New firmware update

On the contrary, I think they’re looking into it and trying to solve it very seriously indeed. I’d imagine the problem, as ever with these things, is in getting everything exactly the same in order to replicate the behaviour…

But for all users who have updated to 3.5.1, the software is exactly the same. Different users will of course have slightly different setups. But this thread has provided quite strong evidence that screen freezing can occur under different settings. This suggests that the issue is hardware specific. In this case it might be difficult for Naim to fix it via software updates, hence my comment.

It’s not just hardware but also how someone uses the software. Some usage patterns may trigger bugs that others don’t. Sequence of events things.

Good point!

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Anyway. New firmware due at the end of the week. The display on my ndx2 spends more time blank than not. Somewhat irritating.

Is it actually possible to control the Naim streamers with something else than the Naim app? For instance, by wrapping the NDX2 in an OpenHome renderer with BubbleUPnP Server? If so, you could try to control the NDX2 with the BubbleUPnP app and see whether this makes a difference or not. Perhaps just a silly idea … I have no Naim streamer!

Roon would be simpler.

Doubt even Roon would fix the screen silliness issues though.

Given people have trouble with Roon too it would seem that the issues are with Roon rather then the app itself.

I’m concerned that the new platform could be fundamentally flawed in some way as the units should be at a mature state by now but Naim haven’t been able to get the streamers to a point where they are stable.

I do believe they are working very hard on this but the results so far don’t seem promising.

Well, if you are in doubt it would perhaps be worth trying. The problem has been around for a while and Naim do not appear to be able to fix it. Perhaps it is not even a NDX2 problem … who knows!

Blimey, another one? I must admit my screen has gone blank too but only since the last update. If i switch inputs it momentarily springs to life but then goes back to blank shortly afterwards.

My mind does that quite frequently these days.

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Mine was updated a few days after having it. Cant remember 3.5.0 buggering with the screen. But 3.5.1 does. A lot.
Naim tell me it is to do with " overclocking the cpu". Whilst I understand what that means, I don’t see why you’d do that with a streamer.

Haven’t followed this whole thread (not having screen freezes). My issue is with the relative worthlessness of the screen features. I assumed when I bought the NDX2 it would have the capability to scroll artist/track info continuously, maybe even time, bit rates, cover art, etc. It is truly useful, for me, to have continuously available, and customizable, info in the screen. Streamers I’ve had for far less cost have had much superior screen capabilities. Disappointing.

Yes it’s very very poor, even the text runs off the side of the screen and is unreadable, it seems screens aren’t Naims thing, if you’re going to do it do it right! I leave mine off most of the time now

Really pleased I went for the ND5XS2 - without a screen.

Very sad to see that a unit (NDX2) costing twice the price is having so many issues.

Whilst I fully support Naim as a manufacturer, I’m surprised that owners aren’t invoking the “manufacturing defect” part of Consumer legislation in order to seek a replacement product.


Interesting the diversity of views. I personally find the screen pointless, even if it did work properly. I sit 15 feet away from the NDX2, and can’t read the screen so it’s set to “off“, everything I need is on the iPad by my side.

The big issue with previous NDX2 firmware update was the random reboots - scary when they happened and I think possible to damage the speakers if listening at high volume as the streamer disconnects itself.


No volume display on my Nova suddenly. This has been an on and off issue that usually resolves, but not this time. Power cycles etc have not fixed it and just putting off the inconvenience of another factory reset. At least it sounds great but seems daft the most fundamental function - volume - cannot be displayed reliably.

Also had the phantom reboot this weekend twice while playing an LP. Latest firmware installed.

It’s no where near as frustrating as my iPad though, at least the NDX 2 sounds amazing. There is nothing on this planet that makes me more angry than using a iPad touch screen. The work of the devil.

Can’t say I bought the ndx2 for the screen. Nor the crappy remote. Yes, I’d like to work properly though. The screen on my Cambridge cxnv2 was more useful in terms of what it displayed.
I’ll see how this firmware at the end of the week goes. Otherwise I’m back to my dealer to discuss.

Ps. I do like how it sounds though.

You have not, by chance, activated the option to switch-off the screen, while playing?
In that case, the above would be 1:1 the expected/intended behavior.
(Or maybe the option switched itself magically on, during/around the update…)