New Naim Audio Website

Indeed, though I’m not sure we are held in the same high regard that we once were.


Just list them. An extra click on Discover to a sub-page is not required.

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Wow my thoughts exactly. I would have been happy to help.

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Utterly essential.


Gazza, the Beta thread is for Software releases. It’s not the right place for feedback on the new website (and only accessible to a small number of members).

Having received so much criticism here for the old website, I felt that feedback from the entire forum membership on the new website was not just desirable but essential. It’s easy to moan about these things, but I appreciate all the constructive criticism here, and hope it will help make the website a lot better as it develops over the coming days.


Looking at various product pages the old site had far more finesse e.g. being able to see the internals of various products by dragging a bar.

Personally I believe a dark ‘theme’ works better than light for showcasing electronics especially if you are simplifying the product information available.

In all honesty, the old website even if often a bit out of date in places just seemed significantly more sophisticated. Have I not dived deep enough?

I’ll give the new website one thing - it loads so much faster for me compared the old one, which would sometimes take an age, especially the front page!


Yes, it’s easy for any of us to moan, hopefully contributions will be seen as constructive even if they are a bit whingey at times :wink:


It must be a nightmare to proofread but there are little inconsistencies such as:


NDX-2 page.

Should ‘Uprights’ be capitalised? Mixture of languages.

Lots of titles on pages in full capitals too which I’m not sure is easy on the eye vs maybe having a bolder font.

Richard, slow loading is a facet of poor/overloaded design - e.g. Amazon loads quick, as it has to. It may be my browser complicating matters, but I’m really struggling with the menus and structure of the various articles within this new 'site. e.g. Under the Naim Universe, why isn’t there a tab drop-down which would enable a reader to select the aspect of this they want to read. Instead, as I scroll down, I get a sub-page out of order and duplicated links to go around the headline subject – it doesn’t make sense to select things like this, as you start to question whether you’ve covered the content of the tab.

Same with other header tabs – you simply get lost in an often inaccurate jungle of pages, with options to go further, when the additional info could be easily displayed on the main/header page.

Put another way, it’s a very laborious task to a reader (IMHO), when it could be so much better ordered and tree-ed. There’s also far too much repetition of graphic banners, which simply eat screen to no purpose e.g. the one asking you to sign-up for the newsletter, which I’m seeing at the bottom of every page!!!

As others have observed, there are so many factual errors, legacy narrative lifts, and simple inaccuracies, plus someone has swallowed the marketing hyperbole dictionary (as they did with Solstice). Whatever happened to plain English?


For this to become reality, Naim - or their webmasters - will need to jump on the feedback and comments on this thread - and fix/address them very promptly, indeed.

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The website promises features products cannot deliver. False advertising.

It has Spotify Connect and supports high-resolution streaming via Qobuz and TIDAL.

Have naim released new firmware for the NDX2 supporting high resolution Tidal streaming?

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We’ve had some new pivotal software thrust upon at work - the majority of complaints relate to having to perform far more mouse clicks/context sensitive clicks to do what was simple before.

NDX-2 specs again - it will require 8 mouse clicks to open every specification dropdown. Tedious in the extreme, just list the specs in full.

I’d appreciate clear detailed information not some gamification with ‘Easter Eggs’ beneath mouse clicks.


So from I’ve seen and read here (and from my short review of the site) I assume Naim
have spent nothing on copy writers or QA testing and instead rely on their customers to critique their bug ridden website. Sounds like cost cutting corners all round.

I’m a design researcher with over 20+ years experience in researching digital products and services. If our team released this in production in this state we’d be out of work!


It would be good to have the serial numbers updated.

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And I’m not sure what value the pictures of the woman and the dancing man really add. I guess it’s more attractive than pictures of Forum members, but still.


The Nait XS3 is described as a power amplifier.

It struck me as a bit ‘woke’ if I’m honest, but the contortionists do seem to align with the Naim/Focal app images.

Photos of the forum demographic would probably put prospective customers off I agree!


Thanks HH, already mentioned earlier in the thread.

Thank you, yes found it

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