New Naim Audio Website

There is a section on upgrade path under other ressources (sic). It refers to the HDX and the Naim dac. It must be at least 10 years out of date.

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The hamburger menu in dark mode, when used on a tablet in portrait, is barely recognizable.

As I now suddenly noticed, the logo is top middle. Can you find it? :sunglasses:

@RexManning the show/hide menu at the top on a desktop is highly annoying!

The website logo is too small, as it appears on a desktop or as shown here on a mobile.

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Find a dealer?

Which Universe? I’m not ready for that!

It doesn’t work either.

That said Naim Universe might be a preferred option!


Has someone been smoking something designing this as I may need to do so to understand it!

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My local dealer of almost 35 years is no longer listed. :worried:


Out of curiosity I had a quick look at the new website in Italian, I have to say that the translation is arguable and incoherent.

If I may help, I would like to mention some examples found here and there (I’ve seen other stuff too but I can’t remember what and where):

  • “Fonti” should be “Sorgenti” (sources).
  • The ND5 XS 2, NDX 2, NSS 333 and ND 555 are all called differently. The should all be called “Lettori streamer” or “Streamer” or “Lettore audio di rete”. Surely not “Giocatore di rete”… that sounds like a video-game.

  • “Amplificatori streaming” sounds odd to me, I would go for “Amplificatori all-in-one”. The same goes for “Altoparlanti collegati” referring to the Mu-So. “Diffusori all-in-one” would sound much better.

I also found some German mixed with Italian…

I am viewing on mobile -

In the menu, under the heading NAIM UNIVERSE there is a link to PARTNERS.

In the footer at the bottom of the page (all pages) under the heading NAIM AUDIO there is a link to PARTNERSHIPS.

Both of these appear to just take you back to the start of the video on the homepage!

I was expecting to read about Bentley, Boats or even FOCAL but it didn’t take me there!

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The website doesn’t ‘grab’, the moving images reminiscent of the “have Flash will use it” bad old days of web design doing quite the reverse. As well as too much movement/distraction, the seemingly random and certainly meaningless images of hands and of a person’s naked back/shoulders, also close-up of cooling fins, and a Bentley grille hardly say "come on in, this is about hifi, let alone about realistic recreation of music. Other than the brief Bentley grille view possibly catching the eye of a Bentley fan, I doubt the images do anything other than annoy most visitors. In terms of constructive criticism, I suggest dropping all the present moving images, and replace them with a slowly changing slideshow featuring various images (which could be moving) of musicians playing (e.g orchestra / jazz band / string quartet / singer / guitar player / etc., either interleaved with, or pictured alongside, simple clear still images of several key/iconic items across the Naim range, one per musicians image.

On the subject of odd imagery, though not moving, part of the way down the home page, alongside the words “Join the community”, is a girl holding her hand around her eye as if symbolising magnifying something, alongside which is a picture of what to all intents and purposes looks like a washing machine with a red illuminated door surround. I know it’s not a washing machine, but it creates an impression of being on some general purpose electrics website rather than a specialist hifi one, let alone a quality brand.
Better if the focus on an eye changed focus on an ear, like the girl at the top of the Focal home page, or other indication of listening, and if a second image is wanted change the “washing machine” to an image of something that is clearly hifi kit, not something an un-knowing person would not recognise.

First impression of the site was so poor that I was moved to check that it wasn’t started on April 1st. (But perhaps the site went live that day?)

Also as others have mentioned the website jumps around when trying to browse. (Using Safari on an iPad.)

Given the above, unless I had good reason to really want to persevere I’d abandon the site in two minutes. Perhaps the jumping will settle down, so I’ll look again in a couple of days.

Others have pointed to language and inconsistencies, and a good example is if you choose to use the ‘compare’ function on power amps - the result is hardly helpful, let alone inspiring, with mixed language, and missing data: Product comparison | Naim audio

Beyond that, at this point I have a quick, if minor, observation regarding one of the few pages I managed to land on, the power amps page under separates (Link: Power amplifiers - Mono power amplifier | Naim audio): The subtitle under Statement says mono power amplifier - it is, but better terminology I suggest is monoblock. And the 350 subtitle says power amplifier just like the others excluding Statement - it would be better as monoblock. And finally the others would each be better subtitled stereo power amplifier.

OK, I accept that I’m a Luddite dinosaur, but……


It’s very silly that the four streamers, all of which do exactly the same thing, are given four different descriptions.

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Regardless of the obvious errors and omissions the whole look/feel and layout of the site is not very attractive or commensurate with a high end HiFi manufacturer such as Naim, possibly not very constructive but there you go, I lasted about 3 minutes.

I’m in my 30’s so I’m younger than some on here (only mentioning because I assume the aim of this refresh is to attract new customers from a younger demographic) and what attracts me the most to a website when I’m looking at audio equipment is a site that loads quickly, is simple to navigate, gives clear info and works well. Otherwise it becomes easier to put your question into google.

Back when I was first looking into audio I didn’t even understand what equipment I needed to put together to make music work and didn’t know I would need to buy speaker cables separately.

Maybe consider a getting started page that really dumbs it down. Your categories already assume people know the correct terms for what they are looking for. I honestly really struggled to pick the right category to find the uniti series and don’t understand why it isn’t just called uniti series in the drop down. Make clear that the atom/star/nova are just add speakers systems

Also maybe have example full system options so people know what to pair with what. Like on the ndx2 page says pairs with and link it to the things you would buy with it.


All the moaning about the old website , and here they go again !!

Personally I like it

It’s simple to follow , yes might be a couple of issues that need to be ironed out but overall it’s a big improvement

I like how the discontinued products are now under one location

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There’s nowhere where the members of a “family” can be viewed together (or if there is, I haven’t found it). OK - I know they can inter-operate but I would have expected the NC 200s to be viewable together and the NC 300s viewable together as obvious systems. As it is, you have to search through multiple pages and just hope the penny drops that this ‘X’ naturally partners that ‘Y’. Similarly, you’d expect an NDX2 or ND5 XS 2 to be partnered with, say, a Supernait. On this forum, we’d know that - but a potential new customer?


Shoddy that really…

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There is a lot of good imagery on the site that is reflective of the quality of the products, however the navigation could be much better. The copy and information accuracy need a lot of work.

Connected Speakers as a product type!!! Aren’t all speakers connected in some way?

There are so many issues with this website, it really should be reverted. Then for £20, but another website name, and put it up there where we can all comment on it without causing potential sales losses, not to mention reputation losses. I would not be confident in buying a multi £k device from a company that cannot put-up a simple website.

It really does look like no-one at Naim has even looked at it, other than perhaps a presentation where the presenter carefully selected what they would click on.


@Richard.Dane Richard if this is the ‘feedback to the NAIM marketing team’ as I think you’re suggesting, then it just beggars belief. To release a website of this standard is poor and lazy in the extreme. I’m afraid it smacks of a company which seems to be losing its way…


It’s simple to me and easy to follow

Maybe I’m simple :grinning::grinning:

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Maybe you know what you’re looking for?

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