New Naim Audio Website

Agreed. But… its something for Naim to address, as it is very much about the product.

I guess the Stage line and Superline could be powered by other items - Aux2 sockets, etc. Not just by the (don’t mention the) HiCap or Supercap…?

Bit of a Naim Minefield.

I don’t believe so Alley_Cat

Begs the question - why have them !!

Unless new variations on the way that are compatible with the NC NPX 300


As in this below, I get the impression that in many places on both sites some stock image ‘humans’ have been placed in a left/right split with images of products/cropped products or odd composites:

I’d have swapped the 2 images so she’s not looking away (almost disdainfully) from the product and flipped the speaker image horizontally, but that’s me.

Of more concern I have just realised that Focal speakers have acquired the ability to levitate and like modern Daleks could potentially do the stairs! :grinning: Has the Focal speaker just exterminated something behind it given the plume of dust? I’m going to have nightmares about this :wink:

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The other issue I’ve come across

On my iPhone ( quite new) pleased to see one could use the little arrow to bring up the list of discontinued products

On my iPad ( also quite new) the little arrow does not appear

If anything I thought that would be the other way around

Very odd

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It just struck me that I don’t know if the S****lines can be powered from the NPX-TT (a site search suggests not, but from user posts not Naim staff) or from the 222/332 pres.


Both the Superline and the Stageline can powered by the AUX 2 of a NAIT XS3, Supernait 3, or NAC552 (all current) as well as older legacy products such and the Old Classic pre-amps and the Flatcap, HICAP, and Supercap.


UPDATED - The Partners page is now linked correctly - it wasn’t there yesterday.


I’ve just taken a look, but not looked at any posts here, so excuse any repetition or if my opinion doesn’t fit.

First impression is the flashing video content is vey distracting and off-putting. It’s not just the irrelevant guy dancing against the red background, it’s also endless close-ups of units seemingly flying around. Not pleasant on the eye and as I say, irrelevant. I instantly want to scroll them out the way.

Beyond these clips, the layout seems ok, but the info about each unit is glossy text and not informative at all. Just doesn’t seem to be written by a manufacturer, but by an ad agency with a brief to produce something jazzy? e.g. looking up power supplies, NPX300, it tells me absolutely nothing and doesn’t even give me what it’s compatible with or what it’s replaced in Naim’s history.

If you know nothing about Naim or have been out of the market for 2-3 years, this site doesn’t help.

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Image behind text is not a NAIT XS3

Image behind text is not a NAC 552

SUPERNAIT 3 image is correct
However, the choice of picture + positioning / centred text doesn’t work well.


Progress… :slightly_smiling_face:

It seems they spent most of the budget destined to develop the site on hiring the new DR Who to advertise it. :sunglasses:

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Does ‘Become a Dealer/Supplier’ sound quite right? To me it has unintended connotations.

Suspect there are many instances of things being lost in translation for different markets which need to be scrutinised in individual countries/regions.

The ‘Universe’ makes more sense today in the sense of different ecosystems/product lines for the current (plus subsequent future?) parts of the group:


The Enter links would probably look better if horizontally aligned on that page.

These icons are tiny and look rather too generic to me, I’ve seen them or very similar on many sites, maybe like the originally unintuitive though now ubiquitous ‘hamburger’ icon I don’t like. Maybe an attempt to have some form of generic web based familiarity of function but it just makes me think of some online food shop or other retailer, not anything particulalry relating to bespoke high-end brands.


Are the ‘account logins’ new or were there accounts before? From memory maybe only pro-formas for registering purchases/supplying email details etc.

Being ask to join the community at the bottom of each page is ignoring,
Seem keen to have my email address,

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More than a passing resemblance. The new Dr seems to be a fine actor from quite limited viewing so far, he also enjoys a bit of dancing in the series I recall.

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…and 500 series showing green logos/lighting which is now white by default…

The ‘banner’ for that just seems too big and obtrusive.

Is that the same as creating an account to log into or for separate marketing e-mails? Offers maybe?

Glad to see there is still a link to this forum as well as Naim Records. :+1:


Yes, a very accomplished actor. Unfortunately, not very good at IT, just like some people around here. :sunglasses:

Well I certainly feel stuck in the past with IT these days.

Where is the product history and serial number then?