New Naim Internet Radio - feedback & requests

On the old app I would tap the icon (eg Radio 4) in the radio presets and Radio 4 would play. Now if I tap it I have to then press ‘Play’ on the subsequent screen. The radio station icon now works the same as the three dots used to (and still do). Only mildly irritating I appreciate and everything else is clearly better, but wondering if there is a setting to fix this?


Thans for your quick reply and I found the other station. I’m very happy with all the changes you’ve made.
I only miss the widget on my iPhone and iPad.

I wonder if there is a way to display actual radio url stream for new Naim Radio section?
Kind Regards Drakos

@Stevesky Many thanks for the excellent updates.

I’m not able to find NME1 and NME2. Please can you add those if they are missing missing.

Can the Naim app Tidal page be a closer mirror of the Tidal app? eg. display “recently played”, “custom mixes” ?

Regarding podcasts:

Can podcasts be put into a separate classification when searching?
Can user selected podcasts be added “Library” Where the Library then lists in chronological order the most recent podcasts from within the user’s selected list. This is how other platforms give access and is the most intuitive I feel.
I could not find the following podcasts, BBC Americast, BBC Newscast, All the Goalhanger podcast, All the Global Player podcats

Thanks again.

Hey Steve,

What happend to CLAZZ radio, French station of Classical&Jazz?
Since a few days no signal anymore: displays: 0.0kHz 320kb/s
When i browse in win11 no problem.
Thank you for investigation!

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Hi Steve,
Unfortunately, there are problems with transmission with a few public radio stations.
The German public broadcaster HR with its programs HR1, 2, 3, 4, Info can be found as an AAC stream. If you start a program, after a few minutes there will be irregular interruptions lasting a fraction of a second.
Transmissions from other public channels in AAC quality run cleanly.
I contacted HR, but they can’t see any problem.
Do you at Naim have any idea what the problem might be?


Richard, Thanks and well done Naim, hopefully this marks the end of the annoying V-Tuner ‘drop outs’. I’ve since discovered a couple of ‘missing’ that weren’t on V Tuner but are now on the new app. One difference however that I’ve noticed concerns the BBC ‘listen again service’ . The Radio 4 new App channel seems to have most of their catch-up programmes on the Radio 4 Podcast section. However the Radio 2 Podcast link only has four or five ‘listen again’ programmes. Is this just a matter of time before the podcast page becomes ‘populated’ with all the R2 listen again selection or have we lost that ? (I hope not!) Many thanks.

Hi @Norbert

Good spot. There seems to be a compatibility issue with the HLS streams (I think the way they have done times-shifting support on live streams).

For now all the primary channels are back to using the legacy MP3 streams. Have left the regional streams using HLS for now.

Once we get to the bottom of what is wrong and get it fixed, we’ll revery to the better quality HLS streams.




Hi @HermanB

Now resolved. They have moved streaming server as of yesterday. Unfortunately they have reduced quality as they’ve moved to 128kbit AAC, instead of 320K.



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Hi @wemorgan

NME1 and NME2 rebranded to:

The Music Machine 1

The Music Machine 2

We have put legacy tags in the system so if you search for NME, it will return those stations.

Podcasts - we only support podcasts that belong to a station. We don’t handle all the other independent Podcast studios. Reason - there are lots of great podcast apps out there and as many good podcasts have become paid for / monthly subscription model, the platform that its hosting it (Spotity, Apple Podcasts etc) is best way to play the podcasts and we support Airplay, Spotify Connect, Chromecast to send it to the device.

Regarding library - good idea. At the moment we don’t have user accounts so we have no way to store users podcast preferences etc. That is why its a bit minimalistic.

Will investigate those other podcasts mentioned. Global Player podcasts are typically restricted to their platform (Global Player), but again will check.



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Is it me or are the radio streams better quality?

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Hi. I have a Uniti2, Muso and Qb (both Gen 1). Can you let me know when the updates for my kit will be available, please? I’ve seen references to Muso 2, and other streamers, but not my (older) kit. I don’t seem to be able to access any updates yet.


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Thanks for the reply.

NME 1 and 2 gives zero results in the Android app

I did find The Music Machine however.

Thanks again.

It’s coming (no eta as yet), but see Stevesky’s post here;

Richard & @Stevesky Myself and I expect most/all of the 1st gen owners are just expecting that the new service has the same/similar functionality as with the current vTuner service.

The waiting game is killing us tho’ …

Very pleased that BBC radio stations are showing the artist and track playing on the app.

Hi Steve, the dance genre is missing altogether from Internet radio which is where all my missing stations were.
They are …
80’s 80’s party
80’s 80’s Italo disco
80’s 80’s radio Amsterdam trance Absolute trance

Many thanks

Hi @StickBiv,

Wevhave those already:

80s80s Party:

80s80s Italo Disco:

80s80s: Amsterdam trance: absolute trance:

Ref: - that is a network of ‘make your own’ radio stations. If there are particular channels then let us know the name and we’ll add them. We’ve avoided imported them all as 1000’s are just nothing stations and makes it harder to find real stations. Need to keep a level of quality in the system. Same is true for where we have been selective.



Hi @wemorgan

Re: global podcasts. We have some.

Go in the uk view, go to brands->global->podcasts.




Go to app settings->tap for options

That should fix it.