New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

That info is in this thread… somewhere… Look for posts by @110dB .

At the time the issue was raised, I did a quick/rough ‘survey’ of the weights of potential/likely cart’s for the ARO2 and found a range from 5g to 18g (5g was the Hana E & S; 18 g was the EMT Novel Gold).

The proposed/new counterweight for the ARO2 is for one which is lighter, than the existing/standard one, to suit the lighter cart’s.

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Conclusion was that the new/light counterweight should be around 110g (based on @110dB 's experiments) - see this post -

New Naim Solstice Cabinet. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I think the doors and drawers are overkill. One of these should do well enough.


Yesterday I was chatting to a Solstice owner who traded an Akkurate Linn. He reckons as a music maker it’s superb, but treat it as a package, DON’T change the phono, DON’T fret about the counterweight at least until cartridge renewal but even then a Dynavector will do nicely. First rule of hifi leave well alone😁


Everyone’s favorite pastime is slagging on the Solstice (which is getting boring). To those of us who own one the sound quality is outstanding. It is very much a Naim product with all of the classic virtues we expect from a top flight source. The Superline/Supercap DR combo reveals magic the NVC-TT only hints at. I plan to enjoy mine for many years and the new lighter counterweight will come in handy when the Equinox requires replacement. But I must say the Equinox is a very good cartridge and deserves recognition. I’m making the best sound, period.


Another great image of the Solstice!


Certainly not slagging the product but the dilemma owners are left with at Stylus time.
As it can’t be restored to original.
Shocking. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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If you like what it does great, hopefully that love will carry on for year’s and not become a pain.
It’s certainly not one off naim’s greatest moments for shure, but then i guess it’s not really a 100% naim product to start with, and maybe that is where the problem’s all started ?
Anyway atleast they had a go.

I see very few if any ‘slagging’ the Solstice. In fact everyone points out the obvious high quality, value for money, and great sound. Me included. I do see a lot of concern about spending serious money on a very fine turntable that as far as we can tell is not compatible without kludges/hacks with a single cartridge, besides the not generally available Equinox, that anyone has identified. That is a very fair criticism of the product in my opinion and one that without this thread Naim may not have been forced to address. If the new counterweight is released, and with it the anti skate magnets and headshell can be shown to work with a reasonable selection of generally available carts then everyone with a Solstice is in great shape.


Not slagging off the Solstice, sounds like it’s a good bit of kit. However, the on-going ownership and support from Naim does appear to be dismal.

It’s like buying a car, you can only use the original tyres as no other tyres will fit. But wait, there will be no replacement tyres in the future. Thanks for buying.



Sounds like the tyres for my BMW i3s. Only one brand of tyre on the planet. Zero choice. But fortunately Brigestone still make them.

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On another price planet, but trying to find new headphone pads for Sennheiser’s top of the range HD 800S cans, is like looking for hens teeth. I live in Italy, and in the whole of Europe, I could only find one shop in the UK that had some in stock. I will get shafted with import duties, but so be it.

Couldn’t Naim ask a top end cartridge manufacturer to make a cartridge to Naims spec ? Didn’t Linn do this with their cartridges with a Japanese manufacturer ?

Linn are a TT manufacturer…

Linn has done this with every cartridge until EMT.
I’d have thought the original source for the Equinox might have made a rebuild or replacement possible. :thinking:

The cost of doing this for a one-off batch of turntables is going to be high compared to Linn buying them for products that remain in use and supported indefinitely.
Unless, of course, Naim start producing more turntables.

That’s a slight change of position, previously Naim said in this thread:

It’s my understanding the relationship with the subcontractor soured. This may explain why the Equinox may not be available. But that’s just my speculation.


I also heard that through the grapevine. Soured might be the polite form of it.