New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

We do realise this is the solstice thread, not the show us your TT thread?:rofl:

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Do we realise that all has been said and said again, as we reached 5420 post ? There are many to sell on the ex demo or used market. It says something, specially for a limited edition, 500 ones for the entire world.

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When people start getting bored then inevitably the conversation drifts onto other things!

TY Steve. Hopefully the Naim Board understand fully the use-case and “need” for this item.

Whilst no one need take the blame for the current configuration options, the case to be made of course is that a lighter counterweight would permit owners to use a wider variety of very main-stream cartridges that have been on the market for years already. It’s access to these cartridges that’s desired. Otherwise, the range of options is quite simply far narrower than with most other tables of this quality and price.

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I guess you missed the part where Naim came out with the Solstice Skins accessory. It’s used to make the Solstice look like something else. It has the benefit that you don’t have to explain to anyone there’s little chance of using a different cartridge. For example, with mine I skinned it to look like a Clearaudio Innovation with two Universal arms and Lyra cartridges.

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I’ll say what I like about the Solstice, thank you. As far as I know, free discussion is permitted here.

You appear to have appointed yourself as a Moderator of this Forum.

Until now that has been Richard Dane, with the occasional pithy remark from his predecessor Adam Meredith.

Yes, but part of free discussion is that others can call you out to substantiate your claim that the Solstice is the best turntable Naim could make. A lot of your invective about the turntable is based on that premise, but no one else believes that was ever the case. Naim never said that, did they? The Solstice is what Naim said is it. A $20k limited production special edition as a complete package. Not the best that could do. Just something they felt was special (even if flawed as we have discovered).


Well, everyone’s happy then.

I am sure that the two LP12s that I have will still be supported in, say, 20 years’ time. I doubt that the Solstice will be, but I’m unlikely to be around to see if that’s true.

You don’t know that the Naim Solstice will become unsupported.

FWIW: I had a LP12 I bought in the mid 80s, and ca. 2010 it was in disrepair, but ended up unsupported, so I got rid of it and moved on. Not everyone has a Linn dealer to be counted on indefinitely. As far as I’m concerned, damn good riddance to my LP12. I’m lucky I found someone willing and able to refurbish it and give me some money for it. Otherwise, I’d have been stuck with a door stop. There’s just about no chance I’ll get a Linn LP12 again, and I’m not convinced any one of them can better what I have anyway.

Enjoy your LP12, but it’s not a panacea, and don’t assume there aren’t TTs that better it, for the same or less money.


Back in 2009 I was, somewhat patronisingly, told by a former participant of this forum that if I chose an alternative to the Scottish Turntable I hadn’t heard one properly set up, I had, in my lounge installed by a very prominent Linn dealer. I chose a Roksan and still have it!

I get that there is much affection for the old fruit box but please don’t be so bloody precious about it, Naim have done a very limited supply alternative, that’s all. The deity that is Drakemire Drive (as was) will live on!

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I agree Naim didn’t claim that the Solstice was a deck to surpass all other decks but I was assured that it could be improved upon with DVXV1t, Superline/ Supercap and a 300 P/S replacing the “package” variants. In fact I only agreed to buy the deck and arm from my dealer based on this premise. It swayed my decision (at the time) to go Solstice rather than LP12 which I was leaning toward. So. 100% the phono and P/S upgrades can be done without much fuss and are worthy upgrades as many have found.

The genesis of my Solstice issues started (if those following this thread recall) when I checked the Equinox overhang and node point set up. It couldn’t be “dialled in” with the three bolt Equinox fitting. That was PRE modifications guys. I removed the rear bolt, set up correctly and even with the obvious loss of the third bolt the sound was better. Go figure.

When trying to fit the DV the fun and games really started with copper washers needed between cartridge and headshell because the underside of the headshell is fabricated in such a way that it fouled the install (with the DV). Then I struggled to get the anti skate magnet to produce enough strength to counter the inertia with the DV so came up with the idea to fit a stronger magnet (why oh why should I have to have done that). It worked, sort of. Finally the counterweight. Well we all now know about the issues there with the spring bearing/counterweight weight and all.

I documented my experience (which hasn’t done me any favours at Naim) because I believe in transparency and that customers have a right to know the reality before making purchase/upgrade decisions. Oh well! The final straw for me was when one of the BNC connectors (which really improved upon the tricky supplied RCA’s) failed due in effect because the supplied arm cable is “a pig to terminate to”. Enough was enough and Acoustica agreed reimbursing me very well. Thank you again to them.

When in “full swing” the Solstice really sings. I had 11 weeks with an SME 20 before the speed control failed and although the 20 was better in hifi terms I feel that the Solstice was a more emotionally satisfying listen. Very LP12/ARO like in this respect. I’m heading there next and hopefully will experiance a problem free run, just enjoying my music ffs!

As a package I thought the Solstice was good but not great. But the deck and arm are almost/ could have been terrific but fall short because of fundamental flaws. IMO.


The concept of long term product support is interesting and does seem to have changed somewhat from many years ago. Back in the 70’s it was quite ususal for manufacturers to state, in instruction manuals something along the lines of:

Thank you for your purchase. With care this product will provide a lifetime of musical enjoyment .

I well remember this from my A&R Cambridge A60 amp that I had for my birthday in 1977. Arcam are no longer able to service or repair the amp apparently, so the claim in the manual appears to be somewhat fanciful.

I changed mine for a 42.5/110 many years ago so no longer have it. But if I did still have it could I claim some sort of compensation under the Sale of Goods Act or similar for false claims made about the product?!

I don’t need to be a moderator to call someone out for repeatedly lying about what Naim said about the solstice, despite it being pointed out numerous times. Thank you

Anyway I am done on that topic.

I hate to say this @PJL but actually one of these was my first deck, at age 13, when my Dad replaced it with a Sony deck. The Garrard had a G850 on it, which was common at the time. If it is any consolation it was easily bettered by a Dual 505/grado FC+ :grinning:


You are back on form FR

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What a mean-spirited comment!

You were spoiled! I would have absolutely loved that - and with a G850 too!

I know this. My love of the SP25 MKIII is totally illogical! But I just can’t help it…
And especially withg the G850 fitted, it’s enough to make me…well I musn’t say, or I’ll be cast out.

My dealer loaned me a Dual 505 once while my LP12 was with them being re-set (which was practically every few months!). I was actually very surprised at how good it was.


I have no thoughts on the Solstice, other than I’d love to hear one one day. As I’d love to hear a LP12 (confession time, I never have X) )

I will say, in response to noone in particular, it is a good lesson the way Naim in general permits threads like this going in less than glowing directions at times, and specifically when Naim staff never seem to rise to comments regarding their products, cables, turntable, CD mechanisms, software. I’m sure they’re tempted. Imagine your work open to public scrutiny and comment, I’m sure many of us would not like the resulting commentary.

I have nothing against honest and constructive feedback, I do receive that in my day job all the time! And that’s surely part of the (continuing I hope!) value of this forum to Naim, but I wish some would tone it down a bit.


This was my first turntable i bought in 1974 from Dixons but on the plinth it said PrinzSound with the Goldring G850 cartridge installed.

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I see these everywhere.

They make a lovely Latte, Flat White, Americano etc, etc…