New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

That’s more unfortunate news. Having owned and enjoyed great listening sessions with my Solstice, and being a big fan of Naim, I don’t want to see the deck becoming an easy target for the haters or fellow music lovers being frustrated with their decks. We deserve better !


That’s probably not good news going forward.
But if you get a different weight sorted, well that should give more options going forward

Any further updates? Edit Whoops I see progress has been noted earlier in this thread.

I can’t believe this topic, a machine shop could make 1000 of these in 2 hours “by the end of the year” really ?


Instead of making quick decisions and bringing out a new counterweight to Solistic not to mention improving the website, implementing hi-res for Tidal and other shortcomings, the CEO of Naim & Focal, Cedrick Boutonet seems more interested in spending his time on expensive wines, exotic travels and luxury cars judging by the content of his social media… Maybe nothing wrong with that, but work first, pleasure later is usually a good principle :unamused:

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Maybe the work stuff is confidential…

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It’s quite unusual for CEOs to do coding or testing, and to be honest personal social media pages aren’t usually where people describe their work.


Quite ridiculous uninformed post.

Rather an expression of Irony and frustration I would say…


Frustration? You are not interested by the Solstice, neither waiting for Tidal hires.
But irony, I agree.

This thread has gone wildly off topic. Let’s get back to talking about the Solstice.


Nothing more to talk about until the new counterweight arrives and people discuss their experiences fitting and listening to other cartridges.

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Talking about Solstice, let’s hope Naim will produce the next counterweight before the 2025 summer Solstice, not during the next appearance of the Halley’s comet.


Well, I’m actually a little frustrated Rooster. The examples I mentioned, together with many others point in the same direction as I see it, namely that there has been a gradual deterioration of Naim as a brand. Who knows what comes next? So yeah, I’m frustrated over the management and how the company is managed nowadays, hence I wrote the way I wrote.


I agree. The Solstice fiasco is just a glaring example on how attitudes have changed in Naim. Not the same company I loved and supported for decades.


Their ethos has certainly changed.



This counterweight stuff, for folks that must fiddle didn’t a certain dealer in the Leicester area once source a different counterweight for the original Aro?

Sorry to pursue but you see it wrong in my opinion. A while back I, amongst others, raised the point that it was very disappointing that Naim could no longer repair the majority of their CDPs, so what they do is introduce a scheme whereby rather than be left with a completely redundant machine, you trade in against a broadly equivalent streamers. If you are in possession of a similarly redundant machine from Arcam, Cyrus, Sony as far as I’m aware no such scheme exists. Result for me I’m hearing the sweetest music with a 5 year warranty on a new streamer. Deterioration, no just change, it happens to a lesser or greater degree anywhere in the corporate world.

And as for your insight into the management of the company unless you can advise to the contrary I doubt you have any.


I think it’s been said here a few times – this new Aro2 requires more than just a chunk of metal with a hole in it . . . there are some bits mounted inside that hole that mate with the arm. This is why “any machine shop” can’t just cut a chunk of metal for us.

I have few enough hours on my Equinox that cartridge replacement isn’t a priority in the near future so I hope to benefit from the experience of others . . . wishful thinking included.

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