New from Naim – Solstice Special Edition turntable

Now his firm ( has been gotten more publicity, free of advert fee, due to a nice, considerate gesture from @frenchrooster :wink:


And I got to know Lauren

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Assuming the owner is ok with it, and it doesn’t delay proceedings, please take lots of pics, it’s all got a bit fraught in here, we need some on topic distraction :slight_smile:

You asked « Chris, are you located in Canada ? »

There’s also a movie on YouTube on Chris house and system. So I don’t see a problem on answering where he lives, specially as it’s also on his profile.

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No problem.
Just seems as he should have the option of answering a question…directed…to him
just saying


Agreed, the way he worded his post,it sounds like he does not live in the US.I thought he might be on Vancouver island,same area,and lovely place to visit,whether you are on the Canadian,or American side of the border. I once went bungee jumping on Vancouver island…Nanaimo.


I miss Vancouver Island as well. Covid has cancelled our semi-annual trips to Victoria.


Yeah, and I think he has the option, but FR did not disclose his location in an unauthorized way

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This snippet from Chris’s post makes it sound like he is not in the USA,which is why I questioned him.

I can’t recall the last time my fair city was highlighted in a thread lol



Brilliant Chris!

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Come on Chris - I expect to see that new turntable up and playing during our Saturday Zoom call.

And Mark - I expect to see Chris’s LP12 spinning at your house as well. Time to get with the vinyl program :laughing:


At risk of upsetting the apple cart. I’d suggest the US market is a place where Naim audio would like to have a stronger foothold.
From what I hear (not understand) their maybe a group of newer Naim dealers that may expect orders to appear out of thin air.
In a previous work life I dealt with the American public I also dealt with the English public. Both have an expectation particularly when good money has been handed over, put it this way I’d rather have an Englishman shoe on my rear than a Yankee boot up it. So to me (and just reading this thread only ) it’s been prioritised for the desired larger market.
I’m unsure why this TT hasn’t been made before the launch as it was a given the popularity would be a no brainer. I understand COVID issues but why release it when it’s obvious orders won’t be fulfilled in reasonable time. In New Zealand it’s advertise but not available! Just my 2 cents.
I’m sure the good folks at Naim and clear audio are doing the best given the circumstances. I’m very sure they are just following requests from the boss and the expectations will be intense. Remember “it is what it is but not what it could be”
I Believe Matt’s feelings are completely correct.


Only in my dreams!! If my girlfriend didn’t insist on Tulum for a vacation, perhaps. :slight_smile:

If it is sold ‘complete’ - shouldn’t be called a record player?

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Against the backcloth of the worrying Covid environment in many parts and restricted operating capacities, the after-effects of Brexit vis X-border clearances, summer holidays in UK and the now challenged UK logistics arena (drivers et al), added to Naim’s track record in delivering-out new kit (think Unitis/Superlines many years back), one could reasonably come to the conclusion that releasing 500 units (that’s 2000 boxes by the looks) to land at roughly the same time globally, was going to be very challenging…and that’s before additional time is allowed to dealer installations (if req’d).

It’s not even clear if Naim have the 2000 boxes to release(?)…it may not be their fault but they are doing the honourable thing and not blaming others and washing that linen in public(?).

Managing expectations is a key thing in business/life but (sadly) it’s not as if this is a new experience for Naimees…and the wait is always worth it :grinning:


To try to keep this Thread positive, I am sure most Naim owners would want Naim to get these 500 bespoke TT’s ‘right’ - rather than just ‘quick’.

As a product launch, perhaps it has exceeded their expectations, by some distance…?
(any comment @Naim.Marketing - ?)

Its a nice problem to have, business wise - and long term, for the Naim brand.