New Naim Internet Radio - feedback & requests

Misty Radio didn’t play before the update, & after it just says OFF AIR.

At least there are now pretty picture tiles in the Internet radio menu :yum:

Will the Mu-So Gen 1 get this firmware update, Richard?


Based on their website, their stream is down at the moment, Try and play from:
It fails and shows “offline”.

The new service only acts as the “Yellow Pages” of internet radio. We don’t provide the actual radio streams.



Probably best for @Stevesky to answer that one :smiley:

222 updated, very smooth about 10 minutes, no hiccups👍 so Nova done. 222 done. Just need OC update and I’ll have a full house😀

Hi Dave,

It will, but it will not have the same capabilities of the newer products on the hidef streams. The Bridgeco CPU hardware inside a gen1 can’t do it, as was designed many many years before the idea of this type of streaming came feasible.



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Thanks for the update.

Mu-so 2 gen update went well. Many thanks.

Thanks Steve (and Richard) - I totally understand. Time marches on and all. As long as we don’t experience audio degradation vs what we have now I can live with it.


Hi Richard ans Steve,
Thanks for this huge work. I’ve upgrade my ND555 rapidely without issue.
After that i’ve delete all the"old" radio and replaced then with the new links without issue BUT i’ve noticed that for MOTHER EARTH the data were only available for the “low resolution” if i swittch to listen to the hidef, there is no jacket.
Is it something already known by Naim support/ingeniors?

@Stevesky are there other features in these new updates that alter the behaviour of a 222? I have Apple TV connected via TV-optical digital in the 222. I was listening to Tidal and decided to watch something on TV. Apple TV and TV were in standby. As I used the Apple Remote to wake everything up the music playing on Tidal stopped and the screen displayed information of what I had been watching just before I did the update and started listening music on Tidal……definitely don’t remember that before. How why does it do that? Bluetooth??

Edit: answered my own question it was the Bluetooth suddenly connecting and taking over the input selection……

Mine does that sometimes even with both Bluetooth and Chromecast inputs disabled in the Naim app.

Yes, Bluetooth was disabled before the update and remained disabled following update, so that was quite an aggressive takeover of input by Apple TV!

Hello Steve,
I can’t find hi on line radio within the hidef stations after updating the firmware.

Still no metadata provided on the Naim Radio HD stream…?
I presumed, wrongly it seems, that the new Xperi architecture for metadata would have been deployed on the in-house radio…!


Hi @Beer

Apologies - our mistake. Now fixed.



Hi @S.C

Metadata on Naim label FLAC streams.

Sadly so. The company who do the back-end broadcast software solution never delivered the software upgrade to deliver the meta, and then they got caught up in Russian sanctions as they are a company based in St Petersburg, Russia.

We need to swap the backend out for a different solution at some point, but for now sadly no meta on the lossless streams



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Hi @pcd

Server side af Frequence3 they are buffering virtually nothing, so its leaving very little buffered client side (3secs worth, which is the amount we stored at connect time).

I’ll contact them as on flac stream around 10-12secs is really needed for stable streaming, or it can get caught up with traffic delivery times across the internet when playing for hours on end.

Just to prove nothing is wrong streamer side, try a station like Radio Paradise, or Naim Radio.




Thanks Steve for the reply and insight, appreciated.

That’s a shame. I did know it was a ‘coming soon’ feature some time back and it was being decided how to implement it best for the FLAC stream (as there’s no standardised method?), but it never materialised obviously…
I wrongly presumed from your earlier description re the xPeri meta implementation and it being ‘real time’ that this may have resolved all of that, but I guess there’s much more to it all than I understand…
Just annoying as the Naim SQ streams have the meta, not to mention other HD stations like RP successfully implementing the meta in their FLAC…

Here’s hoping it’s something that can be addressed in the near future…

For now, back to guessing on Naim Radio I guess – only ever plays Phantom Limb anyway…! :rofl:

Thanks, SC

Hi Frank,

On the Mother Earth Radio FLAC streams there is no meta being broadcast, while the lossy streams the meta is present. We support all format variants in this area, but often providers avoid meta in Ogg/FLAC for compatibility reasons with various streamers.

A case of we show what we are given.

