New Naim Audio Website

Has anyone been able to find the support pages? I was looking for the ND5XS2 page, which used to be available with several topics which opened progressively. That may not be too well explained, but hopefully you’ll know what I mean.

All I can find is the product manual or the quick start document, neither of which link to the support page.

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Sometimes referred to as “support wizards”

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Additionally, is it possible to reverse the colours? The previous website was largely white on black, which was easier on the eye. The new one is black on white, which I find induces a migraine.


Firstly, congrats on the new website. It’s looking good. Pleasant design and function. A great place to start from.

As this was called the beta test thread for the website, here goes:

The accessibility of the website falls short. There clearly has been an attempt to make it accessible but many users will have trouble navigating the website.

Examples are:

  • Lots of motion on the home page. Although there are pause buttons, which is good, users who are affected by the motion will have to endure quite a bit on order to find how to stop them. I don’t think that someone really affected by the motion will want to or be able to even get past the very first part of the home page that is loaded.
  • Keyboard focus markers are quite subtle in many place.
  • Occurrences of keyboard focus loss on navigation.
  • Links with no accessible text.
  • Links and buttons with repeated text but different target locations. Eg, discover links without extra info for screen reader users as to the related context.
  • Invalid HTML and ARIA semantics.
  • Etc…

Here is a screenshot of an axe-core scan of the streaming amplifier page, for example:

Finding and addressing the issues will open up the Naim world to even more people worldwide.


I’ve asked about the more specific support items and they are being worked on.

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Thanks, Richard. I found that page and tried asking the following questions:
How to power off ND5XS2?
How to switch ND5XS2 to standby?
These both led to another, but not helpful page:

I do hope the final version will revert to white text on black background. I think I’ve reached my limit on a white screen.


So, 300 comments inside a couple of days.

Has it gone well then???

So far, yes, the thread has gone very well. My intention with the thread was to get constructive feedback from the membership, and it has certainly done just that!


I have no problem with the website. I thought it was really brilliant :joy:

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Agree completely.

A lot of people are sensitive to this. Maybe Naim could consider changing.

It’s already not possible to post memes on the forum as it can have an adverse effect on some people (although the motion on the new website goes against that policy !!!).


In addition to the many comments on issues shared already, I would like to make a couple of proposals / requests for improvements:

  • Wouldn’t it make more sense to move the Phono Stages in the “Sources” category? I know that technically the actual source is a turntable, but as the Phono Preamps are directly linked to that source category, it might make more sense to move it there (maybe even renamed to “Vinyl” for people who are not familiar with the intricacies).
  • Please add the rear and interior view of all boxes. Now that the site is being revamped, it’s a good chance to keep complete and consistent information and views for all items.
  • Dark theme is much preferable and matches better the Naim “black”. The white background is blinding me at the moment!

I don‘t think, they love the German language. The translation to German ist terrible. It seems to be translated automatically, but without an AI.

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I think that the original marketing text was written in an effusive French and translated by a web auto translator into the other languages. But without any competent human review. Let’s hope that some native speakers can revise these awful translations. I can see that outsourcing will save money, but the result needs to be revised. Or Naim need a better translation agency!

I agree. People in this forum should NOT be pointing out spelling/grammatical errors on a website that has already gone live, just because NAIM couldn’t be arsed to do it themselves.


In fairness Naim do host this forum for us free of charge so doing something in return I don’t think is a huge ask


You certainly aren’t required to help out and you have the choice not to participate here if you don’t wish to do so.

What others do is up to them.

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It looks very similar in design style to the Totem Acoustics new web site from a year or two ago, very modern as such.

I found the streamer section wasn’t very clear in terms of the relative standing of the options, and they all had different lead names which all meant the same.

I am not going to comment on the various errors on the new “live” site but rather ask what will Naim take from this. It appears that there was little or no product (web service) delivery process followed.
Were any surveys undertaken to confirm what was wrong with the old site, were these added to any requirement document? What options were considered as to alternative presentation styles. In terms of non functional requirements eg compliance with various regulations on privacy etc were these recorded?
What testing was done prior to go live? Were specific web apps used to determine correct operation. Was there a back out plan to implement in the event of something going wrong, eg vendor lists uploading incorrectly, probably too late for that now as it has been live for too long.
Finally with this now being out in the wild as it were how many web crawler/AI tools now have a different, potentially erroneous, understanding of Naim products and how long will it take to correct.
Please note the above is my opinion and not meant to be harsh. Lessons learned need to to be learnt and not just documented.


It is very, very voluntary to help… For my own part I think it is wonderful that we forum members care about this and help, indicates a strong commitment and community.


I agree with the “community involvement” Björn, it just should have been done before the website actually went live. I can’t imagine a recognised organisation like, say, BMW, letting their brand be reflected in such a way, by launching a website littered with so many errors and omissions.

I know that the web pages will improve, following all of the above input, and I guess that is the key objective.