Nice Photos

Looks a nice place to be.

What’s all that blue stuff among the clouds?


Dunno - some type of weird cloud we don’t get in Blighty?

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I’ve heard rumours about clouds like that. Fortunately they are only in foreign places.

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Nice Bialeti

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This crowded isle - From Gun Hill South & North


A couple of bridges on the river in town.


My home town the Hutt Valley. Wellington harbour with the Wellington City in the distance, the Hutt Valley being a commuter town. Soames Island in the harbour was a quarantine station. During the World wars the island was an interment camp for a German Army band in WW1, and local Italian families in WW2. The Italians were a large part of the Wellington fishing industry to this day. The small island is called Leper island and was the lonely home of a Chinese man for many years. Food was sent via an overhead cable from the large island until he wasted away from leprosy.
Photos just snaps nothing special during a bike ride on the hills.


Snaps from a pleasant walk this morning. In the harbour shot you can just see “Tons-of-Grief” in the background.


The Shop Floor.


Does my bum look big in this?


Someone wants to check out the picture of Catherine and her kids. Very odd hands and editing!

Oooh, it’s just been pulled. Quite bizarre.

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More conspiracy theories abounding now it’s the main news item this morning :roll_eyes:
To be honest I didn’t see the issues with the children’s hands; the first thing I noticed was no rings on Catherine’s left hand.

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I noticed Catherine’s right hand is oof, the boy’s jumper she’s holding isn’t.
His right hand looks wonk, funny finger crossing and a stubby left index finger, with no finger nail visible on middle finger, could be legit and just a bit awkward tho’.
And yes, the one everyone’s commenting on re the girl’s wrist. I wonder if she had her fingers crossed too and that’s what’s been edited.
Likely, nothing sinister and just shonky editing.
I don’t always wear my wedding ring around the house, even for my official photos…

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It was Kate wot done it!

Source: BBC online

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Nest building season.


Just a casual family snapshot of me, the wife and the kids enjoying Mother’s Day.

Group shot


Art © ► @banksy



No wonder the kid has his fingers crossed hoping nobody notices the massive cokc up(s). :sunglasses:

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A little hard to understand for a non-native?:thinking: