New Naim Audio Website


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Iā€™m starting to believe that not a single person at Naim UK facilities have gone through this www before launch.


Good spot. The text obviously taken straight form the old site and not updated since the arrival of the NAC 332 and NSS 333. It would better read ā€œThis power supply is an ideal upgrade for the NSS333 streamer, the NAC 332 preamplifier, and the NSC 222 streaming preamplifier.ā€ Its ability to be used with legacy streamers could also be mentioned.


Seems like the punters know far more about the products than the ā€œAssemblersā€ :roll_eyes:

The Zip code function did not work for me - returned ā€œNo resellers in your countryā€ or something
But the Geolocation button found my area and presented all the local dealers I knew of plus a couple of extras which appear to be Focal orientated.
I would agree that the site should be removed and fixed - it looks like an unfinished school class coding project.

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The trouble is for a brand with resilient products which last decades, serviced or not, the older customers will know a lot more about the products/product lines simply from experience and evolving their systems. Such is the huge benefit of this website which offers real life experience of options/upgrade pathways.

If an external website designer was involved Iā€™d not expect them to have the knowledge to ensure accuracy and that really should fall to individual companies in the group and their international distributors to proof-read/check the website design preferably before it going live.

In terms of metrics Iā€™d imagine a huge uplift in e-footfall for these sites in the last 24-48 hours which could be spun as evidence of success of a new design.

Weā€™re all generally averse to change, I may be wrong but even though some of my comments have been less gracious than Iā€™d like, hopefully all the feedback will be useful.

Ultimately the group need to attract younger customers than the typical old fogeys here to remain profitable/viable in coming years.

The overall design of the sites seems simplified. This may be a good or a bad thing depending on how we look at it individually. If the website design was somehow kept ā€˜in-houseā€™ or closer to home rather than farmed out that might not be a bad thing either, as a team ā€˜closer to homeā€™ could potentially be more responsive to any suggested changes.


But its only us lot, who know about the gear already. We are just looking how nice the new site looks, or notā€¦

Yep. And there lies the crux. Itā€™s important to attact new customers - and sadly potential customers will be far from impressed with the website at the moment. They will be just confused. Of course the site will be corrected soon, but some possible business may be lost.


Iā€™m with you Alley_Cat

I think the overall design is quite good and a lot simpler

Yes I donā€™t like the flashy stuff at the start but we have to remember the audience is far wider than us baby boomers !!

But in total agreement there should have been a greater review of all components before release but itā€™s here now and have to be positive it will be good in the coming weeks


May have phrased it badly but that was my point. If youā€™re in marketing then the stats might be played differently :wink:


Feeling hard done by as I didnā€™t get the following accessories with my Nova:

  • Finish Uprights :
    Burnished and anodised aluminium box,
    Aluminium heatsinks

(WTF is a burnished and anodised aluminium box? FFS. At least itā€™s not aluminum.)

Iā€™d be embarrassed if Iā€™d paid someone to develop this website. Go figure.


A good time to download the latest versions of NDX software.
Also manuals.

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I just looked at the site.

Previously was just looking at the reviews about missing software upgrades.

About the site
I donā€™t like the long video intro.
I wa want info and not ads

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Although this comment is not directly related to the quality/usibility of Naimā€™s new new website, I find it really interesting (telling?) that there has been so little reaction to dmuā€™s comments. I thought that they were very valid and insightful regarding the need for Naim to attract a younger customer base - particularly those who donā€™t yet understand the joy of listening to music on a quality system. As a forum member of the ā€˜olderā€™ demographic who is relatively new to high-end audio, I am still trying to understand much of the jargon used by forum members. As such, I certainly support dmuā€™s view that the Naim website should help prospective customers better understand the basics and benefits of how their products could enhance the listening experience, as well as the often confusing industry jargon. I guess my point is, perhaps the new Naim site should also consider the perspective of someone who may not know a lot about high-end audio but is intrigued?


And mineā€¦ Nick wouldnā€™t be best pleased - @Richard.Dane please ensure Audio T Cardiff is added to database/map.

Many thanks


Fantastic!! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just noticed

On the discontinued products page there are 14 products listed

Whilst they have the product manuals attached only 3 have the specifications sheet, namely


The spec sheets are very handy to review when making decisions


Could you link to that page, plsā€¦??

Good question Ian

Have to scroll down to bottom of main page where it says PRODUCTS

I clicked on Separates and then scrolled down to DISCONTINUED PRODUCTS

There is a little > to click on and they pop up

But cumbersome I must admit

Found itā€¦!!! :crazy_face:

As Iā€™ve posted on a few occasions earlier, the data import for dealers and distributors had some issues, which meant that quite a number didnā€™t show up - itā€™s being looked into.