New service and repair costs?

[quote=“sktn77a, post:175, topic:21079” I deal directly with the repair facility and bypass this dealer completely.

That’s exactly what I would like to do…or go through another Naim dealer only 25 minutes away from me. How did you get authorization to bypass your original dealer? Thanks.

You can go to any Naim dealer. Obviously if the supplying dealer only just supplied it to you then going through them is the sensible thing to do, but after a couple of years, it makes no difference which Naim dealer you use.

Looking at the cost to DR a 250-2 any owners contemplating this must be thinking…… nah!
The differential between selling or p/x ‘ing and buying new or used is far more attractive


I traded my 250-2 against a
250DR when they first came out. In fact got a discount on the dealer’s ex-dem 250DR.

Not that I have one anymore, but when I did, Porsche Silverstone would service ‘classic’ models at a lower hourly rate than newer ones!


As have BMW in the past.Don’t think they do so now though

Yes I have thank you, and they’re in a dialogue with your company apparently. I’ve been told any delay is to do with Naim’s rigorous checks on CD mechanisms, which I suspect is stretching the truth a little as it’s just a cheap (£85) TEAC CD Rom drive.
Gotta be honest I’m very disappointed with the Star over this. I had my Nait 3 for 25 years, I’ll be lucky if I get half of that out of this machine

Just perhaps pushing for this list may have been counterproductive???

The cost of repairs and service via my dealer were always very reasonable and were part of the reason I felt comfortable investing in Naim products. Some of the stated prices here would make Me concerned if I had a six plus box system.


Clarity on pricing helps me make a decision about future purchases. I love my existing naim boxes but I now have a better idea about future possible purchases if secondhand.
At the start of this I merely asked what repair/service charges would be.

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I think the trouble is everyone sees the headline number. I stopped counting at “8” being the number of times the advice was to speak to your dealer. I’m sure there’s always scope to negotiate for a small issue, even if a full blown service at its due date comes in at the guideline price. Equally, if you took a bunch of boxes to a dealer to have them all serviced, I’d hope that, well, they’d do you a deal.

Not saying the clarity isn’t useful, but lots of people seemed to just see the worst case.

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Yes. Develop a relationship with a dealer seem the best advice on this thread

Personally i’ve always had great service from the various dealers I’ve used. Lots of additional services like setting up my system when I moved house for example.

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All this talk of service and repair makes me think lifetime costs. Others here refer to car servicing which then makes me wonder if Naim should offer a service plan as an option at time of purchase.

Other thought - perhaps a manufacturer approved used scheme.

Also if there was a lease scheme I might be able to put the costs through the business.

You can take it a step further. If repair cost gets out of hand we can always do what we did to cars, total the damn thing.

It is a matter of context: a 55-series rig (pre/power/streamer/2xp/s), some Kudos 808’s/full-spec Linn LP12 plus associated cables and an external phono stage would cost when bought brand new in excess of £150k. This puts one firmly in the luxury car market with attendant running costs, for example. (I do realise that this is comparing apples to pears, but is illustrative of where the 5-series market is).

In 2020, I had my 52/supercap/135s serviced (including Pots8) for approximately 20% of the current cost of a 500DR upgrade. My gear is now in the banger class, in automotive terms, (or being a practical classic perhaps) but could still be serviced to spec. by the manufacturer despite the youngest piece being 25 years old at the time.

Rhetorically, how many other hi-fi companies could provide this service?

As @Haim has said above, one could bin the lot if deemed b.e.r.


Yes this kind of puts things in perspective and the reason why I did not do any DR upgrades.
I did the same with all my stuff in 2021.
The next service will probably only do the power amps and that’s it


The car servicing analogy is interesting but
I think Naim is more in the premium bracket with the occasional halo product.

Porsche, bmw, Mercedes, jaguar, Land Rover all moved to reasonable cost servicing and service plans many years ago. They want to move cars in quantity and making perceived running costs low helps that.

Tesla running costs are smaller again than ICE.

The automotive analogy was a bit basic, but my point was if you purchase the system to which I have alluded, you are in BMW 760li territory. It is to be expected that running costs will be greater than a 118d. If you can afford the initial outlay, then expect costs to be commensurate.

At least you can get things repaired. I had an E34 540i,1995-vintage. I could not get an exhaust system, so unfortunately it had to go.

You pays your money you takes your choice.

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Hold on a minute. So called ‘car service plans’ are mostly nothing more than an inspection (with a big thing being made of the included oil and filter change - something that takes minutes and costs the dealer a tiny fraction of the ‘service’ bill. Anything deemed necessary beyond that will cost you plenty. You could easily end up paying 2-3 times the original ‘service’ charge for something as mundane as a full set of brake pads.


Yep. As I said “They want to move cars in quantity and making perceived running costs low helps that.”

BMW charged me £2.5k for a seized on wheel hub that took them days to sort. Similar dealer behaviour from Land Rover.

That’s why I changed to Tesla. Low running costs fewer parts 75,000 miles and going strong.

Quad has always serviced all their products.

The philosophy is different from Naim because they repair rather than service, but it’s on a fixed price per unit for them to work on it plus parts at cost. A friend of mine had his 909 power amplifier repaired by them a couple of years ago. The fixed price was £75 plus carriage and they charged him for £25 of components. And VAT.

The other difference is that they are happy to deal directly with the owner and you can drop the kit off at their workshop in Huntingdon if you prefer to do it that way.