia rather than a block of specialized wood.
Just watched a couple of videos on YouTube about the new Bedrok plinth.
I found the one from Ripcaster showing the new design elements on the plinth very interesting. Particularly, when they did a comparison with an early, non-braced plinth and a later braced plinth.
It would be interesting to see and hear one in the flesh as I think that it does look a nice plinth.
I wonder how many Bedrok plinths Linn will sell at £9K a pop? Still, probably only need to sell just a few to make it a worthwhile venture. Personally, I would look at other table options before shelling out the big £’s for a new Linn Klimax with Bedrok…like a Kronos, a Basis, a Tech Das, a used Caliburn etc.,
There are people out there who will just have to have the latest LP12 upgrade irrespective of cost, I wouldn’t be surprised if most Linn dealers didn’t already have a Bedrok order or two from their clients with healthy bank balances.
Interesting pic. The Bedrok deck visually works better for me. The 50th looks half complete cos the plinth outer sides weren’t rounded to match its inner curves, the lid should then also have been rounded, and there’s that silly bit where the straight top plate meets the curve of the armboard. I think it gets away with the round button having a different radius to the curved plinth. No doubt Jony wanted all these things but they never happened for whatever reason. I do prefer the finish on the 50th deck though, although the Bedrok still looks good in real life.
I thought I saw somewhere that the 50th Anniversary Bedrok did not have inserts for the screws that hold the Trampolin, cross brace and maybe the hinges but the new Bedrok has threaded inserts. I wonder if inserts are used on the two screws that fasten the top plate as well?
This all must be a part of Linn’s continuing innovation as they think of better ways of doing things. Here’s an older Bedrok plinth without the inserts.
When I made a wood frame for my mains socket block, I used a very hard exotic wood. I underestimated the problems with such a hard wood. It’s a pain to cut without it heating up and blackening the cut surface, pain to sand and the pilot holes have to be wider to accommodate the screws or they’re likely to snap. Once I’d made it, I had to be really careful screwing in things, because if the small screws snapped, I could have ruined all my work, because the ends aren’t coming out.
I suggest Linn have put in threaded inserts for ease of installation. That bedrok is no doubt pretty dense/hard due to the compressed beech and resin.