New Naim Internet Radio - feedback & requests

Upgraded one of the Mu-So’s yesterday and it sounds really good. Will get to the other older one later this week.

Big improvement, thanks guys,…

Perfect! Thanks so much.

Thanks you made me discover “1.FM Absolute Trance (Euro)”
This is a great radio,.good sound!


I can’t find one of my favorite stations. It is a United States station called “Soft classic” I can still get to it with a preset boy my understanding is that would still be on old V-tuner

That’s great.

Are you able to display the date next to podcast episodes?
Often, or at least the ones I listen to, they are topical, so knowing the date is relevant.

Please can you add podcasts from Wondery.

Shows | Wondery | Premium Podcasts

Hi @naitman

Now added. Took a bit of hunting this one as they no longer have a website and just an X page.




I’m still baffled how all these radio stations make any money given the volume…fair play to them though, the selection is amazing!

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Hi @wemorgan

Wondery are a dedicated podcast production company. They are not a radio station that also produces some podcast. In this new system we’re focused around radio stations and if available podcasts that the station generates as part of their broadcast output.

Wonderly is on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, their own app (Airplay/Chromecast) so lots of other ways to listen to their content. They are also biasing towards paid content on their platform.




Thanks Stevesku

Hi all,

It seems with the new app update vTuner support is going to an end. Btw, I can’t even add new station anymore.

Can sombody confirm that ?


We believe so. There is a very long thread on the new radio service, searching it for comments from stevesky (use an @ in front of the name) will help. The plan is to add the ability to add new stations via the app in (if my memory serves) November. There will be a software upgrade for older generation (green screen and Muso 1st gen) equipment to use the new service, I haven’t noticed a date for that.
After that I assume VTuner support will be phased out.
At the moment to add new stations ask Stevesky over on the new radio service thread.

Hi. Since the update I have not been able to find/play Soma FM’s “Indie Pop Rocks!” (Uniti Star).
Other Soma FM streams are listed upon searching - looks like a pretty exhaustive list from what I can see, but possible there could be other omissions. So, I assume the stream details just need adding to the server as per previous “missing stream” reports in this topic.

Another job for @Stevesky I presume! Thank you.

Hi @GTE505

Good spot. Now added:



Hi Steve.
Wow - that was fast. Good work!
Much appreciated.
Thank you.

Hi @Stevesky
Seems that groovesalad HD is breaking up at the end of the day EU time. Later in the evening all seems ok. Other station ( only checked 2-3) with same bit rate seem ok.
Is this a server issue? Known to Naim?

Hi @fritsveer

We don’t host the radio streams, All the streams come from the broadcasters.

The buffering on the Soma is well configured though. Example:

So it has over 25secs of audio buffered in the streamer which should normally give a very solid connection.

They do only host from California, and pulling this data-rate over potentially very long distances may be hitting bottlenecks in one of the routes from their server to the streamer.

I’ll leave a device playing and inspect the stats in 24hrs to see how things have got on. If we all see issues then more likely to be server issues than internet issues.



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Hi I cannot find some podcasts/on demand on the BBC that I used to. In fact I cannot see on demand at all only podcasts?
I hope I am not being dim.

This predates the recent update. There is a thread somewhere but the gist is that BBC have withdrawn/are withdrawing the on demand service from 3rd parties and the only way to access them is through BBC Sounds.

Missing station:

Radio Svizzera Classica