New Naim Audio Website

I think this might have been mentioned? Odd page overlaps - looks unfinished:

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Good or bad, who knows…:man_shrugging: It is what it is.

Network players have quite odd descriptions, so if you don’t know the range, this would be confusing. They are listed higher to lower performance wise, and of course, for consistency the Uniti range is the exact opposite, listing lower to higher in order.


Another side-effect of redesign is that some dealers have links to external product specifications/PDFs etc which are now broken.

This was from one dealer’s site linking to the official Superline Owners (sic) Manual PDF:

I can’t believe that this was launched to the public in it’s current form.


It’s a bit embarrassing really and clearly aimed at re-branding (for whatever reason) over being informative. Crikey, I’m self employed and my reports never go out unless they have been properly reviewed and proofed for grammar, spelling and content. Sure, a mistake might slip through, but this web site is for a multi-million dollar business and it’s a far from a professional presentation. Given that the web is the key reference source in modern marketing, it’s disappointing.


I’ve got a new site ready to launch once the gallery opens, cost me $3.5k looks 100% better than the new Naim site. Hope they’re not cutting the same corners in the R&D and production.


Latest delivery - an ND555 case with NDX inside, mixed German, English & French text on the back panel, and every time it is woken from standby emits whirling sounds and a car crash sound. Selecting ethernet input actually enables S/Pdif, and the manual is a collection of random English words, but with “Join the Community” on every page…
Forum members are invited to buy and submit comments.


Well it was launched so everyone should get over it

It will be better in a few weeks I’m sure


No Statement pre-amp listed. Has it been discontinued?

No New Zealand or Australian distributor, or retailers. How odd. Funny though, the ap defaults to the middle of south Australia.

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Maybe we don’t have a distributor ha :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::flushed:

Forum members of course will, after both voicing amazement/despair, and contributing what they can in the hope of getting as much as possible* fixed. However potential new customers looking it up this week might never give it another chance.
*in practice there may be limitations, as those responsible presumably think they did a good design job.

Spot on its just a bad look and a horrible first impression to a new customer.

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Do you think so? Surely there are people in Naim who can critique stuff. This looks like a project that is run from a marketing team that is disconnected with the core business.


Stop morning you lot @Richard.Dane would like constructive review so it can be fixed

What’s happened has happened

It’s moaning and like every one else here were entitled to our opinions. Gee what have you been drinking.

Nothing yet mate but wait until I do ha :flushed:

Why don’t you give some positive feedback on ways to rectify some of the issues

And fair bit of constructive criticism and detailing of specific errors given by many of us…

Most of the positive feed back has already been given. Now it’s back to why on earth was that site launched in such an amateurish manner. It would have been better to put up a “site under construction” and get it right, but that’s just my opinion.