New Naim Audio Website

Under support/(assistance) I think:

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On the sources network audio players page there are four sources
ND555, NSS333, NDX2, and ND5XS2 each of which is a different type of product according to the website
What is the difference between a

Network audio player
High-resolution streamer
Network player

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Itā€™s under Support/Serial Numbers;

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Yes, we very much are a Naim Dealer- A 500 Dealer.
Iā€™m just rather glad Iā€™m on holiday in Japan at the moment as hopefully many of the issues raised on this thread will be sorted out by my return!
In the meantime Phil at the shop I know has been in touch with Salisbury today to eliminate this information.
Anyway, having a wonderful time over here and Iā€™ve traveled on the bullet train a few times. Very reliable to the minute and probably to the second! :call_me_hand:

KR, Peter


I created an account, added my products (needed invoices for that) with serial numbers. If I then click on the product that I need assistance: I get redirected to the basic support page. If I then want to log an issue, I have to again upload an invoice. My guess is that this is not as designed.

Rex it may not be fully functional just yet.


I certainly hope so! 35 years + a Naim Retailer BTW :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


Peter, see my earlier post. I spoke with the team earlier today and was told that the dealer/distributor data import had a problem that they are looking into.


Burning question.

Did the marketing team actually look at this site before it was launched ?

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Got to agree, Andy. The more errors and navigation problems I come across, the more I come to the conclusion that this website was not checked AT ALL by Naim before it was released. Releasing it in this state is embarrassing and damages the reputation of the brand.

Why release a dogs dinner to the whole world and expect Naimites to inform them of the mistakes ? Poor show.


Obviously - Itā€™s their project.

But also bear in mind my opening post, that there were elements that would be still work in progress and would be honed over the following days. Getting the forum involved has so far really helped, I feel and will hopefully continue to do so.

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Can we add Duck Duck Go browser to this please? It renders menus with inconsistent spacing and looks occasionally like someone dropped text boxes onto the page and then couldnā€™t be bothered establishing consistent spacing.

Biggest single issue for me is that this is a redesign which looks like it didnā€™t have a clear remit. It would be useful to know the design goals because at the moment it looks a bit like the classic ā€œsolution looking for a problemā€. Iā€™m thinking of things like:

  • what were the menu issues which the new structure addresses?
  • what doesthe video achieve which the previous home page did not and so on.

Far easier to commrnt fairly when you know broadly what was being done and why.

I can reassure you that currently everything bar the Mu-Sos, Naim for Bentley, and the CI range are built at the Naim factory in Salisbury. The facility in Slovakia was used just for the extra capacity needed for the NC launch.



Almost all Naim products are hand-assembled by our experts in our Salisbury workshop. Different ranges have dedicated production and finishing areas structured around manufacturing and control ā€˜cellsā€™. Each cell builds a product from start to finish, using state-of-the-art equipment and tools. The processes created by our R&D teams ensure that every product is made to exacting standards. At Naim, the big and small details aggregate to create the ā€˜voice of Naimā€™.

And: New Naim Audio Website - #74 by Richard.Dane plus, what Richard just posted again


Sorry if already mentioned, but ā€œAcousticā€ is mis-spelled.

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Manufacturing involves taking raw materials and using them to craft a part or component.
Assembly is the process of taking parts, often made by manufacturing, and arranging them in a specified way.

Discrete Manufacturing.

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Iā€™m sorry Richard but when this new website was launched, it should not have ā€˜work in progressā€™, it should be pretty much perfect. Otherwise, it damages the reputation of the brand.

All these problems could have and should have been sorted before launch.


Ummm the maps are a bit odd.

Last time I drove up the Whiteladies Road & Park Street neither were in Avonmouth:-


Clearly not English speaking ones!


AC try putting ā€œforumā€ or ā€œnaim forumā€ in the ā€˜Qā€™ search, top right of the new site.

Returns guess what? Nothing found!