New Naim Audio Website

The Modern Slavery statement appears to have disappeared from the website which is required under the Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act for companies with an annual turnover of £36m+.


An odd thing I just noticed is that a search now yields:


Maybe it did before and I failed to notice.

I can understand having Focal Powered by Naim stores listed as that might be helpful if you want to combine products from the multiverse.

What distinguishes a Retailer from a Premium Retailer, maybe it’s obvious to me looking at the list but will some dealers be relegated to bog standard Retailer status and be affronted? What do they have to do to become Premium Retailers? I’d assume it’s based on stocking a wider range of products not just the entry level lifestyle products?

How does a Distributor differ? Are they some kind of franchises, but wouldn’t Richer Sounds be too? Audio-T appears under Distributors.

Deer-stalker removed, please send 50 guineas by runner if this helps anyone with the dealer/distributor issue :wink:


Hmmm, I suspect it’s been mentioned but personally I could do without the vivid animations when you go on the site. I realise you can pause it, but a) this being the first thing to greet me on the site and b) having to ‘disable’ it to prevent my eyes going funny puts me right off from the start.

If that was my intro to another manufacturer’s site and I was investigating whether I should consider spending thousands of pounds on their products, that would be a big tick in the ‘not for me’ box. Why put up hurdles to your prospective clients?

And with the naim logo being so small at the top of the page, hiding within the big splashy colour animations, I would question whether I’d arrived at the right place and go back on the internet browser to check my search.

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AC, I don’t know what the current criteria is for being a premium retailer. Possibly it’s carrying 500 series, or maybe Statement? One for Naim, I think.

Otherwise, distributors supply the dealers in their territory. For example, in the UK, Naim Audio themselves are the Naim distributors, in Benelux the distributor is Latham Audio etc… so I’m not sure why Audio T would be there…

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It’s there, I spotted it yesterday. Go to the bottom of the page and choose Statement of Conformity. Scroll down past the equipment conformance statements and it’s near the bottom of the page. It seems a reasonable place to put it.

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No, it should be the other way around. As a source the NDX 2 is superior to NSC 222.

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I think I was just wondering if people can’t find dealers if some of them have ended up in the wrong category.

Distributors (same if UK selected):

There’s a line break tag there in the addresses too, I’d assume that shouldn’t be visible. Odd that postcodes appear before the town/‘country’.

Retailer near me stocks a small selection of Uniti products, my Premium Retailer is the store where I am in the process of auctioning and probably buying my separates gear from.

Don’t know if this helps.

Not sure about that!
I prefer my 222/250 to previous NDX2/SN3

Yes, probably down to the data input issue.

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If it’s not on the new site somewhere that might be a good detail to add for prospective customers who’d be wondering what they might find at a premium retailer they wouldn’t find at a standard one.

Perhaps the categorisation is wrong in the first place if dealers who stock or potentially sell far more than Musos (JL) or Musos and Atom/Atom HE (RS) are ’standard’ retailers - maybe there should be a list of dealers with extra icons indicating higher end products/facilities available only at certain stores.

Absolutely fantastic to see Naim at JL and RS though even if only a small subset of products. Must be great for introducing people to the brand and satisfied customers will then be able to sort out the higher rungs if/when they want to.

The first thing dealers should be made to do if they want to be considered for ‘premium’ status is show that they can solder NACA5 onto Naim bananas properly!


Do bananas conduct well? :banana:


Either that or Naim is diversifying their product line :grinning:

Probably better than some of the soldered plugs I’ve seen!

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I’d looked on that page. I’d missed it because on first glance the page covered equipment conformity.

(The logical place for it, however, is in the legal section in the site footer itself.)

Well said. They should be a professional organisation and proof read themselves. Asking a random group of forum members is unacceptable. The published result is shoddy. Just imagine if Salisbury produced physical products in the same way. That website is shamefull.


The power supply is in the black bag on the front.

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Hardly that bad :flushed:

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According to whom?

Me. Do you think it’s a good strategy?