New service and repair costs?

Agreed also an opportunity to tell a driver something else needs doing at great cost…

They came to mind when I was posing my question. ATC possibly, Linn, no. How many other UK hi-fi companies offer the service that Naim can?

I am going no further with Naim ownership other than what I currently have. funds permitting, active speakers replacing the power amps is the most likely course I will take, so I will not be incurring DR level costs, although buying the speakers will obviously cost me.

Whilst not cheap, the price I paid in 2020 was less than I was expecting, and not bad considering the transformer -based products had not been serviced since 2005

Didn’t know quad were in Huntingdon. I spent some time in Cambridge and know the area well. I have quad L11 and L 22 speakers in a separate system and knowing where they were designed is nice to know :slightly_smiling_face:
I have had two items repaired and serviced by Naim and the experience was great and very reasonable. I would have prefered not to have known the prices posted here and will continue to speak with my dealer regarding service and repairs and am confident the price though perhaps higher than previous will remain appropriate.

I thought Quad were made in China now and part of a Chinese conglomerate - I forget their name

Yes IAG. But the servicing is still done in Huntingdon.

IAG of course - my memory is watchamacallit


I believe they also respond to watchamacallit!

Unnecessary here in the US. You can send NAIM gear either to NAIM NA (a little more complicated as they are actually in Canada) or AV Options - the only NAIM-authorized service center in the US, that I am aware of.

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Interesting. Here in the US, those manufacturers have all maintained their outrageous servicing costs. The only change is that all the other manufacturers (US, Japan, Korea) have raised their prices into those stratospheric regions also!

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It’s probably also worth noting that some of those manufacturers have introduced service plans because their build quality and reliability were so bad. The service plans were to attract back customers who didn’t want the massive risk of service and repair costs.

Which isn’t really anything like the situation with Naim.

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Worth noting while we’re discussing manufacturers who continue supporting their legacy products that Michell Engineering offer superb service to owners too, just back from the factory and while there saw plenty of 1970’s turntables being refurbished to ‘as new’. They told me they can service/repair every turntable they have ever made and at quite modest cost too.




Yes. The service plan and Personal purchase plans with large bubble payments at plan end are all designed to give an impression of low running costs and the pcp encourages the customer to roll the contract into another new pcp at term end. The end result is the dealer moves more cars and the customer carries high costs in depreciation.
Service hourly costs at main dealers in the UK are ridiculously high. However, most servicing these days is checks and measures. Lots of long life oils and sealed components.

The positive to the service and repair costs listed by Naim is that afaik they are max costs, which does avoid nasty surprises and will hopefully avoid anyone binning a Naim product just because it stopped working.

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I realized the naim repair costs are high. My unit broke on the first year of badly using it. Happily is on warrantie, but after warrantie goes out I will sell it because my confidence did go out on the product.

I have had a lot of gear in my life, strangely only the most expensive broke, LINN unidisc 1.1, mark levinson 383, and NDX 2 where the only units I have had that broke in less than an year.

LINN exchanged the unit for a new one after a month in repair, the levinson was more than an year in repair, and my NDX 2 I will have to wait 3 months as an estimate from the dealer.

I can say that my experience with high end is not that good……


Your Mark Levinson in repair for a year?? Wow, how can one explain that!

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Porsche in Sheffield do the same although the final bill is still eye watering!

Actually 14 months waiting for a circuit board, sold it immediately after being repaired.

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Just to revive the service questions.
I called my dealer (Audio-T) & booked my SuperNait (1) in.
Dealer at first said last time he heard it was a 10 week wait for a service slot, he then e-mailed back that its booked in & to bring in to him on (or before) 20-July.
Here’s hoping for a short turn around.
Whatever my Nait-2 on the 2nd system is going into main system duties, should be a fun listen, hopefully only for a week or so


Keep us up to date, Mike. My SN1 will go for service too in the next year. Looking forward for (positive) experiences!

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Just to add a bit more real world experience. I got my 52, SC and 135s serviced about 2 month’s ago. It took 2 weeks including sending them off and getting them back.

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Thanks Mathew, some good news to add to the hope my SuperNait also has a fast turnaround.